Chapter 793
Maybe it's all busy with final exams.

After all, everyone is busy at the end of term.

But... she always had a premonition.

It feels like I will never meet again in the future.

Before the girl walked out of the school gate, she forgot to take a last look at the corner where they often stood.

"What's the matter?" Yan Shuo was the only one in the car, following the scenery outside the window, he closed the book and turned his eyes, his eyes resting on her face, his voice was flat.

The girl who was staring at the window came back to her senses, "It's just... suddenly thinking about friends and life."

Yan Shuo stared at the road in front of the glass, paused for a while, and said slowly: "Some people are destined to be just passers-by in life."

Lian Jue had to agree with this sentence.

She turned her head and continued to stare out the window.

As if to match her mood that is only hypocritical once in a while, today's weather is also particularly cool.

The summer wind blew through the cracks in the panes of the glass and down her neck.

"Because of a few unfamiliar friends, you will hurt the spring and the autumn, Xia Yan, you are really promising."

This time the voice was different from the one just now, with a slight mockery.

Lian Jue: "..."

She retorted unconvinced, "What's the matter, is it wrong for me to emphasize feelings? And who said I hurt the spring and the autumn."

She stiffened her mouth.

Does hurting the spring and autumn for a handsome guy also count as hurting the spring and autumn?Besides, it may not be possible to see it in the future.

There are few handsome guys these days, and even fewer good-tempered handsome guys. She hasn't even added Ye Qinchi's WeChat account. If he really doesn't come to Jinzhong in the future, the two of them will be completely disconnected.

Lian Jue suddenly thought of Liang Yan.

Not at all, Liang Yan is the president of Jinzhong's student union, and the two of them are young, so it is impossible for them to have no contact with Ye Qinchi.

But losing Ye Qinchi between the two of them always felt weird, she probably wouldn't take the initiative to find Liang Yan.

And from the beginning to the end, she always had a feeling that Liang Yan's unusual attitude towards her seemed to be all because of Ye Qinchi.

"If you have time to feel sad about spring and autumn here, why don't you read more books about the sophomore year in high school."

Lian Jue: "..."

It's not over yet.

The girl sitting next to the "mobile refrigerator" silently took out the book and glanced at the expressionless person who wrote the question.

Her brother is really poisonous.


Until the summer vacation, even Jue never met Ye Qinchi again.

She was also a little disappointed.

She herself could not say what the meaning of her disappointment was.

But the disappointment is not too strong.

Because most of the love affairs in this world end without a disease.

Maybe I met a better and more interesting girl, isn't that the case for boys of this age.

While slightly disappointed, it seemed to be accompanied by some sense of relief.

She is not a person with a very good memory.

Soon after the holiday, her attention was shifted to the damn high school math problems, and she turned a deaf ear to the handsome guy around her.

But before the holiday, she met another person, Liang Yan.

Jinzhong says big is big, and small is small.

But the two people you know will always meet.

Some people are destined to meet five, six, seven or eight times a day.

Some people have no fate and can see each other once a month.

I saw him in the exam room of the final exam.

The second year students finished the exam earlier than the first year students. On the last day of Lian Jue's exam, when collecting the English test papers, he ran into Liang Yan in the classroom as an inspector.

Like any classmate he knew but wasn't familiar enough with, he raised his eyes and saw her, nodded and showed a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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