Mr. Fu hurt her to the bone

Chapter 270 She Never Discovered...

Chapter 270 She Never Discovered...

A horse-like man got out of the car, holding a long box in his hand, and he didn't avoid people. He threw the box out of the gate of his house furtively, then turned around, got in the car and left.

"Miss Nie..."

The driver has been in Qu's house for many years, and he is very alert. He immediately turned around and drove the car back to the house, and then told Zhang Zhu: "Stay far away, I'm afraid it's not a good thing, I'll go and have a look first... "

Zhangzhu hurriedly stopped him: "Let's call the police first, what if I get hurt..."

The driver hesitated for a moment, "I looked at the box, and it probably wasn't anything dangerous. If it was really a bomb or a dangerous item, the man wouldn't have held it carelessly just now and just thrown it on the ground."

"I'll take a look, Miss Nie, please wait here for a while."

The driver walked outside the gate and picked up the long cardboard box.

He held it in his hand and weighed it. The box was not heavy, but he couldn't tell what it was.

The driver didn't hesitate any longer, and lifted the cover directly, but couldn't help being startled: "... prosthesis?"

The housekeeper and servants of the Qu family also hurriedly gathered around. The housekeeper stretched out his head to look, and his expression changed immediately: "This is sir's. It was specially made by Mr. Ning after he broke his arm. ! I helped Mr. wear it, I recognize it!"

"Why is Mr.'s prosthesis here?"

"Sir, he didn't come back last night. Could it be that something happened?"

The servants were chattering away, but Zhang Zhu stood there in a daze, as if he was stupid, his mind was completely blank.

Qu Fengchi's...prosthetic?
How could he have prosthetics?

Under what circumstances does a person wear a prosthetic?

Can't blame him for wearing long-sleeved clothes no matter how hot the weather is, can't complain that he loves Jia Shu so much, but rarely hugs him...

But when did his arm disappear?Why not?Why, she has been by his side for several months, but she doesn't know anything?
If she was a little more attentive to him...

Will they find out the strangeness on him, will they find out that he has lost an arm, that he has suffered such serious injuries...

But she put most of her thoughts on Jiashu, and the little that was left was wasted on a ruthless man like Fu Jingxing.

Zhang Zhu raised his hand suddenly, and slapped himself heavily on the face.

The crisp sound of slaps made the chattering crowd quiet down.

"Miss Nie..."

Zhang Zhu stood there, the five finger marks on her face gradually became red and swollen, the tears in her eyes slowly permeated, but gradually gathered into a river.

She staggered forward and took the long box from the housekeeper. Her hands were trembling, but the expression on her face gradually became firm and determined.

"Go to the police and don't waste any more time."

She spoke word by word, hugging the box tightly, biting her lower lip white: "Also, all available people from his family are sent out to find him, no matter what, we must find him back."

(End of this chapter)

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