Lord Xiao, your wife is super sweet!

Chapter 143 Unpredictable situation

Chapter 143 Unpredictable situation
Gong Xiao remained silent all day long.

If Yun Zhen didn't take the initiative to talk to him, he basically didn't talk much.

For Lord Xiao now, the most important thing is to find other scattered team members.

But in silence, he still took care of Yun Zhen.

Like Sheng Nan, he gave the thermal clothes he was wearing next to the little girl beside him.

Lord Xiao's reason was: he didn't want Yun Zhen to catch a cold in the snowstorm and drag him down.

As always, the poisonous tongue, duplicity.

Fortunately, Yun Zhen has already understood his routine, and directly regards the thermal clothing on his body as Gong Xiao's concern.

He is used to walking forward alone, but after walking for a while, he will stop at the same spot, waiting patiently for Yun Zhen to approach.

He is also used to observing changes in the clouds to infer changes in the weather.

"It looks good today."

Yun Zhen followed his pace, stood side by side with him, and looked at a cloud floating on the opposite snow mountain.

The clouds in the sky are like floating catkins, floating quietly, and the whole world looks peaceful.

Hearing Yun Zhen's conclusion, Gong Xiao shook his head and said softly, "The weather is a bit bad."

"Why?" Yun Zhen was puzzled.

She looked up at Gong Xiao with her small face up, with doubts gathering between her brows and eyes, as if she really didn't understand.

Gong Xiao frowned helplessly, and began to educate her: "I have a friend who is a meteorological expert. He once gave me a piece of advice. The appearance of clouds sometimes does not match their appearance."

"In other words, sometimes the more dangerous clouds on the surface are not dangerous, but those that look milder will bring extremely bad weather."

This is probably the reason for the so-called unpredictability of the situation.

It is basically the same reason as thunder and rain but little rain.

"To judge whether a business is good or bad, don't just look at what it presents to you on the surface."

"Looking at that cloud now, it seems to be very gentle and well-behaved. Maybe it will bring you an unbearable blizzard in the next second."

Gong Xiao turned his eyes to Yun Zhen, and sized her up leisurely.

The girl in front of her was tightly wrapped in a thick jacket, only a small face the size of a palm was exposed, which was blown red by the wind on the snow-capped mountains, and she was charming and cute.

She frowned slightly, as if she understood the other meaning contained in his words.

Gong Xiao pursed his lips lightly. When he was not speaking, his expression was stern and serious, his eyes were deep and his thoughts were hard to guess.

Yun Zhen fixed his eyes and stared at him for a moment. After a while, she asked in a very soft voice: "Master Xiao, are you trying to remind me of something?"

She was smart, a little smarter than he imagined.

The sky, the clouds change and float.

The cold wind blowing on the top of the mountain messed up Gong Xiao's hair.

He bowed his head, pursed his lips and smiled lightly, and replied lightly: "I heard that your stepmother is very kind to you, and she also promised to the outside world that her future children will not inherit your family's property."

Yun Zhen frowned.

Gong Xiao went on to say: "I just want to remind you, don't be fooled by the appearance of the clouds, I have a document for you when you leave the Alps."

He clicked to the end, and did not continue this topic after he finished speaking.

Lord Xiao is not a man who likes to meddle in other people's affairs.

But this time he was extraordinarily abnormal.

He must have known something.
Yun Zhen frowned slightly, in the white snow, the girl's eyes were extraordinarily clear, the luster in her eyes was clearer than melted snow.
(End of this chapter)

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