Chapter 1778: Chapter 451

Suddenly there was a scream in the distance.

The voice wasn't close, because it was far away, so it didn't sound very clear, but even so, the fear and pain contained in the voice still made people startled.

Even the birds in the dense forest were startled, and rushed straight into the sky.

For a moment, all attention was attracted.

The guards who were closer had already run in that direction.

What happened?There should be no enemies here.Yang Churuo immediately walked towards the direction of the sound.

"Empress Dowager, something is wrong. Xuanyuan Jinhong's body is gone."

Xuanyuan Jinhong's body disappeared, was it stolen by someone, or was he not dead at all?

She slashed his throat, can she still not die?
A guard knelt down to Yang Churuo, "Your subordinate is not good for guarding, so please forgive me!"

The guard looked ashamed, and his voice was low with anger and guilt.

The other guards knelt down together with him. At this moment, everyone was full of doubts.

In the end what happened?
Yang Churuo thought for a while, and said, "Immediately count our manpower and see if anyone is missing."

A man kneeling on the ground in the crowd replied, "Yesterday we suffered heavy casualties, and there were less than a dozen people left. Just now... just now, another brother left. Now everyone is here."

In this way, there is no problem with one's own people.

After ruling out the suspicion of an inner ghost, the greatest possibility is that Xuanyuan Jinhong is not dead...

"Did you check his body at that time, and did you ask someone to go up and fix the wound?" Feng Qingyang said.

All the guards shook their heads, that something would happen to the emperor, everyone was busy and didn't notice her at all.

Yang Churuo also shook her head. She was confused at the time, and her mind was blurred. She only remembered that Xuanyuan Jinhong fell to the ground, but raised his head and looked at her. That face, those eyes, made her feel so nervous. Anger is at its peak.

She remembered that she aimed at his throat, she remembered that she swung the knife down, she remembered the scene of blood rushing, and she also remembered that he fell straight into the mud...

And then, what happened?
A pensive look appeared on Yang Churuo's face, she couldn't even link this memory into a completed clue, only sporadic pictures flashed in her mind.

Yesterday, she saw Chu Yuchen being hit hard by Xuanyuan Jinhong and fell to the ground. In just a split second, she lost all sanity, he lost his breath, and he was bleeding continuously.

The smell of blood and his pale face are constantly stimulating her, and what makes her heart rise is the urge to kill and revenge. She never knew that she could be so crazy and so desperate.

But under the rage and loss of reason, even she herself was not sure whether she really killed Xuanyuan Jinhong.

Did he die, or was he just hurt by himself?

Yang Churuo asked himself, but couldn't find the answer.

"It's my fault." Feng Qingyang blamed himself, yesterday, after the fierce battle, he almost collapsed, seeing his mother's frantic eyes and his father lying on the ground lifelessly, he forgot everything.

"I have already sent guards to chase after him, but there may not be much hope. No one has seen which direction he is running. This dense forest extends in all directions. We don't have enough manpower, so it may be difficult to chase him."

If he can be more careful and think more, such a situation will not happen.

Feng Qingyang thought for a while, then continued, "Yesterday when Xuanyuan Jinhong appeared, his aura was extremely frightening. Even if I used my inner breath to detect his location, I was shocked by that aura for a moment. He was very powerful at that time. , is so powerful that it is unimaginable.”

Yang Churuo nodded, but did not interrupt Feng Qingyang's narration.

"But..." Feng Qingyang frowned slightly, "As the battle continues, I can feel that his internal energy is getting weaker and weaker." He has never seen such a situation, although the battle will consume Part of the internal energy is like this for everyone, but like Xuanyuan Jinhong, he has never seen one that can be consumed so quickly and obviously.

There was no one like that, even as far as he knew.

Yang Churuo's brows also frowned, as the fighting breath became weaker and weaker?This sounds almost unbelievable, because although fighting consumes an endless supply of internal energy, it can also stimulate and generate internal energy. This is why martial arts practitioners need continuous training.

"Father told me not to touch his body..." Feng Qingyang's heart gradually became clear, and all the clues finally became a thread in his heart.

He spoke faster and faster, "Xuanyuan Jinhong is practicing magic skills. He can absorb other people's internal energy and use it for him, but he has no internal energy himself."

