Deadly Game: A Prosperous Love with Leng Shao

Chapter 498 Complete Explosion 6

Chapter 498 Complete Explosion 6
In the middle of the night, he didn't know what happened to her. Although he knew that she was not weak, he was still very worried, afraid that what would happen to her if she was outside alone.

Hastily located her location and found this park.

When he came here, he saw that she had fallen asleep on the chair, so unsuspecting, he was pissed off.

I wanted to wake her up, and scold her severely if she was out of her mind, sleeping in such a dangerous place.

But when he saw her shivering, clasped her arms tremblingly, and looked tired, he couldn't bear to scold her again.

Seeing her so thin and cold, her heart was so soft that it ached in the end, she took off the coat and gently covered her body.

Then he was in a daze aside, staring at her sleeping.

After a while, it started to drizzle. She wanted to take her away, but as soon as she touched her, she rolled over impatiently.

There happened to be a man passing by in a hurry, so he went up and spent a lot of money to buy the umbrella in his hand. Seeing the money, the man was naturally willing to give up the umbrella to him, so he came back with the umbrella up.

The umbrella could barely cover the two of them, but her outstretched feet would get wet. He couldn't bear it, so he stood behind the chair and covered her whole body forward, preventing any rain from falling on her.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and his back was drenched, but he was very happy, and there was a strange joy in his heart.

I have lived for so long, and I have never done such a naive and stupid thing.

Guarding her like a fool, as long as he doesn't let a little rain hit her, he feels very satisfied, even if the cold rain on his back chills him to the core, it doesn't matter.

But how could this woman sleep so well? He had stood for more than two hours, his hands were numb, and his back was frozen, yet she still didn't wake up.

But thinking about wanting her so many times in bed last night, and attending the conference dance today, I'm probably exhausted.

So I was full of pity and couldn't bear to wake her up.

Amidst the sound of rain, Ning Ke gradually came back to his senses, thinking of the scene in the garden, his face became even paler.

"It doesn't matter if someone plots something wrong, that's none of your business." Her indifferent words pierced into Huang Ye's heart like a sharp blade.

He stared at her in astonishment, unable to believe that she would say such harsh words to him.

His hand holding the umbrella trembled faintly, thinking of all the things he had done for her today, all of which were ruthlessly denied by her, he felt a piercing pain in his chest.

It made him unbearable, why, he tried hard to be nice to her, but she always ignored his sincerity and beat him coldly again and again.

The pain in his heart was severe, and the depression and pain that had accumulated throughout the day suddenly exploded.

"Ning Ke, what's wrong with you tonight. I gave you roses, but you threw them on the ground without mercy; I prepared dinner for you, and you left me to eat alone; I made friends at the banquet for you, endured Impatient to talk and laugh with a group of people who are completely uninterested, but you left me and ran away; I found you, afraid that you would be cold and rained, so I kept holding an umbrella to protect you from the rain. But you said no coldly It's up to me, Ning Ke, is your heart made of stone, or you don't have a heart at all, do you have a heart?"

His eyes were full of anger and unstoppable pain, and he questioned her loudly.

Ning Ke also stood up, pushed away his umbrella to cover himself, and stood in the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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