Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 356 If you don't mind, you can actually adopt a child

Chapter 356 If you don't mind, you can actually adopt a child
The iron gate is a bit old, and the wall is full of mottled traces of the years. The tenacious creeper climbs up the mottled wall.

Ji Rao was carrying large and small bags of things, including clothes, diapers, milk powder and toys.

"Miss Ji, let me get it."

The staff of the orphanage immediately reached out to help her get things.

"Thank you." Ji Rao smiled politely, "How are the children?"

"The children are all very well. They kept talking about why the beautiful aunt didn't come. Sui Sui talked about it the most. Every day they shouted to find their mother."

When Ji Rao heard this, her eyes turned red.

Except for the dean, no one in the orphanage knew that Sui Sui was actually her child.

The kind that is biological.

At first, they all thought that Ji Rao, like other celebrities, came to the orphanage just to set up a charitable role under the guise of charity.

However, everyone soon discovered that she was not just for show, to set up a person.

In doing charity, she is lower-key than all the stars, even lower-key than ordinary people.

She comes to the orphanage several times a year, usually during festivals, such as Children's Day, Christmas, New Year's Day and New Year's Day.

When she is not here, she will also donate a small amount of money, and donate some things that the children can usually use.

Ji Rao is notoriously aloof in the entertainment industry. Although she debuted late, her first movie became popular all over the country.

She is not from a major, but she is beautiful, dedicated, has superb acting skills, has zero scandals, and is not hyped. Although her aloof attitude did not attract less attention at first, but gradually, everyone got used to her style of the flower of Gaoling.

Out of the silt but not stained, it is a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

The staff of the orphanage have been in contact with her for the past two years, and they all like her very much.

She really cares about charity.

"Miss Ji, I see that you like Sui Sui very much, and Sui Sui also likes you very much. You are quite like a mother and child, just like the big star in the United States who adopted several children. If you and your family don't mind, you can also adopt them." .”

Ji Rao said softly, "We'll see the situation later."

"Well. Miss Ji, you are beautiful and kind. Good people will be rewarded. Those of us who work in Yixin all like your movies!"

"Thank you."

Ji Rao's voice was so light that no one could see anything unusual.

The staff took Ji Rao to the outdoor playground, "The children are all playing in it."

In order to prevent the children from running around, guardrails were set up in the outdoor playground. When the door was pushed open, some children looked at the door and saw that it was Ji Rao, and their eyes lit up like pairs of black grapes.

"Aunt Ji Rao!"

Several children ran towards her.


Sui Sui doesn't call her aunt like other children, he calls her mother from the beginning.

The little guy threw down the toy car in his hand, called his mother, and threw himself into her arms.

The past seemed to emerge again with the little guy's movement.

People in the orphanage said that Sui Sui spoke for the first time, and the sounds he pronounced were ma, ma.

She didn't have a chance to hear it, but it was comforting and healing for her to call her mother all these years.

Earlier, the staff of the orphanage also told her that the older and sensible children used to call her mother because they were old and refused to call her aunt, and bullied and rejected him.

"Aunt Ji is not your mother, you can't call her mother, you have to call her Auntie like us!" said the older child.

"No, she is my mother!"

Suisui is very stubborn, but he doesn't agree to change his words. This call of mother has been called since he could talk until now.

(End of this chapter)

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