"I don't have internal strength, but other people's internal strength..." Yang Churuo murmured Feng Qingyang's words repeatedly, doubts abounded in his heart, the world is full of wonders, and there is such a kung fu in the world, isn't it like others have been in the cold and heat for ten years, day and night Work hard like a miser and carefully accumulate money.

And Xuanyuan Jinhong is Jiang Yang's bandit, who directly snatched money from others?

Who can defeat such a person?
Cold sweat broke out on Yang Churuo's head, and he knew Xuanyuan Jinhong another layer.

Feng Qingyang continued: "Once he can't absorb other people's internal energy, then he will form a state where he can only get out and not get in..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately understood, yes, if using things as a metaphor, a person like Feng Qingyang who cultivates his own inner strength is like a well, if water is drawn continuously, the water level will temporarily drop, but Soon there will be a new internal force that has been spawned to supplement it, at most it is only the length of time for supplementation.

But Xuanyuan Jinhong can't generate internal force by himself, so he is more like a water cup, there is as much water as there is, once the water in the water cup is exhausted, the cup cannot produce water by itself.It needs to be refilled with water. For him, fighting is pure consumption, so Feng Qingyang has the feeling that his aura is gradually weakening.

Could it be that this is the biggest weakness of Mo Gong?
If this is the case, then why is the magic power still so feared by the world, almost to the point where it turns pale after hearing it, and it can make people run away?
Don't touch your body, don't let Xuanyuan Jinhong touch your body, Yang Churuo seems to feel something is wrong.

"I've heard that magic kung fu can absorb other people's internal energy through weapons, and it can be used all over the body...Could it be..." Before she finished speaking, Feng Qingyang immediately answered: "He practiced It's not too long!"

"That's what I think in my heart." Yang Churuo nodded, Feng Qingyang's conjecture was in line with his thoughts, it seems that Xuanyuan Jinhong has not been practicing magic arts for a long time, so he can only pass The direct contact between the palm and the human body absorbs the internal force of the opponent.

As for the internal force absorbed into his body, as long as it cannot be replenished in time, it will continue to be consumed and reduced, and will soon be exhausted.

As long as Xuanyuan Jinhong is not given a chance to replenish his internal strength, he can be subdued!

Such thoughts rose in the hearts of the two of them at the same time.

It seems that Xuanyuan Jinhong has never encountered such a master as Feng Qingyang. After all, Feng Qingyang's inner strength is thick and long, which can be said to be a rare master in the world.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have wasted his internal energy so much in the beginning.


After going through such a battle, will Xuanyuan Jinhong find a solution to this problem?
Things gradually became clear, like a hidden reef emerging from the surface of the water.

"It's possible that even Xuanyuan Jinhong doesn't know that his internal energy will be consumed so quickly after meeting a master. For example, if an ant drinks a glass of water, the consumption will be extremely limited. But if an elephant drinks it, I'm afraid even rinsing his mouth is not enough. The characters he met before were all people who couldn't consume so much of his internal energy, and he has never faced such masters as Chu Huang and Feng Qingyang."

In fact, what few people didn't know was that Xuanyuan Jinhong was best at sneak attacks. Before he was exposed, except for Shui Ling who was brutally killed by him, no one had guessed that he was the mysterious murderer.

And relying on other people's unpreparedness, he can easily find opportunities to get close. As long as he quickly touches the other party's body while the other party is not paying attention, he can obtain a steady stream of internal strength, and the other party will also because of Sudden loss of internal strength and died.

His opponents basically died from his sneak attack.

The massacre in the General's Mansion of Chu State was Xuanyuan Jinhong's only direct confrontation, but there were so many generals and soldiers in the General's Mansion, it was not difficult to find a few masters with internal strength as a source of "food". It will behave like a ghost, always maintaining a prosperous and abundant internal force.

In the dense forest, Chu Yuchen and Feng Qingyang are the only two experts who can be called masters, but they are all on guard against him, so that he has no chance to attack. supplementary effect.

Therefore, there will be such an obvious phenomenon of continuous decline in internal strength.

Feng Qingyang's expression showed a bit of sadness, "I felt that his internal energy dropped significantly after Father was hit by his palm... It seems that Father consumed most of his energy at that time. Internal force."

