Mozun, she came across from the Nvzun country

Chapter 158: Forest Autumn Hunting 18

Chapter 158: Forest Autumn Hunting 18
Yi Lan didn't care about the pain on her body, and immediately rushed over to help Luo Wanqing, and asked anxiously, "Miss, how are you? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Luo Wanqing frowned slightly, endured the pain on her right shoulder, and stood up with some difficulty.

The Toothed Tiger was covered in blood, one leg could no longer stand up, and its tail was clamped again. It was a fourth-order phantom beast. When did it suffer such humiliation, a deep anger spewed out.

"Leave quickly." Ye Chen said coldly, holding the tiger's tail tightly with one hand, and pulling a vine with the other, wrapping the tiger's tail around the tree trunk, making the tiger-toothed beast unable to break free.

"Miss, let's go." Yi Lan said, Miss's right shoulder is injured now, if the tiger-tooth breaks free from the vine, they will be powerless to deal with the tiger-tooth.

"No, Yilan, get out of the way." With a firm face, Luo Wanqing lifted the phantom sword with both hands and took two steps forward.

Roar!The tiger-toothed beast rolled all over the ground, the low trees were broken one after another, and the big trees entangled by the tiger's tail were almost uprooted.

"The shadow of the sword is thousands of miles away!"

Luo Wanqing muttered silently, and raised her phantom sword with both hands to hit the tiger-toothed beast. In an instant, countless sword shadows transformed into the tiger-toothed beast.

No matter how fast the Toothed Tiger Beast rolls, it can't resist the sword shadows that cover the sky and the earth.

Aww, aww, the Toothed Tiger was hit by sword shadows in many places, and a large amount of blood was lost, making it unable to roll anymore, limp and dying.

Taking advantage of this, Yi Lan immediately picked up the sword on the ground, aimed at the heart of the tiger-toothed beast, stabbed it with all her strength, and the whole sword sank.

Alas, the Toothed Tiger screamed, its pupils shrank, its nostrils could no longer breathe out, and its body shrank extremely rapidly.

A bloody smell spread.

Ye Chen let go of the tiger's tail, his hands were covered with blood, and immediately condensed the moisture in the air to wash his hands.

Yi Lan was stunned, a little unbelievable, blood gushing from the Tiger-toothed beast, the Tiger-toothed beast is dead?Just now she rushed up without even thinking about it.

Luo Wanqing's face was pale. Due to the excessive force just now, the pain in her right shoulder spread all over her body, and she no longer had the strength to lift the sword.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Yi Lan threw the sword and helped Luo Wanqing sit down beside the tree.

"I'm fine, Yilan, you're injured." Luo Wanqing saw a lot of blood on Yilan's body.

"Miss, I'm not injured, it's all the blood of the toothed tiger, but it's your right shoulder, miss." Yi Lan took out some healing elixir and gave it to Luo Wanqing.

Luo Wanqing was already much better. She looked up at Ye Chen, and saw that he was wearing a black cloak, with his head slightly lowered, washing his hands. It was impossible to tell if he was injured.

Ye Chen had washed his hands several times until there was no trace of bloody smell.

"Miss, change the veil and cloak." Yi Lan took off Luo Wanqing's veil, and took out the clean clothes from the bag.

"Yilan, change your coat first." Luo Wanqing said, the clothes on Yilan's body were stained with blood.

Ye Chen looked at the two of them and said, "Your Excellencies, the smell of blood will attract ferocious beasts. If there is nothing wrong, please leave quickly."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and headed west.

Yi Lan froze for a moment, this young man is so indifferent, they were hurt, and he just left?
Luo Wanqing was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Your Excellency, please stay."

Ye Chen stopped and looked at the sword next to Luo Wanqing, Bingyi Sword.

"I don't know your surname Gao." Luo Wanqing asked bluntly, she was not a person who beat around the bush, she spoke very willfully.

"No comment." Ye Chen remained expressionless.

(End of this chapter)

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