Chapter 164 Cruel Night 17
She cried even harder, her shoulders kept twitching, and tears streamed down her face unscrupulously.

Anyway, she won't get his sympathy for her pain, so let him laugh at her.

Seeing himself in such pain, he should be satisfied!

Ning Ke squatted on the ground desolately, huddled into a ball, immersed in his own desperate world, letting his tears flow freely, venting his pain.

The two of them were in a stalemate like this, one sitting and crying bitterly, the other watching with an irritable face.

"Enough, don't cry, haven't you always been very strong? Isn't it just a few snakes, as for scaring you like this?" Huang Ye said annoyed.

How many snakes?This man is indeed cold-blooded. After doing such a thing, he actually said such an understatement and disgusting words.

Ning Ke looked up with tears in his eyes: "Don't you just want to see me submit in pain like this? The more painful I cry, the more happy you will be to conquer?"

"You..." Huang Ye squinted his eyes angrily, and this woman came to provoke him again.

Ning Ke thought of the torment he had been suffering all this time, feeling bitter and uncomfortable.

She laughed and cried, extremely desolate: "Did I dig your ancestral grave in my previous life, or did I have some deep hatred with you? Why are you so cruel to me? Human hearts are made of flesh, and it hurts. Why do you abuse me like this? Why on earth are you, woo will have retribution."

Tears of misery rolled down her face, she was so choked up that she couldn't speak, she just felt desolate, hopeless, and extremely painful.

Huang Ye looked at her grief-stricken face, the tears shed continuously, and fell silent for a moment.

Why be so cruel to her?How ridiculous!

He never felt the need for a reason to be cruel to others, just like when others were cruel to him, he never gave him a reason, did he?

From being treated cruelly to treating others cruelly, this is strength.

His heart is cold-blooded and cruel. He has never been a good person, nor does he want to be a good person.

So don't expect any conscience and sympathy from him, he doesn't need these things that only cause pain.

"Because you can't resist me, Ning Ke, power in this world is everything. If you can't defeat me, you can only accept it."

Huang Ye gently picked up a wet towel and wiped her distressed face clean.

"When you have cried enough, accept the reality! No one will sympathize with the tears of the weak."

Ning Ke stared at him angrily: "I don't need your sympathy, what you did today will one day pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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