Xueba counterattack, super sweet!

Chapter 308 Can I Get Out of Here Alive?

Chapter 308 Can I Get Out of Here Alive?
Besides, she doesn't want to cause trouble, she wants to perform well, strive for a reduced sentence, and get out of prison as soon as possible.

She has always been the daughter of the stars, and now she is in prison, and she has many habits that cannot be changed for a while, and she offended people as soon as she came in.

The injuries on her body were all thanks to those women.

"Mom, you guys think of a way to get me out of this damn place, okay? This is hell, I'm really going to be driven crazy!" Jiang Mingzhu pleaded pitifully in a low voice.

"I have to work eight hours a day here, eat three meals in the cafeteria, and sleep according to the prescribed time.

The food here is better than pig food. I can only eat a few mouthfuls every time, and I can’t get enough to eat. The place to sleep is also simple... Dad, you and Li Ze think of a way to get me out Bar. "

"Do you think Dad doesn't want to?" Jiang Jizong said, "There's nothing you can do if you want to break your head. You can't let Li Ze know about this. According to the family background of the Su family, how could it be possible to accept a woman who has been in prison? Therefore, we He still kept it from him until now, of course he asked, and more than once, we all agreed that you couldn't study in the same school as Jiang Qin, so you went abroad to study."

Jiang Mingzhu frowned: "Does he believe such a lame reason?"

Now that communication is so developed, even if you go to the North Pole, you can still make a phone call.

Su Lize should not be so stupid as to be fooled.

"Of course he doesn't believe it, but he doesn't want to investigate privately. I know Li Ze very well. His family education is strict and he won't do those things that are not popular."

It was precisely because of this that he and Jiang Qin had a marriage contract in those years, and they didn't even sign it.

It was also because of this that Su Lize absolutely would not marry Jiang Qin when she lost her innocence and body.

Jiang Jizong also said, "There is no other way right now. You must keep your going to prison a secret, so that after three years at most, you can still marry into the Su family and be the young wife of the Su family. As for your education, you will have to wait until then." Just spend money to buy it." Shen Biyun said.

Jiang Jizong left a lot of connections and spent a lot of money to suppress Jiang Mingzhu's matter.

Jiang Mingzhu smiled wryly: "Mom, three years, do you think I can really get out of here alive after three years?"

Let alone three years, she couldn't bear it for three months.

Every night, every sleepless night, she thinks about people and things outside, and hates Jiang Qin, imagining how to kill her in the future!
She was afraid that she would not be able to bear it, and that the unchanging and boring life would destroy her will.

Every minute and every second is a kind of torture, and every minute can make her collapse, and she is supported by this hatred.

Jiang Jizong stared at his emaciated daughter.

Thinking about it in another direction, it is very difficult for them to visit the prison now. If Jiang Mingzhu really died in prison, it would be an easy matter without anyone noticing.

Jiang Jizong was taken aback by his own thoughts, and his face darkened.

Said: "Zhu'er, if you hold back, Dad will find a way to get you out in just a few days."

"Really?" Jiang Mingzhu restrained the surprise on her face, and a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes, "Didn't you say that you can't even visit the prison, so how can you get me out of this damn place?"

Jiang Jizong made a silent gesture, and said in a low voice, "Jiang's money alone can't help this matter, but money can turn ghosts around, President Ye wants to marry his daughter to Li Yanxiao, I can help She, of course, the condition is to get you out."

(End of this chapter)

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