Aspiring Food Supplier

Chapter 298 296. Bamboo Bamboo and Bamboo Weaving

Chapter 298 296. Bamboo Bamboo and Bamboo Weaving (110)

The fish has been prepared, and the wontons are also wrapped, put into the inner pot, and steamed.

Wash the outer pan, heat the oil in the pan, then add shredded ginger and chili and stir-fry. After the aroma is released, add the cooked ham and stir-fry until the ham is slightly golden, then pour in the blanched and cut spring bamboo shoots ,stir fry.

Since the ham is not too salty, and it has been watered once, Ling Rui also added some soy sauce, added water, covered and simmered.

"Hey, we're actually waiting to eat. We've peeled all the bamboo shoots, and we can still have a meal at night." Huang Lei stood at the window, watching Ling Rui cook, and said with a smile, "Tsk, I'm from Little Chef Huang. , turning into yellow snacks, the happiness in it can only be appreciated, waiting for the food, the heart is extremely happy and tormented, but to sum it up, it is just one word, cool!"

"Haha." He Jiong listened with joy, "Mr. Huang, it's time to serve the food!"

"Good Le!"

So, Peng Peng and Yi Yanqianxi also walked into the room, and took away home-cooked braised fish, cold Malan head, scrambled eggs with Chinese toon, and fried bacon with spring bamboo shoots just out of the pan.

Zifeng stopped the fire, and at this time, the inner pot also emitted white gas, "The water is boiling."

Ling Rui lifted the lid of the pot, took a bowl, took some water, sprinkled some on the wontons, and continued to cover the lid.

As for He Jiong, he took the bowls and started filling everyone with rice, because the wontons will be ready soon.


A few minutes later, on the long table in the yard.

The dishes are ready, and at the same time, there is a large plate of steamed shepherd's purse wontons.

Ling Rui also specially mixed a soy sauce dish.

"Okay, everyone worked hard for this meal!" Huang Lei said with a smile.

"Let us also welcome Dong Yu, Qian Xi and An Ge!" He Jiong went on to say, "It's just a light meal at noon, let's have a good meal for dinner!"

"After lunch, everyone has to work hard!" Ling Rui said with a smile, "It takes labor, and labor can produce value!"

"Ahem." Yi Yanqianxi looked at Ling Rui in surprise, and smiled, "Although I heard that Shang Xiangxiang had to work, but it was said that in the last season, the guests seemed to be quite relaxed! How did you get here? , started working again?"


"Okay, okay, let's not talk, come, let's eat a vegetable wonton first, the vegetable is very fresh!" He Jiong opened his mouth, first took a wonton, dipped it on a plate, and then put it in his mouth. The fragrance of shepherd's purse, coupled with The taste of tofu, mixed together, makes people feel refreshed. The most important thing is that this shepherd's purse has a strong and fragrant taste. It is not like the kind of shepherd's purse bought in the vegetable market now. It even smells like shepherd's purse. no.

Everyone picked one up and praised it.

Then, can't stop at all.

Ling Rui also ate one himself, such fresh shepherd's purse, with a strong flavor of shepherd's purse, it has been a long time since I remembered it. In the past, grandpa and grandma would always make wonton dumplings to visit him, and the vegetable stuffing , either wild vegetables picked in the field or on the mountain, or vegetables grown in the field.

Ling Rui smiled immediately, and looked at An Ge, "How is it, is it delicious?"

"Yeah!" An Ge nodded earnestly, "It's delicious, very delicious, very similar to the ones I ate at my grandma's before."

"The main reason is that the vegetables here are fresh, good. The shepherd's purse sold in the vegetable market now, or those stuffed shepherd's purse sold in those wonton shops and dumpling shops, don't have this taste." Huang Lei smiled and said, "The wild vegetables of this season are the most comfortable and delicious to eat during these few days."

"Teacher Huang is right." He Jiong also nodded.

Peng Peng ate the third one silently, then listened to everyone's speech, nodded and continued to eat.



