Mr. Fu hurt her to the bone

Chapter 189 Left in the old mobile phone, his blurry photos...

Chapter 189 Left in the old mobile phone, his blurry photos...

Zhang Zhu gently stroked the baby's soft fetal hair. In the morning light, she closed her eyes and slept happily with him.

She thought, this moment is undoubtedly the best time.

A week later, Zhangzhu took the baby out of the hospital. She had hired a nanny when she was in the hospital. Chinese people pay attention to confinement. How can she have the energy and stamina to breastfeed if she doesn't take a good rest for a while.

Fortunately, compared to San Francisto, this small town is a little cheaper. She doesn't have to worry about the babysitting fees in the first few months. You can start to pick up some work to do.

Zhang Zhu tried her best to think about the better aspects of the future, after all, it was human effort, as long as she worked hard, God would probably not treat her too badly.

By the way, she named the child Jiashu, a small tree born in California.

Sometimes she always thinks of that little tree in Hangzhou, the one they planted together.

Regardless of the past, regardless of the future, at that moment, Nie Zhangzhu in that moment, Fu Jingxing in that moment, they must be sincere to each other.

It's enough for her to have these.

While rummaging through old things, Zhangzhu saw the wooden sign she took away, and the mobile phone that she had discarded after leaving China.

She tried to charge it, and it could still be turned on, but the SIM card had already been broken and thrown away.

She flipped through it casually, and clicked on the photo album. There were not many photos in the photo album, and the last one was a blurry silhouette of a man.

A sleeping, quiet and gentle silhouette.

Time seems to be reversing, reversing, and returning to those days in Hangzhou.

One night after he tossed her, she fell into a deep sleep, but she didn't feel sleepy. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she was flipping through her phone bored, and somehow took a picture of him on a whim.

The light in the bedroom was dim, and he was afraid that he would be discovered by him if he made noise, so he didn't dare to turn on the flash, so the photo was vague, and his facial features could hardly be seen clearly.

She probably forgot about this matter and this photo afterwards, and it has remained in the album forever.

Zhangzhu stared at it for a while, and suddenly heard Jiashu's babbling and crying, she quickly put down the phone and ran to Jiashu's small bed.

He is almost three months old, and his eyes are big and beautiful, dark, with very obvious double eyelids. The nanny at home said that he looks very similar to her, especially these eyes.

Xu Shi woke up and there was no one around, the little guy was very wronged, but when he saw his mother coming, he immediately choked and stretched out his fat and short little hands to be hugged by his mother.

Zhangzhu's heart was about to melt, so he hugged him quickly, the little guy choked up and buried his chubby face in his mother's chest, groping for milk.

Zhang Zhu couldn't help but patted his chubby little butt lightly: "Little glutton..."

But she quickly hugged him and sat down, opened the skirt of his clothes to feed him.

The little guy is big and eats a lot. He is chubby and holds his granary so tightly with his small hands, as if he is afraid of being snatched by others. It was all dripping with sweat.

"Jia Shu, eat slowly..." No one is fighting with you, Zhang Zhu couldn't help laughing, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The little guy was eating, but he still didn't forget to raise his head and look at it warily, as if It's like being on guard against others to snatch it all the time, it's really dumbfounding.

Zhangzhu survived the initial heartache of breastfeeding, and now she has adapted to the appetite of her little pig.

At the beginning, she didn't have enough milk, and Jiashu ate too much, and she cried angrily when she was not full, but she refused to drink milk powder. She had no choice but to force herself to drink more milk-promoting soup, even if she was sucked by him His skin was torn and bleeding, and he insisted on letting Jiashu drink more. After more than a month, she finally provided him with food and drink for a day.

Jiashu was full and urinated again, Zhang Zhu changed him into a clean diaper, and he was contented to spread out his fat, short and cute limbs, like a little frog, with a round belly bulging, He fell asleep.

I don't know if it's because I was too tired after breastfeeding, and I was still snoring when I fell asleep.

Zhangzhu is not tired of watching him sleep by the bed, but now she has started to take on some work slowly. She hardly has enough time after Jiashu goes to sleep, so she can only race against time.

Reluctantly leaving the little bed, Zhangzhu turned on the computer, opened the software, and continued to do her unfinished work.

It's just that sometimes when she sleeps late at night, she will suddenly wake up from the familiar dream.

In the dream, she looked for Qu Fengchi over and over again, but never once, Qu Fengchi appeared in her dream.

Zhangzhu broke out in cold sweat, and Jiashu beside her was still sleeping deeply. She gently covered Jiashu with the quilt, got up and got out of bed and poured a glass of warm water.

But the moment she held the cup, she was stunned again.

There is a pair of cups, that one is left in Qu Fengchi's room in the apartment.

I bought it when the two of them were shopping together. She used pink, and Qufengchi’s was sky blue. There was a little rabbit in her cup, and Qufengchi’s was a dolphin. When pouring water into it, The dolphin gurgles and spits bubbles, and the little rabbit's ears move up and down. At that time, she thought it was funny. She insisted on buying it, and even forced Qu Fengchi to use it too. How could he win her over?Just bought it.

Holding the cup, she couldn't help thinking about the past of the two of them. He left suddenly, and what happened after that. She was very worried and missed, but she couldn't contact Ning Qingyuan. It was the same as not appearing in her world, when she appeared, it was so sudden, and when she left, it was the same.

Zhangzhu shook her head, dispelling all the messy thoughts in her head, it was already late at night, she had to sleep well, there were still many things to do tomorrow.

She wants to earn money, raise Jiashu, work hard, learn how to make complementary food, and write Jiashu's growth diary every day...

(End of this chapter)

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