cute baby fairy

Chapter 141 Are You Satisfied Now That You Treated Me So Much?

Chapter 141 Are You Satisfied Now That You Treated Me So Much?
"Smelly woman, are you done yet?"

The demons were angry, more like annoyed why she said wait, they behaved like pugs, really stopped?

And at this moment, An Qijiu's lowered eyes glanced at the yellow sand on the ground, and a series of imperial secrets flooded her mind...

rustling --

Suddenly, the yellow sand rises from the ground, covering the vision of all monsters!

As she slowly raised her hand, it rose and fell, and the yellow sand on the ground was like a stormy wave being played in the palm of her hand. When she was planning a strategy, she suddenly swung forward...

"Ah..." the demons screamed.

Although the cultivation base is superficial, there is no Taoism, and there is only one piece of useless firewood, but the sudden attack of yellow sand still knocked back those monsters several meters away.

She looked at her hands in surprise, and it turned out to be... successful?

The imperial spell, she was tied up with Mo Shenyu for three days and three nights, but it was not as good as half an hour here?
Looking up, those magical beasts were hit by her like this, their scarlet eyes turned red, and they attacked her more fiercely...

On the thin and weak shoulders, there is one devil's claw, two devil's claws, three, four... scrambling to snatch it!
But she was like a deflated ball, unable to fight back anymore.

Hungry and exhausted, nothing could have been worse!


Beside her, an object landed on the ground, she panted for the last breath and turned her head to look...

drumstick? !
"What is that?" All the demons were stunned.

An Qijiu was both surprised and delighted, she was about to get the chicken leg to satisfy her hunger, but saw that they shifted their targets one after another, and rushed towards the chicken leg on the ground like a wolf like a tiger...

Except for Ming Qingfeng who threw the chicken leg, no one saw a frightening hostility rising from the back of An Qijiu's head at this time, and this hostility was no different from what Ming Qingfeng usually carried!

"Baby, really, I am the one who knows you best."

In the corner of the vast wilderness, Ming Qingfeng watched this scene quietly from the position of God's vision, admiring her mutation, and the corner of his mouth raised it evilly.

Among the scrambling monsters, the chicken leg was shining with crystal oil, and the fried golden crispy skin loomed in An Qijiu's field of vision along with the fighting.

All of a sudden, she clenched her fists, and with some strength, she punched the two monsters in front of her flying out of the sky, jumped onto the shoulder of another monster, and bent her soft body at [-] degrees. Er Zhishi bit the chicken leg that was thrown into the air, and started eating live, with a satisfied look on his face!

Demons: "..."

Ming Qingfeng rolled his eyes: "Why is it different from the expected result?"

He also thought that in order to survive, she would drive all the monsters to extinction, and finally enjoy the chicken leg alone.

But now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, in front of all the monsters that might kill her at any time, she gnawed the chicken leg until there was not even a bone left!

"Smelly woman, dare to step on me?!"

It wasn't until she wiped it off and sucked\ her index finger and thumb contentedly that the little monster under her was surprised that she had been stepped on for a long time, grabbed her leg, and threw her onto the sand.

An Qijiu was thrown into a lying position where a dog chewed mud, and was forced to eat a lot of yellow sand. She frowned slightly, and saw a slender and graceful hand suddenly appearing in front of her...

She knew it was Ming Qingfeng.

As a gust of dark wind passed by, the surroundings suddenly became surprisingly quiet and eerie.

What filled the air was not only the hostility on his body, but also the miasma left after those little monsters were crushed to ashes...

"Hehe, are you satisfied with me now?" She lay on the ground and asked sarcastically.

Ming Qingfeng watched her silently for a while, then suddenly pulled her up from the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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