Chapter 785
Hey, how can you use the word touch? ?

After thinking this way, the girl spurned herself again.

He finally pulled away, Lian Jue thought he was going to say something earth-shattering, but Yan Shuo paused, and only said in a low voice, "No matter how much you like, you must restrain yourself."

It sounds like a casual tone.

The girl froze slightly.

The boy reached out and patted the girl's head, which seemed to be the end of the sudden conversation tonight, "In the future, we should eat less cold ones."

Qingjun's tall and straight back was copying his pockets, walked through the corridor, and disappeared from her sight.

His performance in the first half was too abnormal, and the second half was too normal.

Lian Jue stood where he was, with an unpredictable look in his eyes.

Forget it, who doesn't have a big uncle yet.

Judging by his reaction later, even if something happened, it should be resolved.

The girl felt relieved, yawned and stretched.


The next day.

Although it was Saturday, Jinzhong made up a day of class due to the reason of the holiday, so the three children of the Xia family still went to school obediently.

After school, the Rolls-Royce came to pick him up as usual, but Xia He didn't know that he was fooling around with those cronies, so there were only Lian Jue and Yan Shuo in the car.

After what happened last night, the sense of estrangement that the two had always had before suddenly disappeared.

All of a sudden it became very natural, if I use Lian Jue's words to describe it, it's like when I was a child.

Just like when we were young, two people sat together and communicated cordially and naturally, without having to bear anyone's gaze.

The faint afternoon sun fell on Yan Shuo's fair and handsome side face.

With his head down, he was showing her a math problem.

Staring at that quiet profile, the girl's eyes suddenly became slightly sour.

They... Maybe it's been a long time since they got along so harmoniously, naturally and gently.

The boy raised his head just in time, and his eyes fixed on her slightly.

He paused, "So hard to cry?"

The girl burst out laughing.

She rubbed her eyelids, surprised that the other party could capture the mist in her eyes so accurately with just one glance, "It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered my childhood."

"When I was a child..." The boy's thoughts seemed to be pulled back to the past, and his eyes were far away.

As if thinking of something, she put her long finger in front of her lips, and said in a thoughtful statement: "In the third grade of elementary school, you did cry many times because you couldn't do math problems."

Lian Jue: "..."

Lian Jue: "..."

Lian Jue: "..."

Under the extreme silence of the girl, Yan Shuo finally smiled softly.

The girl rolled her eyes, and fell into the memory for a while, "I just suddenly remembered..."

"When I was young, the girls in my class always envied me, because I had a brother who had such good grades and was so good-looking."

"Every time you give me a lecture, you will be surrounded by a group of envious and jealous little tails watching."

"And... no matter how other little girls approached you at that time, how many delicious foods they bought for you, and some even secretly wrote you love letters, but you ignored them all. From the beginning to the end, you only gave me a lecture .”

The girl rested her chin, her eyes were slightly curved, and the corners of her lips were also curled up.

For a moment, Yan Shuo seemed to see the little girl carved in pink and jade again when she was a child.

Of course, there was no such experience later, because after junior high school, the two of them never disclosed their brother-sister relationship again.

(End of this chapter)

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