Feng Qingyang's eyes dimmed, showing some guilt and self-blame.

"It's not your fault." Yang Churuo put his hand on Feng Qingyang's shoulder, and said softly: "Shang'er, mother knows that you have tried your best."

Feng Qingyang held Yang Churuo's hand on the shoulder with Feng Qingyang's hand, and the mother and son held each other tightly, trying to give each other support and strength.

They used to depend on each other and separated for many years, but from the moment they reunited, the emotions and hearts of the two people were tightly linked again, which is probably the case for the so-called mother-child connection.

Feeling the warmth from Yang Churuo's palm, Feng Qingyang's mood calmed down slightly.

Mother didn't blame him, she still trusted him, this gave Feng Qingyang great comfort.

"Why didn't he take the opportunity to absorb Yuchen's internal energy?" If he could absorb the opponent's internal energy just by touching his palm, wouldn't it be a rare opportunity when he came into contact with Chu Yuchen?
The two fell into contemplation at the same time. Indeed, this is unreasonable. If Xuanyuan Jinhong can absorb the internal energy of others with the palm of his hand, it is obvious that he can obtain Chu Yuchen's internal energy by taking the opportunity, which is far better than shaking Chu Yuchen away with his palm. more favorable to him.

Why doesn't he do it?
In order not to let Chu Yuchen die?
This doesn't make sense, Xuanyuan Jinhong's palm at that time was definitely cruel, and he didn't show any mercy.

It's like a hungry person who sees a handful of clear spring, but instead of drinking it, sprinkles it all over the ground, which is completely inexplicable.

He definitely didn't mean to be merciful to Chu Yuchen's subordinates on purpose. Looking back on those masters who died under Xuanyuan Jinhong's subordinates, it can be seen that he is not picky about the types of internal skills and cultivation methods of the other party.

That is to say, no matter what kind of internal force the opponent is using or what sect he is from, he can absorb it and use it for himself.

That being the case, why not just Chu Yuchen's?

In terms of inner strength and orthodoxy, Chu Yuchen should be the best choice.

Why did he give up Chu Yuchen's internal strength instead?
At such a critical moment, at the moment of success or failure...

The atmosphere became tense, and the adjutant on the side didn't dare to interrupt the conversation of the three, although their conversation made him feel confused.But at this moment, the silence made him feel even more pressure.

A look of impatience flashed in the eyes of the deputy general. Xuanyuan Jinhong might have escaped. He didn't have many people on his side, and it was unknown how powerful Xuanyuan Jinhong really was.

They don't have time to study this here...

Seeing the time passing by little by little, the impatience in the lieutenant's heart became more urgent.

Seeing that both of them were silent and lost in thought, the deputy general had no choice but to walk up to Feng Qingyang cautiously, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, we are running out of time, Xuanyuan Jinhong is afraid to escape, if If that's the case, I'm afraid his subordinates will attack in a short time, and we must leave first. The subordinates will clean up now, do you think it's okay? Your Majesty, time is running out."

Feng Qingyang nodded slowly, the lieutenant general said well, it is still time to study carefully, their top priority is to get out of here first.Just about to tell the deputy general to prepare.But I heard Yang Churuo eagerly grabbed the lieutenant general and asked, "What did you just say?"

The lieutenant is terrifying, did he say something wrong just now?

But since Yang Churuo asked him, he had no reason not to answer, he hesitated and replied: "The subordinate just said that since Xuanyuan Jinhong has escaped..."

Yang Churuo interrupted him and asked, "The last sentence!"

The lieutenant immediately repeated: "This subordinate just said that I'm afraid time is running out."

Yang Churuo's eyes lit up, he turned around, and said to the crowd: "Time? Even though Xuanyuan Jinhong can absorb people's internal energy, it can't be done in an instant, and every breath of a master's fight takes time. He can decide the outcome. Therefore, he didn't have time to absorb Yuchen's internal energy."

This is the only reasonable explanation. What the deputy general said just now reminded her that it takes time to do anything.

Although they have never seen the scene of Xuanyuan Jinhong absorbing internal energy, what they both thought of at the same time was the speed at which the internal energy travels through the meridians. Taking Feng Qingyang as an example, he needs to use his internal energy for a small cycle. At least two cups of tea, and this is when he is trying his best to speed up. No matter how fast Xuanyuan Jinhong is, the width of the meridians is limited after all. middle.

