Chapter 689 You Lied To Me 1
Then Ning Ke tried his best to pester Huang Ye, not allowing him to leave.

It was rare for Huang Ye to see her treat him so well, and he was immediately elated, not remembering anything, and accompanied her around the entire island.

Then I drove a speedboat out to sea, went diving in a nearby small island, and played for a whole day.

When it was dark, the two of them came back. Ning Ke thought to himself, after so long, what Xue Huaizhan was asked to do should be done, and Feng Sha should also be transferred to a secret place.

This woman was responsible for killing her child, and no matter what, she could never forgive her.

Then, it's time to implement her plan.If Feng Sha caught it, he must leave the island.

And since Huang Ye has already intervened in Fengsha's affairs, he must still want to stay on this island to prevent himself from discovering this matter, so he said that he would let himself go back in two days, which is simply impossible .

Unless he has already arranged Fengsha's affairs.

But now she has to go back, no matter what method, she must let Huang Ye take herself out of here.

But if nothing major happens, he will never let him leave, so what method should she use to ensure that he will take her away!
Ning Ke thought hard, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought of a way.

After dinner, Ning Ke took him out for a walk. The villa was built among the rocks, and there were several stairs when walking down to the beach.

"Today's sea breeze is so comfortable, I want to run, Ye, come and chase me." Ning Ke laughed happily, and ran away.

"Ke Er, don't run around, the lights here are rather dim, be careful not to fall." Huang Ye shouted hastily.

Ning Ke ignored him, laughed while running, and ran all the way down the stone steps.

Suddenly she staggered and fell down the stairs.

Huang Ye suddenly screamed, hurriedly chased after her, helped her up, and asked in panic: "Ke Er, how are you, did you get injured?"

Ning Ke frowned in pain: "It hurts, Ye, I fell so hurt, my chest hurts, I wonder if I broke my ribs, it hurts, it hurts."

"Don't talk nonsense, how can a bone break so easily, come on, don't worry, I'll find a doctor for you."

Huang Ye turned pale with fright, hurriedly picked her up and rushed to the villa.

There is a family doctor in the villa, and the family doctor came to check. Her hands and feet were a bit worn and bleeding, but it was nothing serious, at least there was no fracture.

But Ning Ke kept stroking his chest and saying it hurts.

The doctor told Huang Ye that the ribs in his chest might be a little broken, because there is no medical equipment for examination here, and to make a diagnosis, he must go back to the hospital to take a film for identification, so as to determine the extent of the injury.

When Huang Ye heard this, he was naturally even more flustered. He was really afraid that Ning Ke had broken his bone, and hurriedly expressed that he would rush back to land overnight.

He quickly ordered the helicopter to be ready, and took the doctor and Ning Ke onto the plane.

The helicopter landed on the lawn outside Huangye Villa.Huang Ye ordered the doctor to push Ning Ke back to the villa first, then he called Xue Huaizhan and asked him to contact the best orthopedic surgeon to wait, Xue Huaizhan asked him what happened.

Huang Ye told him about Ning Ke's injury, and anxiously asked him to contact the doctor.

Xue Huaizhan responded, and said happily, "It's a good thing you let me take Feng Sha away, otherwise these two women bumped into each other in the hospital, I don't know what would have happened."

(End of this chapter)

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