Deadly Game: A Prosperous Love with Leng Shao

Chapter 270 Reversing the Crisis 16

Chapter 270 Reversing the Crisis 16
Huang Ye's eyes darkened: "You think Herley must have won the bid? The project result hasn't been announced yet."

"With the help of my Li family, he has already won, the only difference is that he hasn't announced it, boy, you can't beat me." Madam Li's depression just now dissipated, and she became more and more proud.

Ning Ke stood up suddenly, grabbed Huang Ye's arm, but stared at Madam Li coldly: "Madam Li, you call me a wild species, you think you are noble, if you lose to a wild species, you will You won’t die of shame and anger!”

Madam Li narrowed her eyes fiercely: "Will I be defeated by you bastard? Are you kidding me, you don't even deserve to fight me."

Ning Ke laughed mockingly: "That's good, I can already see your hideous ugly face when you fail, and next, I will let you see Herley's failure."

After speaking, he pulled Huang Ye to leave together.

Leaving the stunned Madam Li and the thoughtful Li Xirui there.

Huang Ye asked the waiter to arrange a rest room and brought Ning Ke in.

"What are you doing here, we should be ready to fight, that dead old woman is too arrogant, it really makes me hate it." Ning Ke was dragged in by him with a face of reluctance.

Huang Ye was angry with the old woman just now, so he shouldn't take it out on her now, after all, she provoked this matter.

She was too impulsive and beat Yu Zibi, putting herself at a complete disadvantage. In fact, if she had calmed down at that time, she would have recorded Zibi's humiliating words and sued her for slander, or put the recording on the Internet for them to It's better to lose all face than to hit someone impulsively.

Huang Ye pushed her to sit on the sofa with a cold face: "Sit down and don't move around."

Ning Ke panicked and stared wide-eyed: "What are you going to do? Don't hit me, I know I'm causing you trouble, but I don't want to do this either. You have to teach me a lesson, so don't be here anyway."

"Shut up, if I don't teach you a lesson, you will cause me more trouble." Huang Ye's face suddenly turned ten degrees colder, and his eyes fiercely gouged out her, this woman who doesn't know what to do.

Do you think that you will be bad for her? You treat yourself as someone, wolf-hearted, if you knew it, you wouldn't save her, and she deserves to be bullied.

She can't even see who is really good to her.

Seeing that he was really angry, Ning Ke immediately didn't dare to say any more, she knew that Huang Ye was measured, no matter how angry she was, she wouldn't do anything to her now.

"Pick up your skirt," he ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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