Chapter 193
This is a place full of magic, a place called the so-called hell of reincarnation. In this way, we rested all night without being sleepy, and embarked on the journey when the dawn was about to break. Fortunately, this The island is not very big, and we did not have a guide, so we went directly to the depths of the island, but there was a very obvious feeling that it was getting colder and colder, not because the weather was getting colder, but the deeper we went, the more we would Feeling more and more cold, and walking deeper, my teeth have already started to chatter.

"Who the hell left a refrigerator in the deep place without closing the door?" I muttered, I have put on all the clothes I can wear now, but I am not the worst, my mouth is miserable It’s Aza and the leader, because the two of them are dressed as sexy as Monkey King, except for the animal skin skirt, they are basically all naked, and the leader’s dark skin has already changed color from the cold, and Aza is not much better. , In the end, they put on thin clothes, just like this, I feel uncomfortable looking at them.

However, no one said anything, just continued on our way. According to the size of the island we guessed from the outside, we can walk back and forth on this island in one day, and we can even take a trip around the island if our feet allow it.

The only way we can restrain the cold is to walk faster, faster, and rely on the heat of exercise to resist it. This is a situation that violates natural phenomena. The corpse has changed, and I can understand it in my heart, but I can't let go of this kind of place that gets colder as I go to the center.

"If we really want to find a scientific explanation, in the hinterland of the center, there is a cold source, and the air-conditioning spreads around, so we will feel more and more cold." The young master of Songzhai told me so.

"But what exactly is this source, is it Haier's refrigerator, or the thousand-year-old ice iron in a martial arts novel?" I asked.

But this question, no one is destined to answer me, even when we walked closer and closer to the hinterland, we saw ice and snow, which made me very irritated with the cold in a single shoe.But he could only bite the bullet and move on.

The first creature we saw on this island turned out to be a dog, a native dog, but it looked very fierce. Don’t doubt it, it can’t be a tiger, because it is yellow, and its appearance scared us. One jump, in fact, in this kind of place, it is not surprising that a zombie or a ghost really appeared. The strange thing is that we saw a dog instead of a wolf. This dog has obvious traces of domestication. I was in the zoo I have seen wild dogs here, and they are too different in size and eyes.

"I think we should catch him and have a dog meat hot pot. The dog meat is hot, at least it can keep out the cold." The old man Sun said.Of course, this was a joke. After seeing us, the dog turned his head away as if he saw a weird person, and barked for a while.

"How timid, far more wrong than my tiger." I said, but the next moment, I couldn't laugh, because after the dog barked, I seemed to hear the barking of dogs one after another.

"Is this an echo, or did we encounter a group of dogs?" I wondered, the current situation gave me a sense of sight in Linjiazhuang, because at night in the countryside, if you attract a dog to bark , There will be one after another of shouts spreading to the whole village.I subconsciously picked up the micro-charger I was carrying to deal with the group of dogs that would rush over next. We did not stop and walked through the woods. What came into view was a monster that was enough to make each of us dizzy. Almost indefensible scene.

This is a village. There is a village in this kind of place, which is already strange enough. More importantly, we are too familiar with this village. It is because we are so familiar that we feel that we are insane.I slapped myself, and I couldn't even describe the strange feeling in my heart. You used to be very familiar with a place, but in another place, you saw exactly the same place as the place you were familiar with.

This village is almost exactly the same as the village in Aza, no matter from the style and structure of the houses to the layout. There may be some differences between them, but now I can't tell the difference.All of us present have been to this place, so everyone's eyes froze almost immediately after seeing the village, and then looked at Aza.

I remembered what my second uncle once said to me: "Among us, there is one person who controls everything."

I always had a premonition that it would be Aza, but I warned myself time and time again that it would not be this simple person. At that moment, I stared at Aza's eyes, and I saw his pupils contracting violently.

"I don't know, I really don't know." Aza whispered a little confused.I looked at the leader again, this guy was completely sluggish, seeing the mouth of this village opened wide, I guess he is still confused, has he turned back to his village?

"It's not difficult to understand. It may be said that the group of people outside is just a branch here. They imitated the architectural style here and built their own village outside." I explained to several people. Up to now, I There is no way to doubt Aza.

"The question is what should we do now? Enter the village?" Song Zhai's young master said.

Our current situation is that after a question is asked, few people answer it, because no one can know, or at this time it is very clear that, yes, this is what we do. The feeling of the river, no one knows the next step, how to go, like now, enter the village, or not, no one talks, but we have to move our feet, walking to this place looks special Weird village.

Then, we saw a group of people coming out from the entrance of the village. The appearance of this group of people was very calm, and it was the same as Linjiazhuang. , just stood such a group of people.

Two of them looked exactly like the two people beside us. At this moment, this weird feeling turned into coldness, which made me feel like trembling instantly. Yes, it was among the villagers on the opposite side. There is an Aza, and there is a leader. Except for the different clothes, everything else is the same, especially the face.

I have a micro-charger in my hand, but I don't know who to aim at, is it the people at the entrance of the village, or the people around me?

"Don't be nervous, and don't act rashly. Understand the situation first." The second uncle said to us at this time. Even though he said this, I already felt that there was a murderous aura bursting out of him, and the target was Aza beside him.

At this moment, Aza's whole body was trembling. We continued to walk there, but he and the leader could no longer move. Song Zhai's young master, the bullet was already loaded, and he showed it to Aza and the others. hostility.And I really don't know what to say.

was copied?Not only copied the whole village, but also copied people?When I saw Aza in a padded jacket at the entrance of the village, I thought of two faces for the first time. This was a mystery that troubled me for a long time at the beginning, but was gradually accepted by me.

Father and second uncle, if the two of them stood at the entrance of Azha's village at this time, would they also give people a strong sense of dizziness without knowing it?I tried hard to think, just to think of a reasonable explanation for this matter, the purpose is very simple, in my mind, to excuse Aza, who is the weirdest at the moment, and tell myself that Aza is not a bad person.

But at this moment, Aza became the leader, and at the same time, he threw something at us all. All of this was caught off guard, and my eyes felt stinging in an instant, and almost at the same time, There was a gunshot, and my uneasy heart sank completely when Aza threw something at me, but I still didn't want to shoot. It wasn't lime, but a strange thing that came together After the initial sting, we quickly regained our vision.

When we saw the sky again, there were bloodstains on the ground, but no one was there.

Master Song Zhai's shot hit one of the two of them, but they didn't stay.

(End of this chapter)

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