Lord Xiao, your wife is super sweet!

Chapter 623 Broken Reflection

Chapter 623 Broken Reflection
On the other side, Gong Ran, whose freedom was completely restricted, has already lived with the old lady of the Gong family in the health care house specially set up by the Gong family for the old lady.

The location of the other courtyard is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and is located in a place surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The other courtyard is specially designed according to the appearance of ancient gardens. Living here, there will always be an illusion of time travel to ancient times.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions are antique.

At first glance, it looks like a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, like a peach blossom garden.

But in fact, it is isolated from the world, almost out of connection with the modern city.

Before entering here, all modern communication equipment on Gong Ran's body was confiscated.

Even the fashionable clothes on her body were changed at the request of the old lady.

Living here, Gong Ran can only wear the clothes prepared for him by the old lady. According to the requirements of the old lady, he goes to bed early and gets up early every day, and learns various course arrangements.

What music, shooting, riding, golf, and even the tea ceremony, it is short of learning all the ancient Six Arts and the Four Books and Five Classics.

The old lady seems to want Gong Ran to learn these things, to cultivate himself, to re-cultivate his own quality, so that he looks more like the young master of the Gong family.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, this is a self-disciplined way of life and an elegant cultivation.

But the fixed lifestyle, the same things to do every day, and even the same three meals a day are driving Gong Ran crazy.

Under the supervision of the old lady, he can no longer sleep in bed, have no chance to stay up late, and can't indulge in disco dancing and drinking.

These are nothing, the main reason is that every rule set by the old lady is extremely strict.

For example, you can't make any noise while eating, not even chewing.

There is no talking about eating or sleeping, and even three meals a day are fixed recipes. You can’t eat too much meat, but you should eat in moderation. Carbonated drinks are not allowed, and even coffee is replaced by tea.

You must have a sitting posture when you sit, you must have a standing posture when you stand, your back must always be straight, and it is completely forbidden to be paralyzed on the sofa.

Under such a variety of strict rules, Gong Ran felt as if it had been a year in just a week.

Every day is a torment.

Especially for someone like him who is used to being completely free.

Moreover, it seems that it is for Gong Ran to correct his bad habits as soon as possible and become a perfect young master of the Gong family.

The old lady also sent someone to follow and supervise Gong Ran 24 hours a day.

Even when he was sleeping, there would be someone outside the room.

Gong Ran felt that he was not here to cultivate himself, but to be imprisoned here.

He was completely under house arrest by his grandmother.

Gong Ran stood by the lake in the garden of the backyard, staring at the red koi swimming in it, staring blankly for a long time.

He was inexplicably envious of these koi, at least they still had the freedom of a lake.

And he didn't even have the right to call his friends.

The last time he had no choice but to reject the wrap-up banquet Cheng Xiu held for him, he still hasn't given him an explanation.

Cheng Xiu must be very angry!

Perhaps, he even has the heart to kill him.
The corners of Gong Ran's lips rose, and he smiled helplessly and bitterly.

The reflection on the water surface looks lonely and lonely.

It seemed that he couldn't stand his own current state, so he picked up a stone and threw it into the water, shattering the reflection inside.

Soon, it will disappear.
(End of this chapter)

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