Deadly Game: A Prosperous Love with Leng Shao

Chapter 518 Sweet Days and Nights 10

Chapter 518 Sweet Days and Nights 10
Ning Ke thought of those dreams, and suddenly felt sad, and his heart was terribly bitter.

In the past few days, every night has dreamed about everything in the past, and she has been dreaming that after a mission is completed, she suddenly wants to go back to the small town where she lives.

When she joined the organization, Feng Meiyan told her to abandon everything in the past and forget everything, even her name, which he put back for her.

The little girl in the past no longer exists, but she still wants to visit her parents.

A few years have passed, maybe at the beginning they thought they had been buried in the sea of ​​flames, and they didn't know how they were doing, whether they were living well, at least it could make her feel at ease.

But after returning, the door of the house was locked firmly. She thought they had gone out, so she kept wandering around, secretly waiting for them to come back.

But when it got dark, no one was seen.

Instead, an old woman nearby recognized her, she was surprised and sad, and said that she finally came back alive, so her parents would feel relieved if she knew it.

She was so shocked that her eyes widened and she was completely stunned. She felt tears rolling in her eyes for a moment, but she couldn't cry.

She didn't want to hear the news when she came back. If she had known this was the case, she would rather never come back, so she could treat them as if they were still alive.

It turned out that her parents thought she was dead, and they were very sad and painful. ,

Especially my mother, she was the only one daughter, who hurt her to the bone, and became more and more distraught, and she often did some dangerous behaviors. One day, she went to the market to buy vegetables and walked home, watching the road speeding by The coming car suddenly came to the middle of the road.

The doctor judged that she committed suicide, and her death naturally gave her father a crushing blow, and she lost her daughter and wife.

Even though Dad was a man, he couldn't suppress his grief, but he still insisted on living, went to work every day, and greeted his neighbors with a smile. Everyone thought he had survived.But two years later, he swallowed a gun and committed suicide.

From that time back, she hated Feng Meiyu so much, hated him so much, she couldn't kill him, so she tried her best to escape from this demon.

If he hadn't taken her away forcibly back then, her parents would not have died, it was all because of him, her parents died. At that time, she stubbornly believed that Feng Meiyu was the enemy who ruined her family.

Now that she has experienced so much, her mind has matured, even if she knows Feng Meiyan, she may not know that her parents will die because of this.

Although the matter started because of him, the responsibility cannot be completely shifted to him.

Ning Ke thought of those distant pains, and couldn't help tears dripping on the grass, looking at the cross: "You saved me from the fire, but you took me away, and made my parents commit suicide in pain. But if it weren't for you I was rescued, and I was also killed in the sea of ​​fire. My parents still couldn't accept such a blow.

Maybe it wasn't your fault, but... If you hadn't taken me away, then Mom and Dad wouldn't have died, and I wouldn't have lived in sin.So I still hate you, hate you for giving me such a cruel fate, but I can't hate you, because you gave me life. "

Ning Ke cried in pain. The most painful thing was that he couldn't even hate him in the end. He died and everything disappeared.

But the pain of the past will not disappear, the dead relatives will not come back, nothing has changed, the only thing that has changed is herself.

"Feng Meiyun, I don't owe you anything, so no matter who was right or wrong in the past, it's meaningless."

(End of this chapter)

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