Mr. Fu hurt her to the bone

Chapter 175 Nie Zhangzhu, the world is so big, I can't find you...

Chapter 175 Nie Zhangzhu, the world is so big, I can't find you...

He knew Xie Wenzhi's temperament. For Nie Mingrong, he had suffered so much these years, but Nie Mingrong never had him in his heart. Speaking of it, the two of them felt sorry for each other.

This is the third time Fu Jingxing got drunk. After she left Wancheng without a trace, he actually seldom got drunk, but for some reason, this night, he was very drunk.

Xie Wenzhi also lost his composure when he drank for the first time. He mustered up the courage to call Nie Mingrong, but Nie Mingrong refused to answer. A text message from him.

Xie asked, do you want us to be unable to be friends?
The 1.8-meter-long man was holding his mobile phone and crying. Maybe it was suppressed for so many years, and finally broke out. Maybe it was completely desperate and gave up.

Fu Jingxing looked at him, but felt indescribably envious.

When he misses Nie Mingrong, he can still visit her secretly. He can also call her and send her text messages. They are in the same city, under the same sky, so close.

But he does.

He kept calling her number after he was drunk, but the only answer was always the mechanical and cold female voice.

Her phone can never be dialed, and he can't even hear her voice.

Seeing Xie Wenzhi's hopeless look, Xie Chongjin scolded him severely while getting drunk, grabbed Xie Wenzhi's phone and dialed a number.

Twenty minutes later, a girl with short hair and big eyes knocked on the door of the box.

Xie Chongjin looked at Lin Ling, then pointed to Xie Wenzhi who was paralyzed on the sofa: "Here, he is drunk, we have nothing to do with him..."

Lin Ling smiled sweetly: "Then I'll take him back."

A few big men just watched Lin Ling help Xie Wenzhi out with great difficulty - they were all the same, Lin Ling, a little girl, would do?Who doesn't understand the meaning.

Xie Chongjin glanced at Fu Jingxing, "You said that Wenzhi woke up, will you annoy me for messing up the mandarin ducks?"

Without waiting for Fu Jingxing to answer, he said to himself again: "But I think Lin Ling is really good. I grew up together since I was a child, and I know all about it. I love to ask him all the time, but why, this guy who asks him is an angel." No, I just like witches..."

But Fu Jingxing said: "What do you know, you have never loved a woman."

"Have you ever loved?"

Xie Chongjin lay on the armrest of the sofa, looking at Fu Jingxing with bright eyes.

But he lowered his eyes, his face was bathed in shadow, he couldn't see clearly, for a long time, just when Xie Qianjing thought he would not answer, Fu Jingxing slowly opened his mouth.

The man's hoarse voice, full of desolation and loneliness, sounded like that in a low voice: "Maybe in the past, I loved it."

Xie Chongjin looked at him, and the smile in his eyes faded away bit by bit: "It's okay... are you serious?"

But Fu Jingxing stood up, staggeringly took his coat and walked out.

Xie Chongjin wanted to chase after him, but he couldn't drink enough, so he had to watch him walk to the door of the box.

"It's okay..."

Xie Chongjin felt his forehead hurt more and more, but Fu Jingxing stood still.

"So what if she's serious, so what if she doesn't, what's wrong with her, what's not worthy of my seriousness, why do they say the same thing one by one, you are like this, Fu Cheng is like this, you are all my favorite Dear brother, but you don't think about me, I just fell in love with a woman, I don't care what her heart is, whether she is as bad as the outside world says, I don't care, I don't care, Xie Chongjin, can't you?"

When he said the last sentence, he turned around. In the dark box, his eyes were so bright that he looked at Xie Chongjin like that, almost feeling ashamed when he saw him.

Yes, he has never been in love, so he doesn't know what it's like for a man to fall in love with a woman.

But he felt ashamed. He and Fu Jingxing grew up together, and the two had always talked about everything, but this time, he regarded Miss Nie's third lady as a flirtatious woman, and despised her. Those behaviors, even in private, he had slandered in his heart, how could he have acted like that to that woman that day... He even fired a gun... Although such a family as the Fu family can easily settle these trivial matters , but after all, no one wants to get into such trouble.

"Chongjin, maybe in the future when you have someone in your heart, you will understand how I feel today."

Fu Jingxing opened the door of the box and went out. The waiters, foremen, and managers all respectfully pushed aside and stood aside when they saw him. The doctor smiled, and reached out to straighten his bow tie.

This move of his surprised everyone, until he went far away, he still hadn't recovered.

Fu Jingxing walked out of the night and did not drive. Seeing that he was drunk, Gu Heng and Zhou Shan wanted to persuade him to get in the car, but he just waved his hands.

They had to drive after him.

The night was long, and the pedestrians on this street gradually became rare. He kept walking forward, and the images related to her appeared frame by frame in his mind.

She has always been gentle with people, even if it is just a trivial waiter or doorman, she will smile sweetly at them and say hello and thank you.

He seldom thought of her so wantonly, but this time he was drunk, he was not him anymore, so he didn't care anymore.

Nie Zhangzhu.

where have you been.

The world is so small, but I just met you.

But the world is so big, I can't find you...

"The eyes cannot see you because you are the pupil of the eye, the heart cannot understand you because you are the secret deep inside..."

Zhang Zhu sat in front of the window, softly reciting Tagore's poems to the child in her womb, her voice was already soft, but it sounded more holy at this moment.

Qu Fengchi put his long legs on the chair, supported his head with one hand, and stared at her intently.

She is already eight months pregnant, her waist is no longer slender, faint spots have grown on her cheeks, her long hair has been cut short to her shoulders, she is no longer glamorous when she does not wear makeup, and she is also tired and haggard.

(End of this chapter)

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