Deadly Game: A Prosperous Love with Leng Shao

Chapter 185 I'm going to torture you severely 9

Chapter 185 I'm going to torture you severely 9
"It's an honor to see a bold woman like you get nervous." Li Xirui's smile deepened, and he felt happy when he saw her nervous because of calling his name. "By the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

Ning Ke thought of Huang Ye who was still in a coma, and his mind instantly cleared up, and he said seriously: "I would like to ask you for a favor, I want to send back a medicine from a foreign country, which is used in the professional field, but because of the special nature of the medicine sex, I’m afraid it will be detained by the customs for inspection. But I need it urgently, can you help me?”

"Is it important?" Li Xirui looked at her.

Ning Ke nodded, if Huang Ye can't be dealt with, then her death date is almost there, and if it's not too important, she doesn't want to bother Li Xirui either.After all, she doesn't have a deep friendship with Li Xirui, but she just hopes that for Li Li's sake, he can be accommodating.

Li Xirui didn't even think about it: "Okay, as soon as I arrive, I will take care of this for you immediately."

Ning Ke was surprised and delighted, she thought she would have to spend a lot of time talking, and she would even be interrogated by him about what it was and what it was for.

I didn't expect him to agree so readily.

"Thank you so much for that."

"You don't need to thank me, I will ask you to repay me in the future." Li Xirui said meaningfully.

Ning Ke didn't care either, probably he wanted her to visit Li Li more often in the future, that's okay, as long as she gets rid of Huang Ye in the future, there will be no more obstacles for her to meet Li Li.

"Then I'll go back first." Seeing that it was getting late at night, Ning Ke thought of the big bt at home and had to worry about what would happen.

Li Xirui also stood up, picked up his coat and put it on: "I'll see you off."

"No need, you're tired too, you'd better have a good rest, I'll go back by myself." When Ning Ke saw this, he shook his head quickly, asking the busy Minister to see her off in person, it was too frustrating to kill her.What's more, she observed his face and knew that he was tired.

But Li Xirui's insistence made Ning Ke helpless, he was always a person who was used to making up his mind, and once he made a decision, he couldn't change it.

The two walked back to the hall from the terrace.

Li Xirui looked at her sideways, and suddenly saw some wounds on her neck, his face became gloomy, and he grabbed her hand.

"What's going on? Why are there so many small wounds on your neck, and scratches from your nails? What happened?"

Ning Ke's face suddenly turned pale, and he hastily pulled up his collar to hide

(End of this chapter)

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