Chapter 595 Get a hard lesson

Huang Ye patted her back lightly, a smile appeared on her lips, it turned out that she would also be afraid of losing him, which put him in a good mood.

Her concern made him very happy.

"Probably... that's right!" Ning Ke smiled wryly, the symptoms that were more severe than premarital phobia made her feel so terrified.

Huang Ye raised her chin: "You haven't told me yet, why are you crying? Why don't you see Ning Sha? Didn't you go out together?"

Ning Ke's heart clenched into a ball, mentioning Ning Sha made her feel sad.

But this matter cannot be kept from Huang Ye, and she is also afraid that his anger will be bad for Ning Sha.

I can only choose a less exciting way to tell him.

"People in the Li family are very good at acting. They burst into tears in front of Ning Sha and vowed to change themselves. They almost didn't kneel down to beg her. Ning Sha still couldn't let go of that relationship, and wanted to give the child's father a new one." Chance. So she's planning to go back."

Huang Ye curled her lips after hearing this, full of sarcasm: "Your sister is really a fool, she will never die until Huang Quan, anyway, since it is her own decision, let her go, one day she will regret it."

He rubbed her black and soft hair regretfully, and somewhat understood why she was in a bad mood today.

She even cried, she would only feel so uncomfortable if someone she cared about hurt her.

He has experienced this feeling too much before, and he can understand her feelings very well. There is nothing more painful than the injury of a loved one.

"Ningsha must have made you very sad. You have done so many things for her, but her idiot sister never considers your feelings." His voice was faintly angry.

It annoyed him to make his woman so upset, even her sister.

Ning Ke hurriedly grabbed his hand and begged: "Ye, forget it, don't bother with her, she won't feel good either, but she has too little experience and can't see people clearly."

"Then let her suffer later. I don't believe that family will be sincere. If Li Chengzhe really loved her, she wouldn't let her break with you. His doing so can only prove that he has bad intentions and doesn't want her well at all. " Huang Ye snorted, very disdainful towards the Li family.

That's good, since Ning Sha is here, his wife can take care of her and take Ning Ke's time and energy away.

With Ning Sha gone, at least the two of them have a two-person world.

"It's a pity that Ningsha was blinded by their previous relationship and their acting skills. She thought that I wanted to control her too much. She wanted to be independent and get rid of my control. Ye, am I really too domineering?" ? I didn't expect her to think of me that way."

Ning Ke was very melancholy, maybe she interfered too much in Ning Sha's life, and finally became thankless.

"You are sad because of this! Fool, don't doubt yourself. Your sister is just a typical innocent girl who doesn't know suffering and lives too smoothly. You have taken on all the hardships in life, taking care of her and feeding her. She lives well. Be carefree and take your good feelings for her for granted.

Then, just like those adolescent children, she developed a rebellious mentality and felt that she had grown up and had to make decisions for herself, but she had never experienced the pain of life, and she did not know the dangers of the human heart.

Don't protect her too closely, otherwise her heart will never grow. Let her fall down this time and get a hard lesson, so she will know that she is too naive. "

(End of this chapter)

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