"Yes, that's true. At that time, it was not only Chu Yuchen who fought against him, but also Feng Qingyang, so if he spent time absorbing the internal energy of Emperor Chu, he would definitely be able to deal with Feng Qingyang infinitely. This is the real reason why he gave up. !"

Yes, if Xuanyuan Jinhong dared to absorb Chu Yuchen's ability at that time, it happened to be an opportunity for Feng Qingyang to kill Xuanyuan Jinhong with a sharp sword.

Xuanyuan Jinhong obviously understood this, so he resolutely chose to give up.

When facing the enemy, he fought against two masters alone, but he was still able to handle it with ease, and even had time to think about it.

What a scary person...

The thoughts in everyone's mind are exactly the same.

"But the internal strength needed to shoot down the father exceeds his imagination, so I can feel his aura has changed significantly, which is why he was able to be knocked to the ground by me later." Feng Qingyang continued Said loudly.

Yang Churuo nodded. In this way, the whole matter becomes clear. Xuanyuan Jinhong is still their biggest opponent. Now that he knows all about him, they can have a chance to kill him. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

"And the big green horse finally used up the internal energy he saved to escape!" Feng Qingyang's voice was low, and the death of the big green horse was still in front of his eyes. Jinhong would have escaped then.

"So, when he saw me walking over, he retained the little internal energy left in his body, because he could see that although I was frantic at the time, my combat power was the weakest among our side, and some With Chang'er here, if he runs away directly, I'm afraid there is little hope of success." Yang Churuo said in a low voice.

Yang Churuo carefully analyzed in his heart why Xuanyuan Jinhong would let him slit his neck open without any resistance.Because whether it is the guards or Feng Qingyang, their sanity is still there. As long as his reaction arouses their slightest suspicion, it will be followed by making up the knife and checking his body. Simply cut off his head.

But I can't, at least I can't at the time.

At that time, she was in a state of madness, all her thoughts were killing and revenge, and she was the one most likely to be ignored by everyone.

It's also the one most likely to miss...

That's why he didn't dodge when he saw her approaching with a knife.

Do not!
He dodged, he must have dodged, he must have tilted his head slightly in the direction of her swinging the knife, and passed the point so that her blade was not enough to cut his skin, even, she just thought she had cut his neck above.

Judging from the bleeding at the time, it was true that the effect of cutting on the neck was the same, but could the cunning Xuanyuan Jinhong use internal force to force out the blood to create such an illusion?

"That's true. I'm afraid that my mother didn't cut his vitals at that time. It is even possible that the blood mist was spurted out by his own internal force. The purpose is to confuse us and make us think that he is dead. Relax your vigilance, in this case, he will have a chance to escape when we are not paying attention." Feng Qingyang's voice contained hatred, and his thoughts were the same as Yang Churuo's.

This Xuanyuan Jinhong is not only possessed of magic skills, but also so cunning, it may not be easy to deal with him.

This time he was allowed to escape, even though it was because of the special circumstances at that time, it made everyone feel regretful.

But, why did he choose such a time to escape?
"But last night was the best time to escape..." Yang Churuo said with some doubts.

Yes, from any point of view, last night was the best time. Not only were people exhausted, but also Chu Yuchen was being treated.

The guards under him are all tired soldiers, and basically everyone is injured.With such a manpower, even if he escaped, it would be very difficult for them to dispatch men to chase him.

Since his disappearance will not be discovered immediately, this dense forest is different from other places.Xuanyuan Jinhong can run in any direction, and it is extremely difficult to search for it.

Why, he didn't do it?

Feng Qingyang suddenly thought of something, turned around, strode to the side of the guard who had just died, and began to examine his body carefully.He wants to verify his own thoughts, only in this way can he know whether what he guessed is the truth of the matter.

Yang Churuo walked to his side with doubts.Watching him unbutton the guard's clothes, exploring his body inch by inch with his hands.

The guard's face was ferocious, his eyes were wide open, and his mouth was almost long enough to fit a fist.

When he saw the "corpse" move suddenly, the horror in his heart was obvious.And Xuanyuan Jinhong reached out and grabbed him while he was in a daze.The technique used was completely in line with Xuanyuan Jinhong's sneak attack style.

