Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 802 One point of resentment, ease of relationship

Chapter 802 A little resentment, the relationship eases

"Grandma, you don't even believe my words?" Li Yanxiao asked grandma, meeting her gaze.

Mrs. Li said: "It's not that I don't believe you. Of course I want to believe you too. However, your grandma can't understand what you are doing now. I have reason to suspect that this is a game you set up."

"Grandma, if Bo Xiyao hadn't poisoned me, there would never have been an engagement banquet from the beginning to the end. It's just that it dragged on to the engagement banquet, and you heard what Bo Xiyao said, and you saw it with your own eyes. I didn't force her to say those words, but she said them out of desperation. I just want you to see her true face clearly, because if you don't believe what I say, I can only use this method. I don't want to do it because of you Bewitched by Bo Xiyao, it's irreparable to quarrel with Jiang Qin."

"Grandma, you have taught me since I was a child that no one has faults. Knowing mistakes can make a big difference. There is no age or seniority in the matter of right and wrong. Jiang Qin doesn't need your apology. After all, you are an elder. It's just a matter of giving a smiling face, and this matter can be turned around. Grandma, don't hold on to the past, and look forward, even if it's for the sake of Jiu Jiu."

During the conversation, there was already a long and hearty laughter in the villa.

"Look, have we ever seen Jiujiu laughing so happily? His poison has just been cured not long ago, why should we make him unhappy?" Li Yanxiao took a deep breath without any trace, slowed down his tone, and his voice was exceptional Gentle.

Not domineering, not forceful, just speaking the truth, telling the facts kindly and calmly.

Mrs. Li didn't say anything when she heard the words.

She herself knew very well that what Li Yanxiao said was the truth.

Jiujiu was in a very bad mood during this time, and he didn't talk to people very much, and locked himself in his room most of the time.

After all, he is still young and needs a complete family, and Jiang Qin really has nothing to say to Jiujiu.

She also thought a lot during this time.

Why do you have any objections to Jiang Qin?

Probably because he felt that the great-grandson he brought up with one hand was attached to Jiang Qin, and he was no longer as close to her as before, so he felt a little resentment towards Jiang Qin.

Mrs. Li felt that this aspect also had a certain impact on her attitude towards Jiang Qin.

Old Madam Li sighed silently in her heart.

She is really getting better and better.

"I see."

Mrs. Li finally made a concession, "However, please give grandma a little time."

"it is good."

Li Yanxiao curled his lips, and he was relieved when he heard his grandma agree.

When Jiang Qin married him, her relationship with grandma actually depended entirely on him, and he only figured it out later.

Grandma doesn't want him to lose himself because of Jiang Qin, and hopes that he will not be influenced by emotions and be a rational person. He also knows that, so he will pay attention to propriety in the future, especially in front of grandma.

As old people get older, they may sometimes think more, and their ideas will inevitably fail to keep pace with the times.

At this time, if he continues to insist on defending Jiang Qin and has a bad attitude towards grandma and is very resistant, it will only aggravate the conflict.

After figuring this out, Li Yanxiao will not be as domineering as before when dealing with grandma's affairs. He will also talk for a long time, explain the facts peacefully, and understand the truth with emotion.

Sure enough, grandma is soft but not hard, and she is not completely unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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