Mr. Fu hurt her to the bone

Chapter 243 It turns out that she will cry a lot, and there will be moments when she loses control o

Chapter 243 It turns out that she will cry a lot, and there will be moments when she loses control of her emotions because of one person...

She couldn't help but glanced out, and under the bright light at that moment, she clearly saw a familiar figure standing under a tree less than ten meters away from the window.

She didn't see that person's face clearly, she didn't even have time to think, she didn't have time to make a judgment, she was already trembling and walking towards the door, and as she was walking, she suddenly ran staggeringly...

"Pearl, what's the matter?"

Fu Jingxing saw her staggering and opened the door before rushing out, he couldn't help being shocked, he ran after him, but Zhang Zhu had already opened the door, the cold wind mixed with raindrops rushed towards his face, the cold person couldn't help shivering .

But she didn't seem to notice the cold at all, so she rushed into the rain regardless.

He didn't even seem to hear him calling her.

Fu Jingxing chased after him, the thunder was rolling, but it was getting farther and farther away, and gradually became quiet, only the sound of dripping rain remained, but he heard Nie Zhangzhu calling a name in the rain and fog, clear and ear-piercing.

"Qu Fengchi, is Qu Fengchi you?"

There was a cry in Zhang Zhu's voice, she couldn't tell whether the water marks on her face were tears or rain, she didn't even care about throwing off the slippers on her feet, she just ran desperately to the tree he had just stood.

Qu Fengchi had already turned around and left the moment she opened the door, but he was in a trance at the moment, and his vision was blurry. He hadn't walked a few meters away, and he tripped over something and fell heavily to the ground. With the prosthetic limb, his left hand couldn't use much strength, and his single arm couldn't support his heavy body. His face was buried in the cold mud, and he struggled a few times in vain, but finally stopped moving.

On the face covered with cold mud, there were hot tears pouring down.

Zhuzhu, don't come here, don't see me like this, don't see such a pitiful and embarrassed Qu Fengchi.

No, pity me, pity me.

He used to be so proud, but now he is so humble.

But her voice came closer, closer.

"Qu Fengchi, Qu Fengchi... Do you still want to avoid me? How long do you want to hide from me... You said you would never lie to me..."

Standing in the overwhelming rain, Zhang Zhu gradually cried loudly.

Fu Jingxing stood there motionless, and when she called Qu Fengchi's name for the first time, he couldn't take a step forward.

She is an introverted person, even if she is happy, sad or angry, she seldom shows her emotions on her face.

Just like when she was angry, she looked soft and easy to bully, not scary at all.

Just like when she is happy, she also laughs and her eyes are shining, but her nice laugh is rarely heard.

Just like when she was crying, the tears always flow down silently, and a pair of big eyes look at you with grievances, asking you to soften your heart if you don't live up to it.

She treated him the same way, like a calmly flowing stream, always so quiet and gentle.

He thought she would always be like this, to anyone in the world.

Therefore, he actually seldom cares about these things. Although there are many times, he hopes that she can occasionally respond to his feelings enthusiastically like a fire, but that is just a little bit of his extravagant hope.

Some people are like this by nature, so we can't ask her to change into a different person.

But seeing her out of control today, seeing her crying and calling another man's name like that, seeing her losing control of her emotions like this, at the moment when a person is on the verge of collapse, he seems to have a sudden epiphany, no, he I finally believed it.

Finally, don't lie to yourself anymore.

Don't lie to yourself, she actually likes him, she has him in her heart, she's just too restrained and doesn't like to express, he shouldn't force her...

She treats him the same way she treats the people around her, no, not even the friends around her, where does his confidence come from, she has him in her heart.

Fu Jingxing laughed slowly, and then laughed again, his eyes fixed on her body, but he stepped back step by step.

He retreated to the steps, saw her stumbling towards a vague figure, saw her lying on the mud floor, and kept calling that man's name.

Qu Fengchi, Qu Fengchi.

Every word contains tears, every word contains affection.


He shook slightly, and then again.

He watched her calmly holding the man and crying.

The rain stopped, and the wind gradually stopped, but her sobbing sounded even more ear-piercing.

"Qu Fengchi, how are you, Qu Fengchi? Are you injured...I'll pull you up, you get up..."

She kept crying, hugging the man's arm, their overlapping figures were elongated and placed in the bright puddle, so tightly hugged, so dazzling.

Fu Jingxing's eyes were filled with cold haze bit by bit, and his hands were clenched tightly at some point until there were blue veins on the back of his hands.

His face became ferocious, his pupils were pitch-black and bottomless, and he seemed to have changed into a different person in an instant, which made people feel that the vulture was terrifying.

He stood up and walked down the steps step by step. Rain was falling from the eaves, like crystal pearl curtains. He walked into the cold night expressionlessly, and gradually approached the two figures.

Qu Fengchi was already physically weak, and after being exposed to the rain like this, he was hit hard, and suddenly he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Zhangzhu was delicate and small, and it took her whole body to forcefully pull him up and sit on the flower platform.

But after all this tossing, their bodies, heads and faces were all covered with mud, and they were in an indescribable embarrassment.

"Zhuzhu, I'm sorry."

Qu Fengchi opened his mouth, tears streaming down his palm immediately, she raised her hand, hit him hard, then hit him again, crying uncontrollably: "Qu Fengchi, you are a liar, you are a bastard! "

"Yes, I'm a liar, I'm a bastard, Zhuzhu don't cry, don't cry..."

He raised his hand tremblingly, wanting to wipe her tears, but his hands were covered with mud, he raised it in the air, froze again, and slowly lowered it down.

(End of this chapter)

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