Selling equipment everywhere

Chapter 160 The Mysterious Zangxing Building

Chapter 160 The Mysterious Zangxing Building
The lights in the Zangxing Building were dazzling. As soon as Qin Zheng entered the door, he saw that the three walls of the store were lined with codes and codes. There were bookshelves full of books on them, and several people in dark yellow clothes were holding big books. Things like notebooks, pens and ink are busy registering and recording against the books.

Qin Zheng was dazzled. She didn't know what this Cangxing Tower was for. If it was about selling books, she had never seen such a big bookstore. Compared with this place, all the bookstores in Lin'an City had street stalls.At this time, an old man with a white beard came up to her courteously, and asked her what she wanted to buy with a smile.

I just walked in to have a look. How did Qin Zheng know what he wanted to buy?Just as he looked around carefully with his eyes, the old man smiled again and said, "The second floor sells pills, the third floor sells weapons and equipment, and the fourth floor sells jewelry..."

Halo, dare to say this is another grocery store, selling everything!Qin Zheng smiled and said, "I'm just looking at it, not necessarily buying it."

The white-bearded old man was very patient, still pointing and introducing: "This fight is all about swordsmanship, the side is swordsmanship, and the other side is palmsmanship..."

"What, what?! Are martial arts secret books sold here?" Qin Zheng was a little dizzy. She thought this was just an ordinary bookstore, but she didn't expect to sell secret books!Cheat books are not easy to play. Although Qin Zheng has picked up many magic moon cheat books, they only add up to dozens of books. If the bookshelves in this store are filled with cheat books, there must be no fewer than ten thousand books by visual inspection. How much is a roomful of books worth? !
"Yeah, what book is more valuable than secret books?" The white-bearded old man smiled mysteriously, and said softly: "Maybe a treasure map is also quite valuable, but who knows if it's true or not? Knowing what will be dug out, it is more assured to buy cheat books. Girl, don’t you think so?”

Qin Zheng hesitated a few times, and began to look carefully at the secret books on the shelf. Here she actually found the "Secrets of Acupuncture Points" that dropped after the death of the master of Huanyue Cave last time!The secret books that Wu Qi needs should not be regarded as rubbish, she quickly asked the old man with white beard, "How much is this secret book?"

The white-bearded old man picked up "Secrets of Acupuncture Points" and looked at it, but he smiled and said nothing, and only showed five fingers.

"5000 taels of silver?" This price is absolutely cheap!

Unexpectedly, the old man with white beard shook his head and said, "5."

Black shop!Qin Zheng slandered, but thinking about it, the price is actually not too expensive. Wu Qi had guarded the Huanyue Cave for two or three months to kill the master, but he didn't kill the secret book. It can be seen that the drop rate is extremely low. Going to sell it outside, I am afraid that some people will ask for 10 taels.Thinking of this, Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Bring me three copies."

The white-bearded old man didn't move when he heard the words, he just smiled and said to Qin Zheng: "I'm sorry, all the cheat books in this store are unique copies."

That is to say, there is only one copy? !Qin Zheng felt a little disappointed.She bought three books for herself to learn one, and gave the other two to Ruotian Wuyun and Han Tieyi.Because Ruotian Wuyun's strength is lower than hers, he must have never learned the secrets of acupuncture. As for Han Tieyi, when Wu Qi mentioned this secret book when eating at Yipinxian, he seemed very excited, and he probably didn't. learned.He saved himself twice, he didn't make a fuss when he learned the identity of his time travel, and taught himself a lot of common sense, he should be thanked.But the white bearded old man said that there is only a single copy...

Qin Zheng was thinking about it in her heart, but when she looked up, she saw a flash of contempt in the eyes of the white-bearded old man. She was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized after thinking about it.Could it be that the old man is afraid that he bought so many cheat books not for his own use, but he will become a second-hand dealer and resell them to make money?She is not a profiteer to this extent!Unknowingly, he was angry and funny and said: "I bought the cheat book to give away to someone else, can you please help me look it up again?"

