Deadly Game: A Prosperous Love with Leng Shao

Chapter 262 Reversing the Crisis 6

Chapter 262 Reversing the Crisis 6
After Lei Ting walked away, Su Qin immediately turned back and glared at her: "You have a bit of backbone, okay? Why do you want other people's things? What antiques do you want? Let Ye buy it for you. Let that villain stand in front of us like that." Proud, pissed off."

Ning Ke shrugged indifferently: "Why are you so impatient, please be more graceful, we are here to visit the exhibition, not to be unlucky. The more unfavorable the situation, the more you must maintain your demeanor."

Xue Huaizhan saw some signs of it: "Do you have any plans?"

"The good show is yet to come." Ning Ke smiled mysteriously.

Then Huang Ye led her around, the waiter came over with red wine, he took two glasses and handed them to Ning Ke.

"I remember that when you were in Blood Cherry Blossom, your old profession was stealing precious treasures."

Ning Ke couldn't help being choked while drinking the red wine, and smiled forcedly: "It seems that you can't hide anything from you. The reason why you brought me here is because you guessed my purpose?"

He knew that this man couldn't do things so casually, and he knew her details clearly, so he could naturally guess the reason why she wanted those collection rosters.

Huang Ye gently shook the wine glass in his hand, lowered his head, lowered his eyes: "Is this the ability you want to prove to me?"

His tone was very light, but somewhat weird, making Ning Ke unable to understand his mood.

She carefully observed his expression: "Yes, Huang Ye, if I can make Zhang Quanting turn against that Lei Ting and help you get this project, then can you..."

Before she finished speaking, Huang Ye turned and left with a cold face, leaving her standing there dumbfounded.

What's the matter, she was helping him, she just left like this, what do you mean!

She seized this opportunity with great difficulty, just to let him know that she is not useless and can definitely become an excellent talent.

If the Huang family can win the bid, she will be a great hero, so she can negotiate terms with him.

Ning Ke couldn't help feeling depressed.

At this time, there were more and more guests at the banquet, but there were many familiar faces, such as the Helian brothers and sisters, Yu Zibi, and even Li Xirui who accompanied Madam Li.

When Ning Ke saw him, he felt overwhelmed.

The last time we met was in the hospital, and she had sworn to him at that time that she would break up with Huang Ye. Although this was not her promise to him, she felt that he must be very disappointed in her.

(End of this chapter)

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