Chapter 337 Her Heart Knot 24
This will also allow Ning Ke to sign the agreement quickly without any pressure.

Ning Ke took a deep breath, and told how she and Huang Ye met, and what happened all the time.

She also seriously thought of everything that happened these days.

Speaking of Huang Ye's abuse of her, she was still angry, but she always felt that anger was not as absolute as before, and she even felt inexplicably sad.

And talking about the two times Huang Ye saved her, her mood became more complicated, and she tried hard to tell herself that he did it for a reason, not sincerely.

She felt that the more she talked, the more upset she became. She felt that all kinds of emotions rushed to her face, which made her very irritable and confused about her own problems.

Professor Benjamin listened to her very carefully, occasionally interjected and asked some detailed questions, and then basically became a quiet listener.

Ning Ke felt that he was about to cry: "Professor, I actually think I should hate him. I should hate him from the beginning to the end for dragging me into this abyss from which I cannot escape. If I hadn't met him, my life Will live a simple and happy life, he ruined my life, he ruined me..."

Thinking of her life, which was supposed to be happy and peaceful, but now it was in such a mess, she couldn't help crying, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Son, you think you hate him and can't forgive him for what he did to you before, do you?" Benjamin's kind face showed sympathy.

Ning Ke opened his mouth and bit his lower lip: "...Yes."

Benjamin shook his head: "Your hesitant answer reflects your uncertainty."

"How is it possible? I hate him, don't you think I shouldn't hate this man?" Ning Ke asked anxiously.

Professor Benjamin patted the back of her hand lightly, and said with a smile: "Calm down, child. According to your previous personality, if you really hated him to death and only hated him, then when I asked you just now, you would definitely not Answer without hesitation. But you hesitated, this kind of unconscious behavior can explain your psychology very much. "

Ning Ke was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened blankly, full of confusion.

Her beautiful face turned pale, she completely lost her usual self-confidence, and she was not even sure about herself.

"But I should hate him. For a person who has completely hurt me from body to mind, I should hate him, hate him, and work harder to avoid him."

(End of this chapter)

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