Chapter 632 He Fucked In Your Bed?
Jiang Xue was curious, "Miss An, can you tell me the reason why you are so obsessed with thinking that man has you in his heart."

An Qing'er lowered her head and said nothing.

Jiang Xue asked again, "Has he slept in your bed?"

An Qing'er suddenly raised her head, blushed, and said with a confused and firm expression, "Sooner or later he will come."

This is probably the biggest joke Jiang Xue has ever heard in her life, and she doesn't know if Mo Hanshi's man is some kind of monster, she just begs Lin Ran not to be so stupid in the future.

Bang bang bang!
There seemed to be a gun battle outside. Jiang Xue knew that the other party was using excellent silencer guns. The Oers family is the largest arms supplier in country H. Such good equipment is almost impossible to buy in the market. .

She thought that there wouldn't be a fight, but she didn't expect that the idiots on the other side who wanted to die were so stupid that people couldn't help but want to cry for them in advance.

Of course, such a stupid order was not given by Scarface, but when the younger brother next to him suddenly shouted to kill Mo Han, everyone opened fire, and the scene quickly got out of control.

An Qing'er is not really stupid. Hearing so many thumping sounds outside the car window, she vaguely realized that something was wrong, and she was so scared that she hugged her head and yelled in the car.

"Hey, that bodyguard, it's so dangerous now, have you called Han Shi yet?"

An Qing'er's voice screamed, she no longer cared about offending Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue was already annoyed by the sound of bullets outside, and an out-of-control mad woman appeared behind her, she immediately took out her gun and pointed it at An Qing'er's head, "Call! If you dare to scream again, believe it or not, I will collapse you."

Staring at the black muzzle of the gun in Jiang Xue's hand with horrified eyes, An Qing'er dared not speak no matter how frightened she was, her teeth had bitten her lower lip for blood, and she gave Jiang Xue a weak look.


Mo Hanshi really didn't expect that the other party's overconfident person would be so stupid and naively want his life.

The cars under him immediately surrounded his car, some of them suppressed each other with firepower, and some of them put on night vision goggles and picked up their guns to become snipers, and killed one of the opponent's heads with one shot.

After more than half of the casualties, until the little brother in the scar car was also killed, his ferocious face twitched fiercely. It was already Mo Hanshi who was warning him just now. If these idiots are naive, they will stop. He will be the next one to have his head bloom.

Jiang Xue couldn't bear to watch it anymore, it wouldn't be fun if this group of resisting idiots died.

She was about to get out of the car to prevent the fierce battle between the two sides, and there was an impatient and smart person on the other side who got out of the car before her.

Jiang Xue could see clearly with the special glasses on. It was a man with a scarred face. She didn't recognize him, but he should be the leader of this group of idiots.

After Scarface got off the car, he fired a shot in his direction angrily, then unplugged the monitor on his body, and yelled at those cars, "Fight! If you continue to fight, all of you will be killed!" All have to die."

The monitors they wear are actually used by their organization in other countries to monitor their actions. They didn't hear what Scarface said clearly, but when they saw Scarface drop the monitors on their bodies in anger, they also put the monitors on their bodies. Equipment ripped off.

The gunshots gradually stopped, and Mo Hanshi was still alertly preparing for battle, and they stopped after seeing that the other party hadn't fired.

(End of this chapter)

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