Selling equipment everywhere

Chapter 232 Deception

Chapter 232 Deception
Ruotian Wuyun is relatively bright and simple, but it doesn't mean that he is a fool. At this time, the subtle expressions on Ban Yuelian's face, which inadvertently revealed her thoughts, fell into his eyes.His heart suddenly sank, and the redoubled sense of disgust surged up——

Fortunately, I have always regarded her as a friend before, but I didn't expect her to be such a hypocritical woman with two sides and two faces and two hearts!If she did it, she would do it, and if she dared to admit it, maybe she could still maintain the last bit of friendship with each other, nodding, smiling, and passing by.But now that she did it, she dared not admit it, and even stood here denying it with an innocent face. It was so pretentious that he was extremely disgusted!

Seeing Ruotian Wuyun staring at her but not speaking, Ban Yuelian thought that he was thinking whether to believe her, so she hurriedly added: "Who told you this? It's just slander! I don't even know— —" She spoke slickly, and by the time she realized that she had slipped up, it was too late... As the saying goes, too many words will lead to mistakes!Ban Yuelian has verified this truth with her own painful experience this time!

"Speaking of it, who do you not know at all?" Ruotian Wuyun's gaze became sharp, and his voice became low.Being raped by a friend and killed by an enemy is even more saddening. At first, he didn't understand why Ban Yuelian would do something to hurt Qin Zheng, but he simply felt sorry for Qin Zheng. Later, he vaguely understood, but I couldn't understand what Ban Yuelian was thinking.It was only now that he truly realized the darkness of Ban Yuelian's mind. She might not regard Qin Zheng as a friend at all, so she was able to continue acting and lying here without any guilt.

"I..." Ban Yuelian pushed herself into a dead end this time, she didn't dare to look directly into Ruotian Wuyun's eyes, she turned her gaze away and said, "You scared me...I just accidentally said the wrong thing Well, it's not a big deal. Of course I know the scholar Ye Bai, weren't we all there when we fought him in the square in July?" She deliberately avoided the important and hoped that Ruotian Wuyun could be fooled.

Ruotian Wuyun was depressed by her unrepentant attitude, didn't want to talk to her at all, glanced at the bright pattern on the corner of her clothes, the newly changed logo of Junzitang, waved his hands, and looked to himself with a gray face since walk away.

I have known Ruotian Wuyun for so long, no matter in the game or in reality, he has always been a gentle and cheerful boy next door image, who can laugh heartily, blush with a little shyness, and talk and laugh with great interest.His eyes have always been clean, clear and bright, just like his people, you will never feel a trace of haze.But now Ban Yuelian saw his gloomy face and languid expression, suddenly felt a little scared, a feeling of despair gradually tore up and rolled up in her heart, her legs were as heavy as lead, and she couldn't take a step , can only watch him go away and disappear into the crowd.

Ruotian Wuyun felt very disheartened. He never thought that he would treat a friend with sincerity, but what he got in exchange was constant deception. To apologize or to regret.Fortunately, he was already mentally prepared, and he had already started to distance himself from her, otherwise he would really be so angry that he vomited blood.

Walking and walking, Ruotian Wuyun was depressed while keeping his head down against the corner of the wall and kept walking.After all, he is an open-minded person. After he was entangled, he regained his composure. He raised his head, ready to take a deep breath and then exhale it, and then completely forget the unhappy things like the breath he exhaled.But after raising his head, he took a breath but forgot to let it out, just opened his eyes and looked around, the surrounding environment is so strange!Halo, he actually didn't know where he went, and lost his way in the city!So I had no choice but to continue to lower my head, turn around and walk back against the corner.

After being entangled by Ban Yuelian, and then getting lost and going back and forth in the city, time flew by.When Ruotian Wuyun rushed to the chariot and horse shop, Junzitang had already declared war on the past, so the teleportation to Haining City had been closed. The coachman waved his hands at Ruotian Wuyun with his legs crossed and said, "Haining? No, no. Go, the war is raging there, you can’t sacrifice your life for a few taels of silver, can you? If you make money, you have to spend your life! How about you change the place? How about going to Yizhou City? It’s cheap, and you only charge 10 Two silver coins!" Ruotian Wuyun left the messy coachman with black lines all over his head, stood on the road and began to send Qin Zheng a long-distance message.

Qin Zheng was about to reply after reading the biography, but saw Han Tieyi galloping towards her from a distance, and stopped in front of her, panting slightly: "Have you waited long? I just went offline and called Wu Qi It is estimated that the teleportation points leading to Haining in various cities are closed now, we have to find a way to connect him in."

"I just received a letter from Ruotian, and he said he can't come in either." Qin Zheng raised the note in his hand and smiled slightly: "Now the whole of Haining is surrounded by major guilds. There is no way for people to come in, so let Diaoer pick them up."

The two sent letters to Ruotian Wuyun and Wu Qi respectively, telling them to teleport to the nearest city to Haining City first, and then rent a fast horse to head to Haining, while Shuangdiao was summoned to carry people.Because they had practiced together a few days ago, Diao'er recognized them, so Han Tieyi ordered them to send Ruotian Wuyun and Wu Qi into the city on the way.

After arranging everything temporarily, Qin Zheng followed Han Tieyi to the meeting hall in the city.Walking along the way, most of the players I saw were members of the former guild. Because the war is about to start, many people have already put on non-attribute guild uniforms on the outside of the equipment. Looking around, there is a dark red .There are also some clothes of other colors mixed in, which are neutral players who haven't left the city yet.

There were also many people gathered in the square in front of the meeting hall. Although the corners of their robes were also embroidered with the marks of the past, the color of their clothes was black.Qin Zheng knew that these people were former drummers, and each of them was responsible for managing a hundred ordinary members.Stepping into the meeting hall, there are dozens of players in purple clothes in the outer hall. These people are the former standard bearers, and each of them is responsible for managing a hundred drummers.When they saw Han Tieyi and Qin Zheng coming in, they all nodded in greeting. Although Qin Zheng couldn't recognize them all, he saw several familiar faces, so he smiled back.Opening a restaurant is good because it has a lot of popularity!Originally, it was impossible for people to break into the meeting hall of the guild in the past, but these people go to Qinji Restaurant for dinner and drink every day, so how could they not recognize Qin Zheng and Han Tieyi?Knowing that they are the president's friends, no one came to stop them and allowed them to enter the inner hall.

In the inner hall, 21 Xian was explaining to the nine veterans in green clothes some matters that must be paid attention to by the defenders and guilds in various parts of the city during the siege battle. Suddenly tightening and loosening imitated the movement of holding a brick and hitting people, which dazzled people.Seeing Qin Zheng and Han Tieyi coming in at this time, 21 Xian nodded to them, but continued to talk without a single pause in his mouth, but the drunk Qingniu seemed to see a great savior, and hurriedly strode towards them Come on, hold Han Tieyi's hand tightly and say: "Damn! You're here, you're suffocating me!"

Qin Zheng was very surprised when he heard the words. He didn't understand whether Han Tieyi would come or not. He gesticulated and scolded the scholar Ye Bai for his insidiousness, despicability and shameless cunning, and his voice was too loud to continue speaking. Together with the nine veterans sitting around the table, ten pairs of eyes glared at him, but he didn't know it at all. Concentrating, he just pulled Han Tieyi to the corner of the hall, and continued to curse for several minutes, then he took a bowl of herbal tea from the table and poured it all at once, and said loudly: "Damn it! ! Finally scold Shu Chang!"

Look for the pink ticket ^^.
(End of this chapter)

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