Chapter 229
Hearing Qin Feng's emotion, Lan Fenghuang couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Brother, you are obviously a hooligan, why do you always pretend to be compassionate?"

Qin Feng said with a smile, "Who stipulates that hooligans can't be emotional?"

Lan Fenghuang ghost laughed, "Don't lie to me, I don't think you are a hooligan at all!"

Qin Feng patted her on the head and said, "You only dare to say this to me. If others hear it, they will definitely kill us both!"


Lan Fenghuang stuck out his tongue, took off his hat, revealing a head of black hair.

She plucked some wild flowers, wove a garland and put it on her head, which was very pure and beautiful in the sun.

Qin Feng looked at this girl and smiled, but actually wanted to send her away.But Shi Yong wanted to use her as a bargaining chip, and now is not the time.

Shi Yong sent Sun Hao over, and after finding Qin Feng and Lan Fenghuang, he immediately waved, "Brother Feng, Brother Yong has something to tell you to go back immediately!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and returned immediately with Lan Fenghuang.

On the way, he gave Lan Fenghuang a piece of jade and asked her to wear it around her neck.

Lan Fenghuang was so happy that he thought Qin Feng gave her a token of love.

In Miao Village, when a man gives a girl jade, it means he likes the girl.

She didn't know that Pan Jinlian was hiding in the jade.

In the camp where a group of elders were, Qin Feng was worried about her safety, so he asked Pan Jinlian to protect her.

On the road, the driver stared at Lan Fenghuang in the rear mirror for a while.

Qin Feng glared at the driver with a cold look.

The driver was startled, and quickly looked away, but his heart was still pounding with excitement.

Qin Feng took the garland from Lan Fenghuang's head, told her to put on her military cap, and told her not to reveal her daughter's identity easily.

Lan Fenghuang smiled, followed Qin Feng's instructions, immediately pulled up his hair and put on his military cap.

She didn't realize that someone had already thought of her wrongly.

In Shi Yong's barracks, the brothers were discussing the current situation intensely.

Some people advocate killing back immediately, while others advocate saying it later.

After Qin Feng went in, he sat down beside Zhang Qiang and quickly understood the situation.

Shi Yong waved his hand, signaling for everyone to calm down, and asked Qin Feng, "Brother Li Feng, what's your opinion?"

Li Feng frowned and analyzed, "Brother Yong, the Dongying people are pressing every step of the way, and their influence will soon extend to the poppy-producing areas. The longer this matter drags on, the worse it is for us, so we must resolutely start a war with them, and we must not Let them sit big!"

His words were supported by most of the brothers, and as soon as he finished speaking, there was a lot of approval.

Shi Yong was angry at the beginning, and he just wanted to fight with the Dongying people.

But now, he rubbed the space between his brows, and said hesitantly, "That being said, it's not easy to do. The newly appointed police chief is obviously in collusion with the Dongying people. And they now suspect that Buji was killed by us. We If you start a fight with the Dongying people, the police will only attack them!"

He made it very clear that he doesn't want to die yet.

Until the last moment, Shi Yong still didn't want to completely turn against the Thai government.

If he put all his eggs in one basket, he would fight with the Dongying people.Regardless of victory or defeat, it will be difficult for him to return to Chiang Rai in his life.

If he sits idly by and Dongying people gain a firm foothold in Chiang Rai, it will be difficult for him to enter Chiang Rai.

This is a dead move.

If Shi Yong hadn't expanded his ambitions and wanted to annex Puwang's forces, he wouldn't have been used by Yu Ji.

He waved his brothers to go out, and thought for a long time in the room alone.

In the end, he swallowed his breath and prepared to do some high-level activities, first remove the new director.

The official activities have always been carried out by Xie Maohui of Maohui Office.

Only few people know about his relationship with Shi Yong.

Xie Maohui is also a council member of Chiang Rai City. He usually uses black money and has worked in the top management of Thailand for many years, so he has some contacts.

After Shi Yong asked someone to send a report to Xie Maohui, Xie Maohui only replied with two words, "Understood!"

Normally, he would reply with "Don't worry".

This time, he wasn't sure.

The media has magnified the assassination of Boogie, and at the same time portrayed him as a police chief with two sleeves.

All this is Yu Ji's gesture.

Karasong, the new director, will handle it all by himself.

The more incorruptible and heroic Booji is portrayed, the more resentful the officials and the public will be towards those who assassinated him.

No one will investigate what kind of person he was before his death.

Death is the most important thing, Chiang Rai mansion is not clean, no one will embarrass a dead person.

Three days later, at the funeral in Phuket, the Thai government decided to add the title of "Hero of Fighting Black" to him!

At the funeral, Kara Song pretended to be distressed to the media, "This is an unforgettable day, a day that the entire Thai police community will remember.

Our hero, Boogie, violated the interests of the underground organization.In broad daylight, they were ruthlessly shot to death.

We have basically confirmed it through investigation.The behind-the-scenes leader of this organization is the leader who has been running rampant in our city for a long time, dealing in pornography, gambling and drugs, Pa Song.

This man is insane, and he has committed a heinous crime.

Our police department assures everyone that we will resolutely crack down on the Phra Song gang, seek justice for the Buji chief, and return the citizens to a stable Chiang Rai! "

Once the news was broadcast, it immediately attracted strong reactions from the whole of Thailand.

Phra Song's name became a hot topic in Thailand for a while.

Because of the popularity of the Internet, netizens conducted a human flesh search on Pa Song, and finally even dug out his real name, Shi Yong.

Moreover, the Huaxia police's arrest warrant for Shi Yong was posted.

Things got worse and worse. A wanted man in Huaxia changed his name and surname in Thailand and became a local member of parliament.

The higher-ups were furious and demanded that the lower levels investigate the matter thoroughly, and they must not condone the traitor and cover up and condone it.

The situation was changing rapidly, and the door that Xie Maohui had just opened in the past three days was completely blocked.

Even the money just sent out was refunded one by one.

In the end, after thinking about it, he only sent two words to Shi Yong, "It's over!"

Shi Yong has received news from various channels one after another these days, and is always optimistic about the situation.

But everyone pushed the wall down, he didn't expect that he would lose so badly!
The point is that he underestimated the strength of the Dongying people in Thailand.

After World War II, with the rise of Thailand, Japan did not know how much assistance it gave.

Compared with China, Thailand is closer to Japan, whether it is high-level or private.

No matter from which aspect, Shi Yong has no strength to compete with the Yamada group.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can't fight against an international organization.

After Shi Yong was in despair, he called his brothers together again, and said through gritted teeth, "Brothers, soldiers can be killed but not humiliated. The Dongying people don't leave us any way out, and want to drive us all to extinction. Do you agree?"

All the key members in the room raised their arms and shouted, "No, no, no!"

Shi Yong frowned and said, "Yes, no! Anyway, Chiang Rai City can't go back, so we will fight with the Dongying people! From now on, we will grow poppies here to make a living, and we can still make a lot of money!"

"Brother, give the order, the brothers can't wait!"

"Brother, brothers fucked with you!"

"Brother Yong, if you want to kill the little devil, you must count me in!"


(End of this chapter)

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