Chapter 417
She breathed heavily, trying to open her eyes.

But the body seemed to have fallen into a strange space, and it was impossible to get out of it. I could faintly hear the sound of the outside world, but I couldn't wake up.

She vaguely felt that the car seemed to be on its way, and then slowly stopped somewhere.

Madam Huang looked back at her drowsy, and snorted: "This is what happens when you fight against me."

Then she directed a middle-aged woman to help Ning Ke up, and injected her with another medicine.

This potion was like a stimulus, which caused Ning Ke's body to react. She could open her eyes, but her consciousness became more blurred. She couldn't even remember who she was, and her mind seemed to be covered in a fog.

She was so weak that she could only rely on the middle-aged woman, waiting for her limbs to slowly regain consciousness.

Although she couldn't figure out what was going on now, there was still a dangerous intuition in her subconscious that made her want to wake up.

"Ma'am, we're here. The man in the sunglasses in front should be him." The driver looked at the tall man standing at the appointed place. Judging from his stature and imposing manner, he was extraordinary, revealing a faint majesty.

He really looked like an official. He stood there, as if he noticed them coming, raised his hand to signal that he did not bring anyone, and took off his sunglasses for a while, and then put them on again.

Mrs. Huang took a few glances from a distance, and confirmed that it was indeed Li Xirui. She couldn't help but look sideways at the dazed Ning Ke, and said sarcastically:
"Not bad, and this man is willing to take risks for you. If you are smart, you should follow him in the future and stop meddling in Huang's affairs, otherwise, you will die a miserable death."

"Carry her down." Madam Huang ordered, and got out of the car first, with two bodyguards protecting her.

She walked slowly in front of Li Xirui: "My condition is very simple, if you want someone, just hand over your mobile phone."

Li Xirui's jaw was tense, and his dark eyes under the sunglasses were cold, he frowned, although he didn't know what this woman was trying to do with his mobile phone?
But in this case, everything must follow her wishes.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and stared at Mrs. Huang: "Where are you, I want to confirm."

Madam Huang waved her hand, and the middle-aged woman carried a girl out, just showing her face.

(End of this chapter)

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