Pretty Sister's Super Bodyguard

Chapter 151 Fast and Furious

Chapter 151 Fast and Furious
Qin Feng slammed the steering wheel, causing all the bullets to hit the passenger seat, and then a drift directly slid from the right lane to the left lane, pulling away a distance from the Land Rover in an instant.

He Lengdong is not from a military background, and his marksmanship is not bad within 50 meters.Once this distance is exceeded, the bullets will fly up and down, and there is no accuracy at all.

After firing a shuttle of bullets, Qin Feng still followed closely.

However, a large truck was unlucky to be shot, the tires slipped, and it hit the isolation belt in the middle with a bang.The butt of the car slid forward, Hula rolled in the middle of the road, and only stopped after rolling around.

Qin Feng clung to the buttocks of the truck, and at the last moment, he swung the steering wheel to the left, and wheezed around the truck's buttocks.

Lai Er stared at the rear mirror, he was already relieved, but his heart immediately raised again, his stomach was about to explode!
He swiped into the travel bag, only to find that there was a hole in the bag, and when the bullet escaped just now, all the bullets escaped.

The grenades were fired and thrown, and now there is only one left.

Depressed, he immediately told the driver, "Slow down, let that bastard come up!"

The driver immediately stepped on the brakes and slowed down. He Lengdong gave Qin Feng a middle finger, and reached out to take the bomb from Lai Er's hand.

In the car, Lai Er said coldly, "Throw it on time, we must blow him up!"

He Lengdong licked his lips and hissed, "Don't worry, Second Master!"

Qin Feng knew that He Lengdong was out of bullets, and he also saw what they were planning. It was nothing more than wanting to use grenades.

He didn't let go of this opportunity, and rushed up as soon as he stepped on the gas.

After all, the speed of the Land Rover is too fast, and this broken jeep can't keep up.

It is basically impossible for him to overtake another car.

At this time, the mountain road has already passed, and the mountain road begins to turn.On the left is a cliff of hundreds of meters, and any mistake will leave no bones left.

After the distance between the two sides was more than ten meters, He Lengdong saw the timing, pulled off the string, stayed in his hand for three seconds, and threw it towards Qin Feng with a wheeze.

The detonation time of the grenade was six seconds, drawing an arc in the air, and it was about to explode from the jeep.

Qin Feng turned the steering wheel to the right, wiped the brakes, and then turned quickly.

Black smoke came out from the friction of the wheels on the ground, and there was a persistent stabbing sound, and the front of the car slapped on the grenade like a slap in the face.

A loud noise rose into the air, and the grenade failed to blow up the jeep, but exploded five or six meters from the cliff.

The rocks were shattered by the shock, and rolled down with a crash, making a loud crash.

Qin Feng broke out in a cold sweat, stepped up the accelerator to catch up, and slammed into the Land Rover.

Both cars shook at the same time.

Lai Er cursed in the car, "Damn it, why is this grandson so good at driving!"

He Lengdong sighed after sitting down, and said with frowned eyebrows, "Second Master, forget it. He can't catch up with our car, so let's go up the mountain and hide."

Lai Erda scolded, "Dongzi, when have we ever been so aggrieved? Either this grandson will die today, or we will die!"

He Lengdong nodded, held the steering wheel in his hands, and told the driver, "Get down!"

The driver froze for a moment, frowned and said, "Brother Dong, what are you talking about?"

He Lengdong kicked out directly, pulled the door with his left hand, and the driver flew out of the car with a wheeze.

His head hit the isolation belt hard, and his brain burst and died on the spot.

Qin Feng abruptly backed away and cursed inwardly, "Grass mud horse, so bloody cruel!"

He Lengdong looked at Qin Feng in the rearview mirror, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, he slammed the steering wheel to the right, wheezed and stepped on the brake.

Qin Feng followed closely behind, and before he had time to brake, he bumped into it with a bang.

It felt like an old ox plowing the ground, pushing the Land Rover abruptly and sliding for more than ten meters.

He Lengdong immediately shifted into reverse gear, stepped on the accelerator, and the two cars stopped with a wheeze.

After only holding on for a breath, the Land Rover started to roll backward against the jeep.

Qin Feng was speechless for a while, the horsepower of these two police BJ jeeps, how could it be the opponent of Land Rover.

He slammed the steering wheel and the car was out of control.

The Land Rover's engine whined, and the rumble slammed the top of the Jeep against the guardrail.

With a rattling sound, the guardrail broke.

The jeep rolled down from the cliff with a loud bang, and immediately a puff of gunpowder smoke rose.

Half of the Land Rover dangled on the cliff, the front-drive engine hummed, a puff of black smoke came out, and rushed onto the road with a whimper.

Lai Er hissed and laughed loudly, "Damn it, let's see if you're not dead this time!"

The corner of He Lengdong's mouth twitched, and he also sneered, "It's a pity, you are also a man!"

At this time, the sunroof of the car roof was smashed open, and Puchi exposed a fist from above.

The moment the car fell just now, Qin Feng opened the door, stepped on the jeep in two or three steps, and stepped onto the roof of the Land Rover in one step.

Because the car body was too vibrated, He Lengdong and Lai Er didn't notice it.

Qin Feng slammed down his fist and roared at the same time, "Scrap, go to hell!"

He clenched his fists tightly and slammed down on He Lengdong's forehead with a force that weighed a hundred catties. The airflow from the smash was a little fluctuating, and the fist wind blew in He Lengdong's ears.

He Lengdong leaned back suddenly, wiped the gas pedal with his right foot at the same time, and drove the Land Rover out with a wheeze.

Qin Feng's fist passed close to He Lengdong's cheek, directly smashing his nose into pieces.But after the car started suddenly, he was almost thrown out because of the inertia.

He grabbed the sunroof with his right hand, slammed his left hand hard on the car, smashed a hole and grabbed it, and immediately stabilized his body.

"You son of a bitch, go to hell!"

Lai Er cursed loudly, took out the machete from the car, gritted his teeth, and chopped at Qin Feng's left hand.

Qin Feng let go of his left hand suddenly, because the speed was too fast, his body was blown up by the air current like a kite.If it wasn't for the close grasp with the right hand, it would have flown down directly.

Lai Er cursed angrily, swung his right hand and slashed at the skylight when he saw it.

Qin Feng's left hand came back and he inserted it into the car, while his right hand suddenly withdrew.The machete slammed on the roof of the car, and sparks flew out when it slammed.

"Second Master sit down!"

He Lengdong roared, and finding the right moment, he slammed on the brakes.

The tires slammed stubbornly on the ground, and the huge inertia directly threw Lai Er from the back seat to the front seat.He Lengdong was strangled by the seat belt, and his breastbone and ribs were almost broken.

Qin Feng was caught off guard, and flew out with a whoosh.

At this time, Yang Yuhuan suddenly pulled him to stabilize his figure in the air.

Qin Feng landed his foot and stepped on the hood of the car with a bang.

The water tank under his feet burst, and like a fountain, a puff of hot water spewed out.

At dusk, the residual smoke is like blood.

Qin Feng jumped out of the car, hooked his fingers at He Lengdong and Lai Er who were in the car, and said coldly, "Today I'm going to kill someone!"

 Ask for a reward, please recommend, sister fans, let's cheer for Qin Feng together!
(End of this chapter)

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