Yang Churuo felt sad for a while, the appearance of this guard reminded her of those elders who had passed away, and their posthumous faces were exactly like this...

Xuanyuan Jinhong did too many crimes, and all the loyal elders died suddenly overnight.

When they died, they were hideously distorted, and they obviously suffered great pain, and the expressions of their family members crying and begging for their own decision, all came to mind in an instant.

What's more, there is the most important person to her, Chu Yuchen.He was hit to the brink of hell by his palm, and he was lifeless. As for himself, he once thought that he had gone, gone forever.

If Yi Shuchen hadn't arrived in time, maybe Chu Yuchen would really have left.

But Shuchen paid the price with his life for this, if not for Xuanyuan Jinhong, none of this would have happened.

All the people are still alive and well, enjoying the happiness that should belong to them.

The only person who is still alive is Chu Yuchen, but Chu Yuchen's life and death are unpredictable now...

What Xuanyuan Jinhong has done is not limited to these?

And the general...

Water Ling...

With so many innocent souls and so many screams, is this Xuanyuan Jinhong a human or a beast?When he dreams back at midnight, can he really feel at ease?Face what you have done with peace of mind, and face those who died in vain.

Yang Churuo's fists are getting closer and closer, she will kill him and avenge them.To appease their spirits in heaven, for them and for herself.

Feng Qingyang had already made a detailed inspection on the guards, and now he came to his own conclusion, stood up from the ground, Feng Qingyang sighed, and then turned around.

I saw Feng Qingyang's expression was serious, his brows became tighter and tighter, and he said to the two people: "Some of the guards have internal energy, and this one who just died is one of them. Obviously, Xuanyuan Jinhong sucked up his internal energy. That's why he didn't escape last night, what he was waiting for was not just a chance to escape, but also a chance to have enough strength to escape."

Everyone was extremely exhausted last night, burying the deceased brother, taking care of other injured guards, and at the same time thinking about whether the father could be successfully rescued.No one would approach Xuanyuan Jinhong's "corpse", so he never had a chance.

But unexpectedly, he actually endured it all night, lying here motionless all night...

What a persevering person.

Feng Qingyang secretly sighed in his heart, he didn't know the pain that Xuanyuan Jinhong had encountered and experienced, relatively speaking, lying on the ground for one night was not even a kind of torture to him.

Xuanyuan Jinhong could even take the opportunity to rest so that his escape would be smoother.

Feng Qingyang's idea was verified, but everyone's hearts became heavier.From this point of view, Xuanyuan Jinhong might be more difficult to deal with than they imagined.

Everyone fell into silence again, but the deputy general at the side ran over again and said to Feng Qingyang: "Your Majesty, the guards have returned, but no one has been chased."

The deputy general felt guilty, but his heart was full of helplessness. In such a big dense forest, finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but they only have this one person. It is also reasonable to find.

Feng Qingyang nodded, and said to the lieutenant general: "In this case, let's prepare. Let's set off as soon as possible and go to the city." After speaking, he looked at Yang Churuo worriedly and said: "Mother, I just want to work hard for you Running back and forth."

Yang Churuo shook his head, "I'm fine, it's just..."

But what about Chu Yuchen?Yi Shuchen said, we have to wait for him to wake up, if we move him now, will it be a failure?
It was not easy for him to be rescued, even at the cost of Yi Shuchen's life.

If it really caused some consequences because of this, she would regret it for the rest of her life, and she couldn't be easy for any situation that would cause bad consequences.

And Yi Shuchen...

She had to take his body away, she couldn't let him alone in this dense forest, alone.

She wants to take him out, to his favorite green mountains and green waters, where to find the best scenery to bury him, let him sleep in the place where there are flowers, birdsong, green pines and green cypresses.

Only such a place is worthy of him, only such a place is worthy of being his resting place.

Not here, not this cold, dark, bloody jungle.

He won't like this.

But Xuanyuan Jinhong's escape made the time extremely urgent. If Xuanyuan Jinhong's forces were nearby, if they counterattacked immediately, with only their existing manpower, I'm afraid...

But now move Chu Yuchen...

Is it too risky?

