Chapter 712, Meeting late at night (4 more

Prince Rui's Mansion

Chu Yu soaked in the bathtub with his eyes closed.

Not in a good mood.

He knew that Yun Jinnian was angry.

He also knew that Qu Mianke should not be allowed to live in the mansion, but when he sent Yun Jinnian back, Qu Mianke had already lived in the mansion, so he couldn't drive him out.

"Ruo Er!"


Chu Yu took a deep breath, "Tell me, am I wrong?"


Although Ruo Er is smart, he can't answer this nonsensical question!

"You find a way to get Qu Mianke away!"

Ruo Er immediately understood, "Master, it's a bit difficult to get people away at present!"

Chu Yu stared at Ruo Er.

Ruoer hurriedly said, "But, it's not impossible!"

"any solution?"

"Princess Mianke lives in the mansion because her mother is not in the capital, but if her mother comes and betroths her, won't she be able to live in Prince Rui's mansion?"

"Think of a way to get her engaged quickly, no, let her find someone she likes quickly. Think about it carefully, among those famous families, is there any younger generation who is particularly good at coaxing people and good-looking!"

"Yes, there must be!"

"Then find out, I want to be friends with him!"

Ruo Er immediately understood what Chu Yu meant.

"Don't worry, my subordinates will find him quickly!"

Chu Yu waved his hand, got up and took the clothes to put on, after thinking about it, he decided to go to the Han Mansion.

He had to meet Yun Jinnian and explain.

Especially the way Yun Jinnian looked at him today, he always felt panicked.

After playing the leaf card, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Yun Jinnian returned to Chaoyang Courtyard, changed her clothes, and leaned on the bed with the stove in her arms. She let Yuan Shi, He Mei, and He Nuan go to rest early.

She was the only one in the huge dormitory.

The ground dragon in the room was very hot, even if you didn't hold the stove to warm it, it was still very warm.But Yuan Shi insisted on her hugging one, fearing that she would be cold.

There were sounds of fighting outside.

After hearing the sound, Yun Jinnian got out of bed slowly, put on his clothes and cape, and opened the door of the room.

Watching Chu Yu being besieged by several people.

Although he is not at a disadvantage, the hidden guard taught by Mochizuki is really not a vegetarian.

If Yun Jinnian didn't open his mouth, the dark guards wouldn't let Chu Yu get close to Yun Jinnian. Even if they didn't hurt Chu Yu, they could still entangle him.

Chu Yu wanted to speak several times, but held back.

Seeing that it was almost done, Yun Jinnian took a deep breath, "Stop!"

When the dark guard heard the words, he withdrew his hand.

"Go down!"

The dark guard nodded and stepped back.

Chu Yu put away his sword and walked in front of Yun Jinnian, and asked cautiously, "Are you angry?"

"What do you think?" Yun Jinnian asked back.

Chu Yu was a little nervous when he heard this.

Seeing that Yun Jinnian's expression was not good, he asked in a low voice, "I know I made a mistake, and I'm trying to find a way to remedy it now!"

"Heh!" Yun Jinnian laughed.

Turned and entered the room.

Chu Yu hurriedly followed.

Seeing Yun Jinnian taking off his cloak, he quickly took it off the shelf hanging on one side.

Yun Jinnian sat down at the table, took the teapot from the small stove, poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu took it, but didn't dare to drink it.

"Drink, it's so cold outside, drink a glass of water to warm yourself!"

"I'm not cold, the room is very warm!"

"Chu Yu!"


Yun Jinnian looked at Chu Yu's cautious and careful look, and sighed slightly, "Don't be nervous, although I am angry, I am not confused, not to mention you already know that you are wrong, so tell me, where is your mistake? Prepare How to remedy it?"

(End of this chapter)

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