Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 799 I Don't Regret, The Truth Comes True

Chapter 799 I Don't Regret, The Truth Comes True

he said in the letter.

"The wedding has already been prepared for you, but I can't let me prepare the ring for you. The more a man gives, the more he knows how to cherish it. Therefore, let him prepare the ring by himself. As for the diamond on the ring, it must not be better than the one I gave you. The diamonds in this ring are small.

This ring has been prepared since I brought you to Italy.

I hope you like it.

Sorry, this period of time is probably the most difficult and painful period of your life for you.

I'm sorry for causing you to divorce Li Yanxiao, and for causing you to be separated from your children.

But I don't regret it, Li Yanxiao just divorced you, he can still remarry you, what's more, he didn't really divorce you at all, he didn't sign the divorce agreement at all, and didn't ask the lawyer to file it. Mom was not with him for a year.

And I will lose you forever.

Remember, I said I was the snow monster in the movie, the monster in your eyes.

Monsters obviously have no feelings, but I just met you and fell in love with you. I calculated and calculated, just to try to keep you by my side.

Sorry to hurt you, but I don't regret it.

During this time, we ate together, went shopping, watched movies together, watched the stars, spent a night under the same roof, just like other lovers, even if nothing happened to us, but to me , you are the only person in this world who is so close to me, I thought I could be with you for the rest of my life, I am looking forward to it, very happy, so I don't regret it.

I love you, but I gave you the greatest grievance and dilemma in your life.

I am sorry.

Presumably you have no intention of taking over the Twelve Apostles, but many assets here should be in your name. I asked the lawyer to complete the formalities, and you only need to sign when the time comes.

I return you to Li Yanxiao, I wish you and Li Yanxiao happiness. "

After reading the letter, Jiang Qin felt mixed feelings.

Li Yanxiao asked: "What did he say in the letter?"

Jiang Qin didn't answer Li Yanxiao, but instead asked the man in front of him, "What's wrong with him?"

The man said: "Miss Jiang, no wonder Master Di said that you really don't have him in your heart, so you haven't noticed anything strange about him for so long."

"I'm asking you how is he doing?!" Jiang Qin frowned, with a serious expression on his face.

The man said: "Young Master Di took over the Twelve Apostles when he was 15 years old. At that time, there was a civil strife in the organization. Young Master Di was captured by hostile people within the organization and used a lot of tricks on him. less body.

Later, Young Master Di was rescued, and his body was checked, but nothing abnormal was found, nor was there any sign of poisoning or drug addiction. It was not until this year that his illness became apparent, and it was threatening.In fact, Young Master Di didn't really intend to break up with you, but he loves you very much, and he doesn't want to be hated by you all the time, so when he has only a few days to live, he threatens you for a long time, and even force you to get along with him abnormally. He goes on dates, puts your ring on you, and even has this wedding.

In fact, the antidote Di Shao gave Jiu Jiu is permanent, and there is no need to take it every six months.Half a year is just a pretense to keep you.

Even if Mr. Li doesn't come by himself today, our people will invite him to come. "

Jiang Qin couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

She hated such a despicable man.

But now, she couldn't bear to hate it.


[In the end, the main text will end at the end of the month, thank you for your continued support! ]
(End of this chapter)

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