Mr. Fu hurt her to the bone

Chapter 192 Waiting for next year, he will definitely let Zhou Shan cut down this little tree!

Chapter 192 Waiting for next year, he must have Zhou Shan cut down this little tree!

The proprietress laughed and said in a rambling manner: "Why didn't you bring your wife with you? Speaking of which, last time your wife came to see Xiaoshu by herself, and she said that you were busy with work so you didn't come..."

Fu Jingxing's steps suddenly stopped, he looked at the middle-aged woman with rough face, his voice suddenly stopped, and after a while, he asked in a low voice: "What did you just say, who came alone... when?"

The proprietress smiled from ear to ear: "Your wife, that is the beautiful girl you came here together before, and she came here alone..."

"When did she come?"

The proprietress thought for a while, then asked the workers on the farm again, and then said, "About... the first few days in early June of the year before last..."

Fu Jingxing only felt his heart sinking slowly, and little sour bubbles filled his atrium and chest cavity bit by bit. He clenched his fingers and continued to walk again. Here, step by step forward.

What did she come here for? In her heart, didn't he, Fu Jingxing, have no place at all?
So why did she come to Hangzhou before she left? Would she feel sad and sad?

He doesn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. He came today just to see the little tree they planted that day. If it is dead, that's the best. If it grows well, he will have someone cut it down. took it.

"...Your wife said that she wanted to see the little tree alone, so we didn't bother her. In the past few years, I have let the workers take good care of the tree. It is growing well. Maybe this year I will be able to eat sour Sweet and delicious oranges..."

The proprietress was still talking, until they stood still under the tree, the proprietress pointed to this luxuriant and incomparably energetic little tree, and said with pride: "Look, does it grow very well?" , among the several trees planted on the same day, this is the best growing one..."

Fu Jingxing looked at the small tree silently. When it was planted that day, it was no bigger than her wrist, and there were not even a few leaves. But now, it is already lush and verdant, and it is about to mature.

"I want to be alone for a while."

Fu Jingxing raised his hand and touched the somewhat rough tree trunk. The night wind blew through the tops of the small trees, and the leaves rustled.

The proprietress left, and Fu Jingxing just stood under the tree for a long time.

Just now the proprietress said that maybe this year we can eat sweet and sour oranges. Since he planted the tree himself, he must taste the oranges that grow out of it.

Then keep it for another year, and next year, he will ask Zhou Shan to cut down the tree himself, and then give it to the farm to make a small sheep house, and he will not keep a single leaf.

He raised his head, recalling the scene when he hung up the small wooden sign with his own hands. It has been more than two years now, and the small tree has grown so tall. He looked up for the wooden sign for a long time, but he couldn't find it.

He thought of the proprietress saying that she had been here that day and stayed alone for a long time. So, was the wooden sign with their names engraved on it lost because of the wind, frost, rain and snow, or was it taken away by her?

Thinking of this possibility, Fu Jingxing's heart suddenly trembled, but in an instant, this throbbing disappeared bit by bit.

Would a cold and heartless woman like her remember this little wooden sign?
Even if she took it away, so what, to him, it was more like a humiliation.

She put him in the lightest and most insignificant position, and then gave him a little nostalgia and reluctance from above, what was it, in the end, she still left without a trace.

Fu Jingxing gave a low laugh, turned and left.

He went all the way until the lights came out heavily, and then he stopped and turned around to look at the little tree.

The branches and leaves danced in the night wind, and the soft branches were like a soft hand, just like that holding his heart.

He lowered his head, stepped on the path paved with gravel with his leather shoes already stained with mud, the cigarette between his fingers, a spark flickering on and off, he flicked the cigarette butt, a piece of ash suddenly fell down and disappeared no trace.

He turned and strode into the dark night.

In the morning with a light mist, Zhangzhu hugged Jiashu, and Sanskrit quickly followed beside him, his already rounded little face was full of anxiety.

Jiashu didn't know if he ate badly yesterday, and he started to fuss in the middle of the night, throwing up and having diarrhea. Before dawn, Jiashu had no strength left, so he curled up in his mother's arms without crying or fussing, but It's not as lively as it used to be.

Zhang Zhu's heart felt like a knife, and before the sky turned white outside, he hurriedly carried Jia Shu to the hospital.

Fanyin has been taking care of Jiashu for so long, and he almost regards Jiashu as his own child. Kuang Jiashu is so cute and has a pleasing temperament. Fanyin is reluctant to let go of bumps and bumps, even crying a few times.

She had cried several times, her nose was red, and her eyes were swollen. When Jia Shu was sent in for examination, Zhang Zhu still tried to comfort her.

The doctors in this small private clinic are Chinese. Jiashu has been seeing doctors here since he was born. The young and promising doctor Zheng can be said to have watched Jiashu grow up.

After hanging up the drip, Jiashu drank a little milk powder and fell asleep. How could the child bear it after so much trouble last night? down.

At noon, when Jiashu finished his IV and was about to go home, Doctor Zheng suddenly stopped Fanyin. The polite young man with glasses looked a little shy, his ears were red, how could Zhangzhu not understand?

She couldn't help but smiled at Fanyin, "I'll wait for you outside."

Fanyin's face also became hot, but after a while, she seemed to think of something again, and her face gradually turned pale.

Dr. Zheng asked her to have dinner at six o'clock in the evening.

Sanskrit bit his lip and hesitated for a while, then shook his head, turned around and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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