Chapter 652 He Loves You

Others may think that this is the hype of the space-time bureau, talking and laughing, wanting to be popular and crazy, blind bb, messing around.


As the parties involved, the director and Yan Xiao knew everything, so they naturally felt that this was true.

Naturally, he would feel that that person was actually the Marshal's account.

"I really think it's worth it." The director looked at the trending news and clicked his tongue, "If I remember correctly, in yesterday's report, he was still fighting the Zerg."

"How long has it been? Maybe I started looking for you as soon as I got off the battlefield, and after seeing these news, I immediately created an account to support you."

"I..." Yan Xiao looked at those two simple words, and suddenly felt that Cheng Yan's appearance standing on the top of the stars was blurred.

"Don't say it, it's really a seed of infatuation."

"Laugh, you have been working in the bureau since you were young. Although you didn't speak nicely before, the chief watched you grow up, knows you very well, and also has great affection for you." The emotional card is also very feeling, "I know, you automatically resigned and went to k1 because you felt that you could not carry out the task, and it was also a kind of escape."

"Many years ago, no, let's not say many years ago, it should be said that over the years, we have often discussed the marshal in the Bureau." But everyone discusses him without calling him by his name, and rarely Title, generally called him the light of the empire.

The man paused, "He is the well-deserved glory of the empire. Many little sisters in the bureau have guessed what kind of woman is needed to match such a glory of the empire."

"But in the end it was concluded that ... no."

"None of the known women seems to be able to maintain their color under the light of the empire."

"So, as long as you are alone, with him, there will be pressure, and you have to face the pressure of thousands of women and fans."

"Boss, you're right." Yan Xiao raised his head, knocking on the table on Zhinao's side, "I also think that apart from the late Queen of Gossip, there is no one else in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. "


The director laughed, "So, you are really nervous, afraid that he will forget you after the treatment, and also afraid of the gap between you, but laugh, you forgot... the one with you is the marshal, not Marshal's little fan girl."

"Since you mentioned Queen Yanfengyu this time, let me ask you, do you know who the lover of Queen Yanfengyu is?"

Yan Xiao: ...

This should have been taught in university history back then.

However, Yan Xiao no longer had this person in his mind.She only remembered that the queen and her husband were very happy, and they were the most concerned couple in the empire for thousands of years.

Then, and then no more.

"The queen's lover is not someone as radiant as the marshal, he is the queen's knight, so, do you understand what I mean?"

If you don't understand it by now, you'd be stupid.

Yan Xiao sat up straight slowly, "Director, I understand, thank you..."

"Okay, thank you from the future marshal's wife, wait, after you hang up the communication, you can search for Cheng Yan's ID, you will be pleasantly surprised."


Before Yan Xiao could ask the matter clearly, the director had already hung up the phone with a smirk.

According to what the director said before, poking into a certain information platform and searching for a certain ID, Yan Xiao was stunned, and then infinite courage was ignited in his heart.

 I love you too, Happy Valentine's Day~
(End of this chapter)

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