The national goddess she overturned

Chapter 754 Absolutely Loves Him!

Chapter 754 Absolutely Loves Him!

She didn't know how long it took before she had the strength to stand up, her legs were numb, she stumbled and ran over, digging the ruins like crazy.

His ten fingers were dripping with blood but he didn't feel it, and he refused to stop when he was scratched by a steel bar. He searched tirelessly for him. He would be fine, he would be...

When she saw the man's stiff hands, she froze for a moment, tears finally fell on the ground as if the thread had been broken, "Pang Ye... Pang Ye..."

"I won't let you die!"

No matter what she said or how she called him, the man under the ruins didn't respond at all.

She fiddled with the dust on his face, revealing handsome facial features and eyebrows, and slowly lifted him up, hugging his shoulders like a drowning person hugging driftwood.

Her face was pressed against his, feeling his remaining body temperature, tears rolled down silently, but the corners of her mouth were slightly bent, her smile was bitter, like a girl in love, she said softly to him: "I promise you... ..."

click -

Sakurai Yue opened his eyes, and there was an uproar in his heart. He even had an illusion that Ling Jiang really loved him.

When she hugged him so hard, her tone was so affectionate, she definitely loved him...

The throbbing in his heart hadn't dissipated yet, Bai Yuling let go of him resolutely, restored his smiling face in a second, and ran to the monitor to see the effect.

Sakurai Moon: "..."

This liar, a playwright, he was almost moved by her lifelike acting skills just now, this guy actually came out of the play so quickly!
It wasn't until Sakurai Yue jumped up from the ruins that everyone at the scene gradually recovered.

Quan Lang could stuff an egg into his mouth, "It's so shocking, my sister's explosive power at that moment just now is incredible!"

Ding Xiaozhao and his little assistant blushed, and were moved by the scene of their parting and parting.

"Sister, don't you really like Ah Yue?"

"I think Brother Yue is interested in Sister Yuling. Did you notice the look in his eyes just now? I'm in love with him!"

Tudou on the side didn't think about it: "That's because the two of them have superb acting skills!"

Tsk tsk, thank goodness the elder brother is not here, if you see your sister hugging another man, the price of jealousy will increase again!

Sakurai Yue walked over, leaned over in front of Bai Yuling, and stared at the monitor without blinking.

Seeing the picture of her desperately looking for him under the ruins, Sakurai Yue couldn't take his eyes off, staring straight at the crying little woman holding him in the picture, suddenly turned his head, and solemnly suggested: " Ling Jiang, I don’t think the filming of this episode is good enough, so let’s do it again!”

Bai Yuling was staring at the screen, and said without thinking, "It's pretty good, let's pass it!"

"No, no, I think there is still room for improvement. In order to achieve emotional sublimation and plot tension, how about adding a kiss scene?"

"Kiss scene?"

Bai Yuling turned his head and patrolled his face probingly, but this guy had a very professional expression, as if he was really thinking about the script.

"Yes, after all, this is a spy movie. In order to cater to the audience group of girls, wouldn't it be better to add a little love element?"

Bai Yuling nodded slightly, "I'll think about it."

Sakurai Yue patted her shoulder seriously, "Then think about it carefully."

"Brother Yue, someone is visiting the set!" Outside the set, the little assistant shouted sweetly.

Who is it?

Sakurai Yue was planning to discuss with Bai Yuling how to add this "kiss scene", and looked over impatiently after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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