Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 359 Find out what happened back then

Chapter 359 Find out what happened back then

Ji Rao hesitated for a moment, and said, "I know it's presumptuous to call you suddenly, but I want to ask you to meet."

"See me? Why?" Jiang Qin asked puzzled.

Ji Rao said: "According to Jiujiu's age, Li Yanxiao and you had an accident not long after Yuxiu and I had an accident. I want to chat with you to see if we had any contact with anyone before the accident. I want to figure out the ins and outs of that year.”

Frowning, Jiang Qin pondered for a moment before asking: "What time, where do we meet?"

"When do you leave school? I'll pick you up from school." Ji Rao said softly.

She was in her own villa, barefoot, sitting on a soft white plush carpet, surrounded by a whole wall of floor-to-ceiling windows.

The warm sunlight shone through the glass and cast a ray of light on her body. It was warm, but it couldn't warm her heart.

She didn't expect that she would meet Jiang Qin under such circumstances.

Hearing this, Jiang Qin was not polite to Ji Rao, and said bluntly, "Five o'clock."

Ji Rao was stunned for a moment, high school leaving school so early?
Jiang Qin hung up the phone and continued to immerse herself in the competition questions given to her by her math teacher.

Originally, her lunch break and class break were her sleeping time, but because she had to help Qin Yinian and the others review and prepare for the Mathematical Olympiad, she was a little busy recently.

The college entrance examination is approaching day by day, even though Class [-] is the class with the worst grades in the Dijing culture class, the learning atmosphere is much stronger.

During the lunch break, the classroom was very quiet.

Many people are reviewing and doing questions.

It was rare for Zhou Luoqi and Qin Yinian to see Jiang Qin so serious, which showed that she didn't have the mentality of playing for tickets when she went to the competition.

Qin Yinian turned around, sat in the chair facing Jiang Qin, and glanced curiously at Jiang Qin's question.

"Damn, please allow me to make an emoji that pokes my eyes!" Qin Yinian looked at Jiang Qin's questions and couldn't understand them at all, "Qinqin, do you really know how to do these questions or are you writing nonsense?"

One of the skills in answering questions is that even if you encounter questions that you don’t know how to do, you should try to fill them in as much as possible. In case the blind cat encounters a dead mouse and gets a little right, or the marking teacher is in a good mood and will give you some hard points.

"These questions are very simple." Jiang Qin said without raising his head.

Qin Yinian knew that Jiang Qin was good at studying, but her problem-solving ideas were obviously not learned in high school.

"real or fake?"

"Really." Jiang Qin still didn't lift his head.


Qin Yinian and the students around him couldn't help being flustered in the wind, and even suspected that their ears had heard it wrong, but Jiang Qin really didn't look like he was joking.

Everyone quickly looked away, thinking, what are you pretending, is it amazing to be able to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad, let's drag it after getting the ranking.

"Brother, let me go."

At this moment, Xia Jinian came over and forcibly occupied Zhou Luoqi's seat.

"Hey, Jiang Qin!"

Jiang Qin looked away from the contest topic, looked at Xia Jinian, and gave him an annoyed look, "What's the matter?"

"It turns out that you are also studying the questions of the Mathematical Olympiad."

"Well, it was given by Teacher Duanmu." Jiang Qin said casually, "At first I thought the topic was difficult, but I found that it was the same after reading two sheets."

Since you can do it, there is no need to waste time and repeat it mechanically.

She planned to go to Duanmuqing after finishing this set of competition papers.

Xia Xueba and school grass is wearing a school uniform. He is slender, handsome, and has impeccable facial features. Wherever he goes, he is the focus of the crowd.

As soon as he appeared in class five, he immediately caused a commotion.


[PS: I am still a baby, and I have to apply for June [-]!I wish you all the little ones who follow the article, happy holidays, happy every day~~]

(End of this chapter)

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