Chapter 739 The Strange Man

He wore a fashionable hat to cover his face, and his black clothes blended into the night, making it even more difficult to see clearly.

Ning Ke paid attention, and this figure was clearly familiar.

The man was walking leisurely and slowly on the road, but he was walking in this direction step by step. He suddenly raised his head and smiled at her outside the camera. Screen.

A person who never expected to appear in front of her, she never thought it was him.

This person... isn't Dongfang Yue?
Why did he come here alone, without bringing other men along, and he clearly knew that there was a probe, and deliberately smiled to himself, this man's sixth sense is always so amazing.

But judging by his appearance and behavior, it doesn't look like he came to settle accounts with himself.

Ning Ke didn't know his reason for coming, but he didn't dare to be careless. He immediately took out the pistol from the box, loaded it with bullets, and stared closely at the screen on the computer.

As the picture moves, Dongfang walks into her apartment more slowly, looking like a visiting friend, without any sneaky feeling.

But he is a huge danger. Even with a smile, this man who is used to playing games and playing with others is definitely not a good thing.

The slow knocking sound showed the visitor's leisurely mood. He knocked directly on the door instead of ringing the bell, and the sound was not loud, and those who were far away could not hear it at all.

Ning Ke couldn't help but sink his face. He was so sure that she could hear it at home. In fact, he guessed that she was watching his actions vigilantly now!
Ning Ke was indeed staring at the computer screen, and the screen showed that Dongfang Yue was standing at her door, with a leisurely attitude, as if visiting a good friend.

Ning Ke immediately aimed his pistol at the door, tensely clasped his fingers, and shot immediately if anything went wrong.

The door rang for a while, but she didn't move.

The man outside the door seemed impatient, and a pleasant voice came in quietly, not loud, but enough for her to hear clearly: "Little traitor, you are really getting more and more impolite, pointing a gun at me Forget it, anyway, I was your former boss, so you won’t let me in, and you’re still so timid with a gun, it seems like you haven’t made any progress!”

Ning Ke gritted her teeth, she could recognize the voice naturally, Dongfang Yue, the boss of Blood Cherry Blossom, is quite a weird character.

Why do you say this way?Because he is not like the gangster boss in her eyes, he is like a different kind, completely out of other people's impression of him.

Most of the gangsters do things for the purpose of expansion or fighting for power and profit. The strong desire for power and money drives them to do all kinds of bad things. Their bad things are all in pursuit of their own interests.

But Dongfang Yue, he is definitely a weirdo. The reason he does things is not for any reason, but for his weird hobbies, strong curiosity, and all kinds of unspeakable eccentricities.

With a playful attitude, he does things as he pleases, as long as it interests him.

This is an abnormal mental illness, and Ning Ke knows that Dongfang Yue is not a normal person at all, his behavior is unpredictable, in fact, it is as unpredictable as a madman's actions.

She didn't know why he suddenly became interested in her as a traitor.

"What are you doing here? Are you planning to do something to me? How can I say that I am still a member of Huangye, and it will not be good for you to move me."

Ning Ke believed that he was not stupid, and his identity meant that he would not dare to do anything to him easily. After all, it would not be beneficial for the blood cherry blossom and the six-pointed star to directly confront each other.

(End of this chapter)

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