At this time, Chu Yuchen was still in a coma, and his handsome face was no longer as lifeless as it was yesterday. Although his face was still pale, the slight heaving of his chest due to breathing made people suddenly feel hopeful from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Churuo looked at him deeply, even in such a cold weather, he felt like there was a warm current in his heart.He's alive, he'll wake up...

All her love and hope are still there.

Slowly squatting down, Chu Yuchen's face in her eyes was enlarged and cleared a little bit, which made her feel inexplicably happy, and stretched out her hand involuntarily, Yang Churuo gently held his hand, feeling his body temperature , Just like a bowl of ginger soup in three or nine days, it makes people warm up immediately.

The body temperature seemed to have dispelled all the cold air, and also dispelled the haze in Yang Churuo's heart.

As long as he is there, she can resist everything and bear everything. Looking at his face, Yang Churuo's eyes are full of tenderness, and she whispers: "Yuchen, we are leaving now, this place is too dangerous... "

I was a little worried. After all, he hadn't woken up yet, and it wasn't suitable for him to go on the road now.But Xuanyuan Jinhong escaped, and maybe he will bring someone back soon, she can't risk staying here anymore, she must take him away.

A thick military blanket was spread on the ground, amidst Yang Churuo's repeated exhortations.Chu Yuchen was gently lifted up and placed on the military blanket.

Each of the four guards was guarding a corner of the military blanket, and they were all kneeling on one knee, using their marching belts to firmly tie the corners of the military blanket to their arms.

This move seemed to show their determination to Yang Churuo. No matter what they encountered, they would protect Chu Yuchen to the death. If they wanted to hurt Chu Yuchen at all, they would cut off the arms of the four of them first.

The belts firmly connected the guard's arms to the military blanket, and the four of them took a step back at the same time. The general blanket was held upright, and then they slowly got up. The entire military blanket was like a big bed, and Chu Yuchen was lying on it. superior.

Yi Shuchen's body was also wrapped in a military blanket, and the saddle was removed.The guards put him on horseback.

Li Shang looked at them in horror, since he woke up, no one has said a word to him, no one has looked at him.He knew that it wasn't that they couldn't see him, but that they disdain, disdain to look at him...

Now that they were leaving, what was he going to do?
Seeing the sadness in Yang Churuo's eyes, he didn't dare to appear in front of her, he hurt her so badly, even though it was not his original intention.

Li Chang moved a little, which immediately caught the attention of the lieutenant general. He looked over at him, and Li Chang gave him a sincere look.

The lieutenant turned his eyes away immediately, he knew his identity and knew that he could not decide his life or death, but according to his mood, even if this kid was cut alive, he would be sorry for the emperor and the empress dowager.

Li Chang saw that they had packed everything up, but no one asked him what to do. He stood up, and the sudden rush yesterday night caused the soft-soled brocade boots under his feet to be scratched, and his toes were bleeding. , dyed on the upper, it looks very miserable.

Looking down at his feet, he suddenly felt that he had returned to the past. Wasn't he like this in the past?No, it's worse than this...

is her……

Li Chang looked up at Yang Churuo, it was she who saved him, gave him such happiness and life, and rewritten his whole life.

She treats herself like her own, and he also vaguely knows that maybe she won't have another child.

He has always regarded her as his mother in his heart, although Li Shangshu's wife is also very kind to him, very good.But in his heart, the first person who treated him so tenderly was her.

He couldn't forget her eyes, those eyes with pity and pity, she didn't dislike his scars all over his body, he didn't dislike his filthy body, and she didn't dislike the smell emanating from him.

She didn't dislike anything, on the contrary, she was full of pity for him.

His attachment and admiration for her deepened day by day, almost to the point where he himself found it unbelievable, but she found Feng Qingyang, who was her real child, and the same eyes fell on her. On Feng Qingyang's body, that was the look she had given him, and only for him.

Now, he wants to share with him.

It's not that he hasn't persuaded himself, he tried to convince himself countless times that he is her child, and he is her child...

But every time he saw her, even for a short moment, seeing her staring at him like that, his heart would feel an inexplicable pain. He felt the pain of suffocation, the pain made him almost want to scream, want to scream, want to destroy everything.

She is pregnant again, and another child is due to be born.

