
Chapter 530 Chen Hong's Pain

Chapter 530 Chen Hong's Pain
Such a severe injury should have been dealt with immediately, otherwise there would be very serious consequences.

However, these people didn't care about their injuries at all, and ran forward with all their strength, and looked at the middle of the team from time to time. Following the line of sight of these people, it was a bear that had transformed into a three-meter-tall bear. Or, on the back of the bear, a pale middle-aged man is sitting on it, but this middle-aged man is not wearing a battle armor, just wearing an ordinary white gown, as if he just got out of bed.

"Chen Hong, the city lord has done his best for you. Hurry up and go back with us, or you will be killed." Behind him, a kobold with a height of 5 meters shouted while chasing him, and behind him was Followed by thousands of human evolutionists, incarnated in various shapes, running behind the kobolds.

The dozen or so people in front seemed not to have heard the Kobold's words, and were still running fast.

"Since this is the case, then don't blame the brothers for being ruthless. The city lord ordered Chen Hong and others to betray the Zijin city lord in an attempt to defect, and they will be killed. Whoever takes Chen Hong's head will be rewarded with 10 gold coins." Thousands of human evolutionists shouted.

The heavy rain was majestic, and the ground was covered with mud. The words of the kobolds appeared even colder under the rain.


In the rear, the eyes of thousands of evolutionaries burst out with fiery light, shouted loudly and killed Chen Hong. The loud voice suppressed the muffled thunder in the sky. For them, what did Chen Hong do? They don't care, why the city lord wants to kill him, they don't care, what they care about is only the 10 gold coins.

Stimulated by the 10 gold coins, the speed of these people increased by [-]% in an instant, and they screamed and killed the dozen or so people in front who seemed to fall down at any time.

Those who ran away desperately in front were Chen Hong, the man who was known as the King of Wings in his previous life, and his brothers, and the ones who chased them after them were sent by the city lord, but the city lord himself did not come. Probably because they were afraid of Chen Hong's desperate counterattack.

Moreover, people like this are people who cherish their feathers. After all, Chen Hong is his brother who worked hard together at the beginning. If he took action himself, it would be unavoidable, so he only sent the people below to chase and kill the escaped Chen Hong.

The road is muddy, the rain is majestic, and there is a muffled thunder in the sky from time to time, as if telling the tragedy of a hero.

After all, Chen Hong and his party have experienced repeated battles, and Chen Hong has been in a coma for more than ten days, and his body is in the weakest state in all aspects. Moreover, after 10 days of rest, the strength of many evolutionaries has been reduced. After catching up, Chen Hong, the number one warrior of Mount Tai, the lord of Zijin City, no longer had the power he had before.

Therefore, after running for about four or five kilometers, the distance to those chasing people behind was already very close, and those people behind had begun to use long-range weapons to harass them from time to time.

"Brothers, you run away first, taking me is just a burden, maybe none of us will be able to leave by then." Chen Hong sighed and said to those who protected himself.

Looking at these brothers who vowed to protect him to the death, Chen Hong felt very comforted. He was finally not blind. Although he had a brother who was like a white-eyed wolf like Lord Taishan, the owner of Zijin City, the other brothers were not in trouble when he was in trouble. Abandon him, these people are his best brothers.

"Brother Hong, don't talk about it. We must live together or die here together. None of our brothers is a coward who is afraid of death!" Chen Hong, who turned into a huge bear under his body, said while running.

"No!" Chen Hong said firmly: "I am very weak now, and I can't show any strength in battle. You are different. You can still escape. Their goal is me. As long as I let me go, they will kill me." I will not come to chase you again, when the time comes, you will leave Zijin City Lord Taishan and go to our headquarters of 'Jianghu' to avenge me."

"Brother Hong, you look down on the brothers too much. Are we brothers the kind of villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death? Brothers, are you afraid of death?" The bear evolutionist said loudly to the others.

"Don't be afraid!" The other evolutionaries surrounded by the bear replied in unison.

Chen Hong shook his head helplessly when he saw the determination of these people. At the same time, he clenched his fists tightly. If he could have such a group of brothers in his life, he would have no regrets in death. As a brother, in his life, he has gone blind twice in total. Once, he took the current Zijin City Lord Taishan as a brother.

As for the second time, it was his lover. Thinking of this, Chen Hong couldn't help crying. When he woke up and opened his eyes, and saw the woman nestled in Taishan's arms, Chen Hong almost committed suicide. Seeing that Chen Hong woke up, he tried every means to explain, and Tai Shan was helping her to explain, but Chen Hong's heart was ashamed.

Taishan betrayed him, Chen Hong could understand, but why his own woman betrayed him, Chen Hong couldn't figure it out anyway, but the thing had already happened, and it was impossible to change it.

Originally, if things were just like this, Chen Hong would not have broken with Taishan directly in anger, and he had even agreed to Taishan's invitation to participate in the city battle, but what happened next made her no matter what. He never expected that his lover would commit suicide on the spot, and then the brother beside him told him what happened during his coma.

It turned out that during this period of time, Taishan wanted to kill himself in a coma more than once, and even used coercive means to insult his lover. Afterwards, his lover found Taishan and was willing to let him die at the expense of himself. Taishan stopped doing anything to him, and because of this, he lived to wake up from the coma.

Knowing this, Chen Hong couldn't bear it any longer. Regardless of his weak body, he directly fought against Mount Tai. However, what he didn't expect was that Mount Tai's combat power was much stronger than before, and he came with Mount Tai The strength of this person is also very terrifying.

Finally, in a fierce battle, at the cost of the lives of a dozen brothers, they finally escaped from Zijin City, but everyone has reached the end of their battles and has no strength to fight anymore. The most elite and most powerful imperial guards in the City Lord's Mansion wanted to kill Chen Hong and others in one fell swoop.

call out!
Suddenly, a sharp sound sounded from around everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a painful scream came from behind Chen Hong. Chen Hong turned his head and saw a young man with a handsome face at the end of their team, crawling on the ground full of mud and water. On his thigh was a one-meter-long arrow, and the blood had already dyed the muddy water under the young man blood red in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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