Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 787 Becoming a laughing stock, merciless and utilitarian

Chapter 787 Becoming a laughing stock, merciless and utilitarian

With a smile on the corner of Li Yanxiao's eyes, he stared at Bao Xiyao who was not far away.

Bo Xiyao looked at the man who made her heart flutter, and she didn't realize that her previous actions were so extreme and ridiculous until she was cornered.

How could a man like Li Yanxiao be coerced by a woman.

If it was so easy, those women who desperately wanted to marry Li Yanxiao would have already succeeded.

She chose the most impossible and stupid method, and she was always complacent, thinking that she had succeeded, that she was more powerful than the president's daughter, that she was the most outstanding woman in the world, and that she would be the most outstanding woman in the engagement ceremony and future wedding ceremonies. All eyes on it.


Bo Xi smiled distantly.

What a joke.

She is a joke.

Being used as a gunman without knowing it.

The members of the Ye family were also at the engagement banquet. Ye Zhensheng, as the president, would naturally not be absent from such a big occasion as a celebrity in the imperial capital.

Tang Mofan and Ye Su were also there.

Ye Su was wearing a nude-colored dress. She was pregnant for several months, and now her belly was swollen, so she only painted a light dress.

Tang Mofan did not accompany her, but only arranged for two servants to accompany her.

Qiao Yi, him, and Lu Qingshi were very close to Li Yanxiao. Even at the engagement banquet, the three of them were like best men, each of them graceful and suave.

Qiao Yi handed Tang Mofan a glass of cocktail and looked at Tang Mofan with a cigarette in his mouth.

Said: "I thought your family was pregnant, you quit smoking and drinking."

Tang Mofan said: "I didn't quit smoking or drinking before I became pregnant."

Qiao Yi said: "I thought you would change for that woman. Now, it seems that you are still you. If Yan Xiao is a cheetah lion, then you are..."

"What am I?" Tang Mofandan raised his phoenix eyes, which were extremely narrow and sharp.

"Hehehe, it's nothing." Qiao Yi laughed, trying to fool him.

However, Tang Mofan didn't intend to let him fool him at all, "Say."

Qiao Yi said: "Okay, you asked me to say this, if what I say is not pleasant, don't hold grudges."

"it is good."

Qiao Yi then said quickly, "Poisonous snake."


Tang Mofan felt that this argument was quite reasonable.

For these years, he allowed Ye Su to come and drink, or he ignored him and sneered at him. He always greeted her with a smile, which was actually utilitarian to please her.

He was still young when he was taken back to the Tang family, and his life was difficult. Except for his skin, he didn't look like a rich young master. Therefore, he was out of place in the Tang family, and even the servants looked down on him in private. All kinds of criticisms from him.

He couldn't find a sense of belonging and happiness in the Tang family, he could only rely on others carefully, so he learned to watch words and demeanor, and naturally knew the importance of connections.

Later, he got acquainted with Qiao Yi and Li Yanxiao, because Li Yanxiao was having a hard time in Li's family at that time, and he probably had some sympathy for each other.

However, he does not have Li Yanxiao's ability and skill, unlike him who can start from scratch and build ES Group into a top multinational group.

Therefore, he could only find a way to take some shortcuts.

For example, if you marry Ye Su, you can use Ye Zhensheng's relationship in power to develop your own contacts and business.

He is also not like Li Yanxiao who seems to be ruthless, but in fact is dedicated.

He is really ruthless, the money and connections are his own, as for his wife, he just wants to maintain the relationship between husband and wife, it is best to respect each other as guests, if he can't live in the future, he doesn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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