The reborn male god arrives

Chapter 118 74 Crisis

Chapter 118 74 Crisis (1)
Hearing footsteps behind her, Yun Feixiao knew it was the two bodyguards. She stopped and turned to look at them, "Why are you following me?"

"Young Master Yun! We two brothers want to follow you, please accept us!" Don't talk about the Wu family now, even the security company may not be able to go back.Maybe the Wu family father and son will react and take their anger on them.Although they can leave Yangcheng, their family members are all in Yangcheng, and they don't want them to be hurt because of themselves.But following Yun Feixiao is different. This can be seen from Wu Bo's behavior after learning Yun Feixiao's name just now.

Yun Feixiao took a look at the two of them, "What specialties do you have?" She would never keep useless people here.

"My marksmanship is very accurate." The black-faced bodyguard said confidently.He is a veteran, and he was in charge of rear defense cover when he was in the army.

The bald bodyguard thought for a long time, then scratched his head in embarrassment, "I don't have any special skills, but I have great strength." He can easily lift something of one or two hundred catties with one hand.

Yun Feixiao nodded, "Which security company did you originally belong to?" Although the specialties of the two are not too prominent, they are still passable.

"Iron King Kong guards." The black-faced bodyguard replied.

"Then you just go back, don't worry! Wu Bo and his son don't dare to trouble you." Yun Feixiao naturally knew what they were worried about, but Iron King Kong Preservation is the property of the Qinglong Gang. Those who dare not extend their hands to the Qinglong Gang.

The two looked at each other, then looked at Yun Feixiao again, "Thank you, Young Master Yun!" They believed Yun Feixiao, and she said that Wu Bo wouldn't bother them if she didn't dare to trouble them.

"Let's go! Take me home first." Yun Feixiao smiled and walked towards the van in which she came.It was Bai Qingluo who sent her to the examination room in the morning, and she had just sent a message to tell him that he didn't have to pick her up.

When passing a supermarket, Yun Feixiao asked the black-faced bodyguard to stop the car.She hadn't cooked for a long time. When she saw this supermarket from a distance, she suddenly had a whim and wanted to cook a meal by herself tonight.These days, Bai Qingluo has been cooking for her, so she should pay back.

After returning home, Yun Feixiao started to get busy.

Bai Qingluo dragged his weary pace, opened the door and walked into the house, and suddenly a tangy aroma of vegetables came to his face.

He walked into the restaurant with some surprise, only to see that four plates of prepared dishes had already been placed on the dining table.

"I'm back!" Yun Feixiao's voice came from the kitchen beside him.

Bai Qingluo looked around and saw Yun Feixiao coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup, "You made all these dishes?" Although Yun Feixiao felt very mysterious to him now, but with her From his family background, he should not be very good at cooking by himself.

Yun Feixiao nodded, and put the soup in her hand on the table, "It's time to eat." In her previous life, she once went to learn a full set of dishes in order to carry out an assassination mission.Later, he successfully mixed into the target's home and became their chef.Of course, the task was successfully completed.

"Okay! Then I'll go up and change." Bai Qingluo nodded with a smile, turned and walked upstairs.He has already made up his mind, no matter whether Yun Feixiao's cooking is good or not, he will say it is delicious.After all, this was her first time cooking for him.

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on his face.Feixiao today is like a wife who has prepared meals and waits for her husband to come back, and he feels that he is that husband.This feeling is really warm!So happy!I really want to go on like this forever.

(End of this chapter)

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