Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 590 The president is unfathomable 72

Chapter 590 The president is unfathomable 72
The two danced and drank for a while, and there were still a lot of random people who came to strike up a conversation, and they drank again...

At ten o'clock, Xue Yao opened the door.

The girl was a little drunk, and pulled the door frame, her eyes were so moist, "I'm back!"

Xue Yao: "..."

He sighed, a little speechless: "...you shouldn't be allowed to meet."

"Little wine, ghost."

If he hadn't asked Gao Feng to wait at the door to pick her up early, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to find her home until now.

To come back from playing so late, do you still have the self-consciousness of being a girlfriend...

Leaving her boyfriend alone at home without knowing what to eat...

Lian Jue raised her eyes, and endured Xue Yao's violent knock on her head.


She covered her head, "It hurts."

This action made Xue Yao cute, the corners of his lips just curved up, but his eyes followed her...

Xue Yao: "..."

He frowned and pinched her waist: "Want to be taught a lesson?"

She was still wearing a decent loungewear jacket at the restaurant, and now...

The jacket was unbuttoned, and the inner lining was rolled up, revealing a white and slender waist.


There is no doubt that she has always looked like this since she came out of the restaurant.

Dress up in front of him?
"Next time you go to the bar dressed like this, I have plenty of ways to cure you."

Xue Yao's voice was very weak.

"It's not a bar! It's a disco!" The girl corrected him while clutching her painful head.

Xue Yao pulled down her clothes and glanced at her: "Miss Zhong, you are getting bolder now."

There was a hint of ambiguity in the man's tone.

"It's already big."

The girl seems to be sleepy.

The two braids on the back of the head also hung down, knocking and knocking along with the owner's head...

Then it fell onto something warm and thick like a wall.

She was really a little drunk.

"I want to sleep...I want to sleep...Xue Yao...sleep with me..."

Seemingly finding it quite comfortable here, she calmly moved together again.

Xue Yao was thrown into his arms.

The waist was also tightly hugged.

He let her catch her, his arms hanging down, and he didn't do anything.

With downcast eyes, he spoke slowly: "Do you still dare to dress like this in the future?"

"Ahh... sleepy."


The girl pursed her lips, as if she had eaten something good.

Xue Yao looked up at the sky, was silent for a moment, and finally leaned over and lifted the man up directly: "...you'd better pray that you can sleep till noon tomorrow."


The reality, however, is often more dramatic.

Lian Jue didn't sleep until noon or afternoon, but woke up early in the morning.

It could also be the reason why Xue Yao gave her the anti-alcohol medicine last night, she didn't feel too uncomfortable.

Stretching her waist, she yawned, and after a moment of daze, she regained her energy.

Then he got up in good spirits and went to take a shower.

She had completely forgotten about what happened last night.

As for the conversations with Xue Yao and his threat at the end, there is no memory at all in his mind.

Then she greeted Xue Yao who just came out of the bathroom, showing her white teeth.

"Good morning, Mr. Xue!"

The other party stared at her with a calm expression, without saying a word.

Lian Jue reached out and shook his hand in front of her, "Am I a transparent person?"

Xue Yao slowly took her hand away, and stated a fact in a calm voice: "You got up so early."

"Well, maybe I drank a little wine yesterday, and the quality of sleep has improved."

(End of this chapter)

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