Maybe, that look will never be given to him again?From then on, he will return to that kind of boundless darkness, as black as the whole sky is dyed with thick ink, in his world, there is no more light, no more warmth, all love, They all disappeared because of Feng Qingyang and the unborn child.

disappeared completely...

He would go back to those nightmare days. Without love, without her kindness to him, what fun is there in his life?
He still remembered those days, how could he forget?
life is better than death...

He woke up from the dark night again and again, the fear hid deep in his heart, he had to do something, he couldn't let this situation continue.He couldn't accept the fact that he would lose that gaze forever.

He was jealous, he hated, yes, he hated...

He hated Feng Qingyang, and also hated the child in her womb, they were the ones who took away everything he had already obtained...

What he expected, everything he had waited for for so many years.

He is nostalgic for her kindness and warm eyes, but all of these are getting farther and farther away from him, and they are withdrawing from his life little by little. He is flustered, that's why he behaves in a panic, and that's why he does something wrong .

But why doesn't she understand?Why doesn't she know that all of this is because of his love for her, a son's love for his mother, shouldn't it be understood and considered?

But she didn't...

She didn't have a word of comfort, she didn't have any warmth, she even just faced him with such a cold expression that made people feel cold all over.

He knew that everything had changed and he could never go back.I can't go back to the time when I was loved by her.

Li Shang stood up dumbly, watching the guards around him do everything, ready to set off.

He followed silently at the end of the team, wanting to leave with them, but he staggered and took two steps when the lieutenant general who was like an iron tower stood in front of him, his face was gloomy, as if covered with a thick layer The rocks with thick ice and snow are generally daunting.

Li Chang took a step back subconsciously, "You..."

Why did he block his way, and he just silently followed behind them, so, isn't that all right?
The lieutenant general said slowly, "Mr. Li, there is more than one way out of the dense forest. You should find another way!" His voice was deep and deep, like the rolling thunder before the rainstorm. Although it was depressing and dull, it was still In the ears, there is a thunderous momentum.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Li Chang all the time. Since he was captured yesterday, his eyes have hardly left for a moment, but even so, he still feels regretful in his heart. Why did he ignore such a vicious little boy? people?
If he could pay more attention, if he could guard him, so what?
The deputy general felt resentful in his heart, but he also knew that he couldn't kill him, he didn't have such right.All the high-ranking people in the team chose to ignore the existence of this person. They seemed to regard Li Chang as air at the same time.

But he can't, he thinks it's his own negligence, he will never allow Li Shang to make mistakes again, since they ignore him, no one will have any objections if he comes to stop him, right?
Seeing the deputy general stepping forward to stop Li Chang, all the guards glanced at them with resentment or disdain, and even one guard stared at Li Chang's face, spit on the ground with a "bah" in his mouth, stretched his feet Stepped on it, and trampled on the spit on the ground hard, as if trampling on Li Chang.

The lieutenant general is telling the truth. There is definitely more than one road leading to the dense forest. However, without Feng Qingyang's ability, he would not be able to recognize the road. Without the help of war horses, with Li Shang's current physical strength, he might not be able to walk. go out.

Li Chang naturally understands this truth, such a dense forest is definitely not something he can challenge alone.

Even if he went out, he would be close to death, not to mention there were wild beasts in the forest at night, how long could he cope alone?
Looking at Yang Churuo at the front of the team, she saw that she didn't even turn her head, she just rode silently on the horse and walked slowly towards the outside of the dense forest.

Sure enough, she had already abandoned the directness. Did she refuse to forgive herself?
Everyone says that a mother's love for her children is selfless and endless. No matter what the children do wrong, no matter how serious the mistakes they make, the mother will tolerate and forgive them.

But why did she ignore him?

In his heart, she is his mother...

Li Chang glanced at Yang Churuo who was walking further and further away, his eyes were blurred with tears, he couldn't accept it, this was beyond what he could bear.

Facing Yang Churuo's back, Li Shang began to shout like crazy, "Why don't you forgive me, I think of you as a mother in my heart, it's because you didn't treat me as a son! You didn't! Not me!" Li Shang His voice was like a lone wolf in the jungle, looking sad and unbearable.

Yang Churuo was walking in front of the team, separated from Li Shang at the end of the team by two or three zhang, when he heard his roar, he turned his head...

(End of this chapter)

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