"The insane program group actually turned such a pleasant program into a food broadcast!"

"I want to eat it too! Even though the shepherd's purse stuffing outside is not that delicious, I still ordered shepherd's purse wontons!"

"I ordered wontons stuffed with shepherd's purse +1!"


Li Yuxuan looked at the screen with a smile and shook his head helplessly. For the life he yearns for, I am afraid that if he is willing to bring some goods for live broadcast, there must be many fans willing to pay for it.


"This toon scrambled egg!" He Jiong's eyes widened, and he crazily recommended it, "It's so delicious! The taste of eggs, toon, and shrimp skin are all in your mouth."

After a few minutes, everyone just ate and didn't speak.

Eat with relish.

As for the program group, they watched with resentment.

The fans watched it with gusto, indicating that they could still use it for a few bowls.


After eating and chatting for a while, He Jiong led people to clear the table, but there was not much food left, and everyone even felt that there was not enough food.But think of a big dinner ahead, and wait for dinner.

As for Ling Rui, after eating, he was ready to start cutting bamboo sticks.

The live camera was also aimed at Ling Rui.

On the screen, barrage frantically swiped up.

"Ling Rui can also weave bamboo?"

"Decathlon! What else can you not do?"

"Simply 666!"

Of course, Ling Rui didn't know this. He picked up the bamboo he cut in the morning, then closed his eyes, and stroked the bamboo inch by inch with both hands. This is the mechanism of feeling this bamboo.

Of course, the periphery of bamboo is extremely smooth.

Ordinary people naturally can't feel anything.

But Ling Rui's five senses have been enhanced.

In the palm of his hand, the bamboo seemed to still be alive, with a green high-spiritedness, as if it was still breathing, telling him that the bamboo had experienced the wind and rain since it emerged from the ground and grew into what it is now.

Picking up the bamboo knife, Ling Rui placed the bamboo between the two chairs. At the same time, the back of the knife was close to the bamboo surface, and he exerted force along the direction of the bamboo tip. His movements were decisive and light, and the raised knots disappeared into nothing.

Bamboo weaving skills have been learned to an advanced level, which naturally includes how to cut bamboo.

In the program group, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Yesterday they knew that Ling Rui knew how to weave bamboo, but they were still quite unfamiliar. Watching it again today, Ling Rui's movements came naturally, like an old gourmet who is proficient in this skill, which made people feel refreshed.

In more than ten minutes, Ling Rui finished the surface treatment of the bamboo.

Ling Rui also exhaled, and at this time, He Jiong and the others had already packed up the dishes and walked to the yard.

"Bambooware is a woven product that has accompanied Chinese civilization for 7000 years."

"And because of its perennial greenness, for thousands of years, our ancestors have lived with bamboo."

"And bamboo itself is a treasure. Bamboo shoots can be eaten, and everyone eats them at noon. Bamboo whips buried in the ground can be carved into handicrafts, and bamboo stems can be made into bamboo ware and tea sets."

"Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors ingeniously interspersed and folded bamboo strips to form bamboo ware with uniform and delicate grids."

"These bamboo wares, some light white and some emerald green, have been with China for thousands of years."

"And Xiao Rui's process just now is called shaving bamboo." He Jiong said, "The purpose is to cut off the raised knots around the bamboo."

Ling Rui looked at He Jiong, "Teacher He really has something in him."

"Haha, I'm not as good as you, I can only say, but I can't do it as well as you." As the host, He Jiong has naturally learned about these traditional Chinese skills. When he saw Ling Rui's actions just now, He Jiong also Suddenly my nose got sore, and I started to speak, because under the impact of modern times, these traditional skills have been scattered, and some of them have even lost their inheritance.

 Changed Chapter 1.

  Thank you Yuan Lai Yuan Qu, Jinghua Shuiyue for your reward of 588 book coins.

  Thank you Shuilan Xingyu for the reward of 100 book coins.

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(End of this chapter)

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