Lord Xiao, your wife is super sweet!

Chapter 1111 1 point 1 point destroys inner pain

Chapter 1111 Destroying the inner pain bit by bit

Not only heart-piercing pain is considered pain.

Pain does not have to be shouted out loud, I am in pain!

It's not just pain that can be shouted out loud, it's real pain.

Some pains, as Gong Ran said, are like ants gnawing.

Before you know it, it burrows into your bones, like an ant, exists thinly and silently.

But it will pop up out of nowhere, causing you to feel the pain of goosebumps all over your body but unable to speak out.

This kind of pain is the real pain that destroys the heart bit by bit.

During this time, Gong Ran has been experiencing such pain.

However, he endured it alone, and no one complained.

He is habitually kind, and he doesn't want to bring the negative energy in himself to others.

So when he could bear it, he endured it all the time.

Until today, the psychiatrist dug into his heart bit by bit through speech skills, and Gong Ran finally poured out the real pain in his heart.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Gong Ran is a very lucky person.

He was born in the Gong family. Although he is not the first heir of the family, he is also the orthodox young master of the Gong family.

Born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he has been pampered since childhood.

When he was only a teenager, he was discovered by scouts, and he has always been extremely popular in certain circles and fields.

Later, because of fate, she met Cheng Xiu, formally entered the entertainment circle, and embarked on a star journey.

Relying on his outstanding appearance, clean temperament, and certain strength, he soon gained a firm foothold in the entertainment circle, became a top-notch niche student, and had a large number of fanatical fans.

I have also stepped onto the top of the clouds and enjoyed the stars holding the moon.

Originally, he was also a carefree, sunny boy.

But the sudden return of the old lady of the Gong family completely changed everything about Gong Ran.

First, he directly cut off his connection with the entertainment industry, forcing him to give up a career he liked very much.

Then, he was put under house arrest in a manor far away from the hustle and bustle, and forced to accept her so-called ideal education.

Since then, the light in Gong Ran's life has gradually dimmed, and since then, happiness has been farther and farther away from him.

Since when did he gradually have that feeling of being bitten by ants?
Gong Ran thought about it carefully, as if the old lady had burned all his albums, records, and posters in front of him.

He felt his head throbbing for no apparent reason.

Later, whether it was physical or psychological, Gong Ran could clearly feel that she gradually became less like herself.

"Why do you feel that you don't look like yourself? Have you experienced any physical changes?" The psychiatrist asked Gong Ran in a gentle tone.

Gong Ran pursed her lips lightly, shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and said, "Actually, it's nothing special."

"There was a time when I became very lethargic and it was like being able to escape reality while sleeping."

"Now, I have inexplicable insomnia. Is it because I slept too much during the time I was sleepy?"

As he spoke, he laughed at himself.

In addition to insomnia and lethargy, for a long time, Gong Ran lost his appetite and lost weight, so he became very thin.

The whole face also became sharp and angular, with a sense of calm between a boy and a man.

In addition to these, a series of chain reactions also occurred in his body.

Sometimes I feel tired and my muscles ache.

In severe cases, there will be headaches, and even the finger joints are painful.

(End of this chapter)

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