Pretty Sister's Super Bodyguard

Chapter 134 Give you 3 seconds

Chapter 134 Give You Three Seconds
Qin Feng sighed, and shook his head at Shen Jiaqi as a gesture.

Shen Jiaqi covered her mouth in surprise, and hurried forward to hug Ying Ziyue in her arms to comfort her.

Ying Ziyue struggled and shouted, "I want my mother, I want my mother. Big brother, please send my mother to the hospital! Why is my mother silent, please save her!"

Qin Feng sighed, went out immediately, showed a police officer's ID card to a villager, and told him to call the village chief over.

Outside the courtyard wall made of stone, a group of women and men were grinning and looking at Qin Feng curiously.

No one knew what happened in the house, and a bold woman asked loudly, "Young man, what are you doing here?"

Qin Feng ignored her and was in a bad mood.

Originally, I wanted to help Ziyue win, but I came a step late.

It's useless to start this matter one step earlier, Ying Ziyue's mother has not been suffering from leukemia for a day or two.Because I have no money to see a doctor, I have been procrastinating at home, and finally reached the time when the oil ran out and the lamps dried up.

Soon, five or six middle-aged people trotted over, and when they saw Qin Feng, they immediately said, "Oh, why don't you let the leader comrades come, so we can go to meet you!"

He heard from the villagers that Qin Feng's certificate stated that he was a police inspector.Although I don't know what the position of the superintendent is, but I guess it must be a high official.

Qin Feng asked, "Are you the village chief?"

The middle-aged man immediately nodded and said, "Yes, is it? I am the village chief and secretary of Qinjiagou, Wang Fugui! If you have any instructions from the leaders, please mention them, and we will fully cooperate!"

Qin Feng cursed sullenly, "What the hell are you giving instructions, what do you village officials do! The women in this house have been dead for a day, and none of you know!"

Wang Fugui immediately said in surprise, "What, Dani, she's gone! Hey, my poor girl, why did she just leave!"

He cried and patted his buttocks, and ran into the house immediately.

A middle-aged man explained at the side, "Comrade leader, you have to understand our village chief. The woman in this room is Wang Dani, who is his own sister. Over the years, our village chief has spent All my savings!"

Qin Feng suppressed his anger, feeling so depressed that he didn't know where to vent it!

Wang Dani's family is so poor that they can't even pay for a decent coffin.

Qin Feng took 1 yuan and gave it to Wang Fugui, asking him to bring someone to take care of the funeral.

Ying Ziyue has now completely become an orphan without a father or a mother. He suffered the pain of losing his father and mother at a young age, and locked himself in the room to cry, and no one saw him.

After discussing with Wang Fugui, Qin Feng decided to take her by his side to raise her after the funeral was over.

One is that no one in the village is willing to raise her, and the other is that Ying Ziyue is the body of the sun.

Only Qin Feng knew about this matter.

She can catch the colorful Yinling butterfly, one is by the arithmetic of an expert, and the other is by her body of the sun.As long as ordinary people dare to touch the colorful Yinling butterfly, they will be injured by Yinyuan force immediately.

If Xiao Ziyue practiced Taoism, her speed would be much faster than ordinary people.

When it was getting dark, Ying Ziyue's house had erected white banners and hung black cloths.

The villagers all helped to take care of the funeral. Qin Feng gave 1 yuan, and there was no shortage of people and money.

After saying goodbye to the village chief, he and Shen Jiaqi drove back to the city.

Along the way, Shen Jiaqi cried pear blossoms with rain from time to time, and kept muttering in her small mouth, "Little Ziyue is too pitiful, there is no father or mother at such a young age! I really regret running around with you today, you let me see these What are you doing!"

Qin Feng sighed and said, "You know, China is very big, and there are many people living in poverty. How can you, a young lady like you, understand the hardships of life of the lower class? When one person gets sick, all relatives will suffer from it." .The poor can't afford to be sick!"

Shen Jiaqi remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

When the car was about to turn a corner, she suddenly slammed on the brakes and almost threw Qin Feng out.

Qin Feng was so depressed that he was about to scold her when he saw two traffic lights on the opposite side, and five or six people were holding baseball bats and machetes in front of the car, sneering at Qin Feng and Shen Jiaqi.

Shen Jiaqi said depressedly, "It's over, it's still the group of people who overtook the car today, and they've waited so bored until now!"

Qin Feng was unhappy at first, so he found a few punching bags, opened the car door and walked out.

With him around, Shen Jiaqi was not afraid, and immediately hid behind Qin Feng after getting off the car.

The leading man held a baseball bat, pointed at Qin Feng and yelled, "Boss and man, you two are quite arrogant! You dare to leave my car with a broken jeep, are you fucking impatient?"

Qin Feng said coldly to them, "I'll give you two choices, one is to get in the car and get out immediately, the other is to wait for the ambulance and get out! You have three seconds to choose!"

The five men laughed arrogantly at the same time, and shouted at Qin Feng, "My boy, you have a big face! Do you know who my elder brother is?"

Qin Feng sneered and counted, "One!"

A strong man couldn't bear it, and threw a baseball bat at Qin Feng with his hand in his hand, and roared, "I'm an idiot, I want you to pretend to be aggressive!"


A baseball bat is strong enough to crack rocks.


Qin Feng moved his body and continued to drink loudly!Before the baseball bat fell, his left hand was already around the strong man's wrist, and his right hand punched him in the face.

"Come on!"

There was a muffled sound, and the bridge of the nose of the strong man collapsed, nosebleeds gushed out, and his head fell heavily to the ground.

The leading big man immediately shouted, "Brothers, let me hack him to death!"

Seeing Qin Feng's skill, the four strong men didn't dare to be careless. They held a machete and slashed at Qin Feng's forehead.


Qin Feng yelled, squatted down suddenly, and kicked out with a sweeping leg.

Pop, pop, three crisp sounds.

The three strong men's feet were broken, and they fell to the ground with a bang.The remaining strong man raised his machete and was about to strike down. Qin Feng leaned back and kicked his chest with his right leg with the strength of his waist.

The [-]-jin body of the strong man flew out, smashed heavily on the Land Rover, and was kicked five or six meters away.

The leading big man swallowed at Qin Feng, touched his back with his right hand, pulled out a pistol, and yelled at Qin Feng, "Little bastard, you are forcing me to kill you!"

Qin Feng said coldly, "Not bad, there is a murderer on him! Guns can kill people, do you have the guts to open them?"

The big man roared, "I'm an idiot, don't force me!"

As he spoke, he pulled the safety, his right thumb firmly pressed on the trigger.

Shen Jiaqi couldn't help sweating for Qin Feng, and immediately shouted coquettishly behind her back, "Bastard, don't be foolish, killing people is against the law!"

The big man hissed ferociously, "You two men and women, what can I do if I kill you!"

He tried to squeeze the trigger, but at the last moment he was too terrified to do so.

With a face full of fear, Qin Feng kept approaching him and said, "You scum, you don't even dare to fire a gun, and you still have the face to be a hooligan, you really embarrass the hooligan!"

The big man was furious, stomped his right foot and yelled, "I'm an idiot, I'll kill you!"


Flames splattered and gunshots pierced the night sky.

Big man, shot.

 Ask for a reward, please recommend, sister fans, let's cheer for Qin Feng together!
(End of this chapter)

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