Chapter 329 Another Extra Story 4
But... if there is a child who can fuse the blood of two people, it seems good.

Luo Yun frowned even tighter, "Let me think about it."

Lian Jue fell silent.

It is true that Luo Yun is in good health. She worked overtime all night and didn't catch up on sleep during the day. She still has the energy to survive until now, and she has come here several times in good spirits...

She didn't have Luo Yun's perverted physical strength, and she wasn't as entangled as he was. She rubbed her eyes, and fell asleep after eyelids fought up and down for a while.

Luo Yun was left alone, frowning and staring at the ceiling.


The next day is Monday.

Next to the towering foreign trade buildings, under the glittering signs of various commercial and financial exchanges, a black Porsche slowly stopped.

The driver's door opened, and under the bright sunlight, a slender figure in a shirt and trousers stepped down. He walked to the back seat and opened the door.

The girl rubbed her eyes and got out of the car.

The young man facing the wind in Yushu frowned and said something.

She nodded.

Luo Yun patted her on the head, turned around and sat in the driver's seat, and closed the door.

Lian Jue waved his hand, "Bye bye, beat the worker!"

Luo Yun: "..."

He gave her a cold look, snorted and drove away.

Lian Jue yawned, hugging the breakfast box he just gave her.

I got up late today, and even though Luo Yun had cooked the meal early, she still didn't eat it.

This is not the first time this kind of thing happened, so today he calmly took out an insulated lunch box in front of her, put fried eggs and sandwiches in it, and a carton of milk.

He was teaching her about it just now.

But getting up late... so what, I don't blame her in the first place.

Lian Jue stretched his waist, and put the lunch box into his bag.

The coffee shop next to the foreign trade building.

A girl dressed in high heels, white shirt, black skirt and white collar has been paying attention to the situation here.

Seeing that the boy had left and she was the only one left, the girl immediately slipped out of the cafe with a packed coffee.

Lian Jue was held upright, and his arms were wrapped affectionately, "Mei Yun, your boyfriend?"

Lian Jue nodded.

The gossip of the little sister in the office was burning, "Wow, so handsome! Could it be some traffic idol?"

After finishing speaking, she denied it herself, "No, if you are a celebrity, you shouldn't appear here in public..."

"Is it an entrepreneur? Or the rich second generation?"

Surrounded by business people, the probability of these two types of people is very high.

"No, he is engaged in scientific research."

The little sister nodded as if realizing something, "Well, no wonder."

No wonder there seems to be a rigorous temperament on his body.

"How did you meet?"

Lian Jue said calmly, "Hey, that goes back to the end of the world... As a person with supernatural powers, I went out for a walk to digest food one day, but I ran into an ordinary person who was powerless Fighting zombies."

"It was a dark and stormy night at the time, and the situation was very dangerous. As a person with supernatural powers, I naturally had the unshirkable responsibility to protect my family and the country, so I stepped forward with a killer move to kill the zombies casually, and the handsome guy Successfully saved from fire and water."

The little sisters in the office were stunned when they heard this.

"Wow, wow... So you used to be a superhuman!"


"So-so." Lian Jue said modestly.


Lian Jue got into his boyfriend's car again under the envious eyes of the little sisters in the office, and the Porsche drove away slowly under the sight of the onlookers in a very stylish way.

(End of this chapter)

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