"No, no." The white-bearded old man waved his hands repeatedly without looking for it, and muttered softly again quickly, "Fu Yuan can only be used by oneself, so it can't be divided among others!"

Fortune?What does shopping have to do with fortune?Qin Zheng didn't quite understand, so he kept his doubts in his heart, and went to read the cheat books on the nearby bookshelf. He remembered the conversation between Wu Qi and others during the PK that day. He knew that group attack moves in this game cannot be created by himself, so he just Look for the tricks of group attacks.

After this search, I found quite a few. When I asked about the price, it ranged from 30 to 1205. Qin Zheng knew the truth of greed for more. Besides, if buying all the money was not enough, he only picked up the three most expensive ones. I bought the sword manual and a knife manual, plus the "Secrets of Acupuncture Points", the total is [-] million taels of silver.

The money was spent like running water, even if Qin Zheng didn't care about money, he couldn't help but click his tongue.In normal times, even if you spend penniless, it's nothing, you can still earn more, but now she still owes people money, and it's unreasonable to spend so boldly without paying back the money.So she didn't dare to look any more, she just smiled and said, "That's all, check out."

"It's 1205 million taels of silver in total." The old man with white beard smiled and said, "Seeing that the girl is so quick to buy things, then this shop will also be quick to wipe off a fraction for the girl, and I will charge you 1205 million taels of silver."

5 taels of silver is just a fraction?This shop is really not easy!Qin Zheng gave the money and took the five cheat books and was about to leave, but the white-bearded old man stopped her and said, "It's rare to come here, so the girl won't read it anymore? There are still good things for sale upstairs!"

"The money is running out, come back next time." Qin Zheng smiled at him.

"Next time? Who knows when the next time will be! Miss, it's better to go up and have a look." The white bearded old man smiled and said, "It's okay to tell the girl, but the cheat books here are not the best."

This old man really knows how to do business, is he afraid that he will just play it off and not come back next time?Hearing him say that the cheat books he bought were not the best ones, Qin Zheng couldn't help being angry and funny and said, "Why didn't you say that earlier? I don't want these cheat books now, okay?"

"This—" the white-bearded old man squeezed his eyes and smiled, "I'm sorry, the goods sold in this store will not be returned."

"A profiteer!" Qin Zheng was depressed. Although the old man didn't trick her into buying the cheat book, he was told that there was a better sale after buying it. It made her feel like being cheated, but she couldn't help it. Want to see what the better cheats are, "Take me to the best thing you said."

"Okay." The white-bearded old man responded readily and led the way.

Qin Zheng was led up the stairs, and saw that each floor was filled with a variety of things, dazzled by the lights, and walked several floors in succession. The white-bearded old man finally stopped, and Qin Zheng stood After settling down, I looked left and right, and saw that this floor was filled with the kind of large cabinets with small drawers used in drugstores, and I couldn't see anything else, unlike the lower floors, everything was displayed, as if I was afraid People couldn't see it, so they couldn't help asking: "Is it here?"

"Yes." The white-bearded old man winked at the two waiters wearing blue cloth long gowns on this floor, and they immediately walked to a large cabinet, opened the drawer, and held out a sculpture with great care. Agarwood box with dark flowers, when opened, I saw that the box was covered with yellow satin, and on the satin was an old book with a broken cover. Qin Zheng took a closer look by the candlelight, and saw four large characters on the cover - nameless Swordsmanship.

Nameless swordsmanship?Not a bad name!Qin Zheng immediately fell in love with it. The name of this sword technique is similar to the killing sword technique she created herself.As long as a swordsmanship that can kill is a good swordsmanship, what does it matter if the name is vulgar?
Dear friends, you can check if you have rice and female frequency monthly tickets in the "personal library". If you have any, please smash me!
Thank you^^.
(End of this chapter)

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