Chapter 184
There are too many of these bugs, they can't be crushed to death simply by rolling over, and the most important thing is that they have a strong desire to attack, and their black fangs seem to want to eat everything , I was rolling like this, when my strength was always at a loss, I was so hungry that I hadn’t eaten just now, when my sleeping bag was bitten by these bugs like the elders’ clothes of the beggar gang, I said to the stone girl: "Really leave me alone, if you can escape later, run away." ——I just wanted to touch the light of the stone girl, at least get close, and the bugs would not bite me, but I found that I was wrong. It's not fear, but lack of interest. In the end, I was still thinking that Shi Nu has no blood, so she doesn't have the suppression of blood. So, could it be because I am a man and Shi Nu is a woman? ?
I can only rely on this kind of random thinking to divert my attention, because otherwise, I will be tortured to death by the pain all over my body. , Pushing her aside, I stopped and found that there were no Hei San, Erdan Lin and Fatty Liu in the surrounding area. Looking up, there was a sea of ​​bugs, rolling in the sleeping bag, with no sense of direction. I don't even know when I got lost with them. Whether they are alive or dead now, maybe I am still confused. Did all this happen too suddenly?

The stone girl was not pushed away by me, but fell on me at this time, using her body to resist these bugs for me, I know, even if it is like this, it won't last long, when a person is about to die, I always think of many things, many people, many people I feel sorry for in this life. After thinking about it, I think of Xiaolan, I think of Jiuliang, I think of Wu Miaoke and Lin Xiaoyao, including the cute Lin Jiadi , Wait, wait, looking at my life, it's not really a failure, is it?There are confidante, there are brothers who share life and death, I treat everyone with sincerity, maybe now that I am dead, the only person I am sorry for is my grandpa.

I have planned so much for me, and I died before I had time to discover my own potential. Does this mean that I died before leaving the teacher and made the hero burst into tears?
Just when I closed my eyes in despair, I found that the bugs on my body suddenly became flustered, not only the bugs, I even heard the noise around me, I thought I had appeared What an illusion, until I saw a group of people coming, they looked like primitive people, everyone's body, body, figure and clothes, looked like people from the primitive tribe where Aza was, but I was really tired at this time , not sleepy, just tired.

When I was lifted up by two people, I opened my eyes and saw Aza, who was considered to be from the same school as me. I bit the tip of my tongue to make sure I was dreaming, but Aza in front of me was still the same. Now, this is true, this is not a dream, I remember the last sentence I said to them was: "Go save the fat man." After I finished speaking, I fell into a coma. Many and dizzy.

When I woke up, I was still lying in the arms of the stone girl. A green herbal medicine with a pungent smell was applied to my body. I only had a pair of underwear all over my body. A cluster of bonfires, the feeling of turning a corner is definitely not as good as I imagined. At this moment, I feel that there is no place in my body that is not painful. This feeling is even more uncomfortable than death. I struggled to sit up, but found I have no strength left.Shi Nu helped me up, fed me some water with a military kettle, and called out to the distance: "He's awake."

I remembered the sound of footsteps, and when I looked up again, I saw Aza's face. He looked at me and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can't die for the time being." After I said this, I felt short of breath. Aza grabbed my hand and said: "You are very weak now, don't talk too much, the other people , my people have already started looking for it.”

I closed my eyes, yes, I went to look for it, that is to say, the fate of the fat man is still uncertain up to now?The stone girl fed me something, and I continued to sleep. Maybe it was not sleepiness, but the self-hibernation chosen by the body under extreme weakness. I don’t know how long I slept this time. Every time, it was After opening his eyes and asking if they found it, he fell into a deep sleep again.Asleep, it's just a dream, an endless nightmare.

My heart is completely messed up.

It may be three days, or four days later, I can finally stand up and barely walk, it is at this time that I know what the stone girl is feeding me these days, the bugs are the kind that attack us Worms, because I saw that people in the tribe used a stick with a string of worms to start a BBQ over there. If it was normal, I would definitely vomit, but now I don’t feel that way. I also asked many things at this time, why this tribe is not afraid of this kind of insect, but my inquiry was not answered, because Aza was not there, he was outside, leading people to look for my lost companion.

The place where I am now is a cave. This cave is very deep, and it seems that there is no end in sight. I sat there and wanted to make a long burning lamp for the fat man and the others to pray for safety, but the materials did not allow it. , Aza finally came back, and this time, he didn't get nothing. He brought back a person. Looking at his figure, I ruled out the fat one. I almost ran over with tears in my eyes, making sure that this person didn't have any good flesh in his body. People, it's black three.

"Is he dead?" I tremblingly asked Aza.

"Don't worry, he is still breathing weakly. We found him in the swamp, pulling a rope, and he saved himself at the last moment." Aza said to me.

"Then why are you still standing there?! Take me to the hospital!" I yelled, and immediately slapped myself again. Where did the hospital come from?I acted like a lunatic. Aza squeezed my shoulder. This is an action that can make people relax instantly. He said to me: "I can save him, but whether it works or not is not certain. This matter Hard to say."

"Please, save him!" When I heard this, I was so excited that I was about to kneel down to Aza. He helped me up and said, "Don't do that, you forgot, you are the head?" He had a smile on his face when he spoke and even wiped a tear from my face.

"Bullshit master, don't want it, I'll give it to you!" I said.

"The head of the Ghost Dao cannot step down unless he dies." Aza said to me meaningfully.

I was not talking, because after Aza said this to me, he set out to rescue Hei San. He lay Hei San flat on the ground, and applied a layer of herbal medicine similar to mine on his body. Then, he sat facing the open space and kowtowed a few times.After finishing all this, he poured the juice from the herbal medicine that he had smashed just now into Hei San's mouth, and then asked the tall and big leader to say something I couldn't understand. From the meaning, it should be to tell him to go over and help.

Aza arched his legs slightly, the leader hugged Hei San, and placed his stomach on Aza's knees. After all this was done, Aza put his hand on Hei San's back, and used his thumb to hold back The position of Hei San's spine seems to be moving upward step by step along the joints of the spine.

Finally, not knowing the position of the first few vertebrae, Aza slapped it hard suddenly, and Hei San began to vomit, all of which were green things, and the stinky leader kept fanning his nose with his hand Wind, I saw struggling insects in those green waters.

After Hei San vomited, Aza repeated this until Hei San had only retched up and down and couldn't vomit anymore. Aza wiped the sweat from his forehead, put Hei Sanping on the ground, and said: " Whether he can live or not depends on his good fortune, but to be honest, there should be little hope."

(End of this chapter)

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