A wealthy abandoned woman can't afford to hurt

Chapter 252 Breaking the Black Brick Kiln

Chapter 252 Breaking the Black Brick Kiln

"Useless waste, after recuperating for so many days, there is no improvement.

The old way, after 10 minutes, the kiln fires up and de-melts him from the upper flue plug into the furnace. "

Yang Zizai was in a daze, and when he heard the supervisor beside him discussing this, his heart suddenly fell into darkness.

The plan to escape with Zhao Zhenye went smoothly at the beginning, but after the car turned over the cliff, he was ejected from the dilapidated car window by chance. As a result, he was found by the supervisor of the black brick kiln who came to make sure of the danger.

Since there were no major injuries on his body at that time, these people carried him back based on the principle of not wasting a single labor.

As a result, due to the broken bones in his body, Yang Zizai has not improved since he rested until now.

Moreover, due to the lack of timely treatment of the wound, the body became weaker and weaker.

Seeing that Yang Zizai was dying, the supervisors decided to stop the loss and stop raising this waste for nothing.Even if it's swill steamed buns, you still need money to go to the city to buy a whole truckload of them.

"One, two..."

Just when two strong supervisors were carrying Yang Zizai up the chimney of the brick kiln roof, and then chanted, and were about to throw Yang Zizai into the chimney, all of a sudden, only the sound of "Bang Bang" was heard. Several shots were fired, and a supervisor let go of Yang Zizai with a scream, and then screamed:
"Where did the gunshot come from? I was shot and bled!"

The overseer didn't take it seriously at all if he wanted to burn a large living person to death, but he himself was injured a little bit, but he screamed worse than dead parents.

Yang Zizai did not expect that he, who was dying and was about to be thrown into the kiln and would be burned to ashes within ten minutes, was rescued by the police at the last second of being thrown into the kiln.

"Yang Zizai, are you still alive? How are you doing? Be sure to hold on, your mother is waiting for you to go back!"

Yang Zizai heard someone shaking his body. The voice was very familiar. He tried to open his eyes and saw that it was him:

"Big man, I knew you wouldn't die. You came to save me? That's great..."

Zhao Zhenye didn't expect that he came in time to save Yang Zizai. If he came a few seconds later, judging from the situation at the time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

As long as Yang Zizai was thrown into the kiln, the temperature of thousands of degrees would burn him to death in an instant. Even if the fire in the kiln was stopped immediately, it would be useless to turn it on.

Therefore, Zhao Zhenye couldn't help being afraid for a while, but fortunately he arrived in time, otherwise, there would be another sad mother in the world.

The medical staff brought the stretcher in time, checked Yang Zizai's body first, then gave him water and rehydration immediately, then carried him into the ambulance, and drove him to the hospital in the dark mountains and fields.

Seeing Yang Zizai being taken away by the doctor, Zhao Zhenye continued to lead the way at the scene with peace of mind.

This was a joint operation between him, Song Gang and the special police of Nanyun Province to smash the black brick kiln. During this process, Song Gang and Deputy Director Zhao were naturally indispensable.

However, Deputy Director Zhao is also a sensible person. Zhao Zhenye did not come forward, and Song Gang took the initiative to contact him. Although Zhao Zhenye's company had problems, the Zhao family was not really liquidated, and Song Gang's family was even more invincible. The family of the Zhao family.

Therefore, Deputy Director Zhao still sold the face of the two of them.

Moreover, it is also the bounden duty of the police to crack down on such illegal institutions.

When he heard that the black brick kiln not only hired supervisors, but also illegally owned guns, Deputy Director Zhao became angry, and immediately dispatched a special police team of more than 50 people, and even sent snipers to participate in the operation.

Yang Zizai was spotted by a sniper just as he was being thrown into the kiln, and shot one of the supervisors to the ground.

After the entire clearing operation was over and the heads counted, everyone was shocked to find that more than 200 people were illegally detained in this black brick kiln, and then they worked hard day and night here.

Among them, more than [-]% are disabled people with low IQ, and [-]% are abducted minors, and the rest are adults like Zhao Zhenye and Yang Zizai.

This shocking number led to the fact that the next day, after reporting the case, the Nanyun Provincial Public Case Department held a large discussion with leaders above the deputy department level. number.

Because according to further in-depth investigations, in addition to the more than 200 people rescued at the scene, there are also some laborers who were tortured to death during their illegal detention. Because this black brick kiln has existed for five or six years, this number is probably even more terrifying.

However, in the end, the police decided to release the accurate figures to the public, and released the personal photos of all rescued laborers, pointing out that these rescued laborers had their blood collected and put their DNA data into the database.

If family members or relatives have disappeared during this period, they can go to the Nanyun Provincial Public Security Bureau to collect blood samples for DNA comparison to provide convenience and help for them to find their relatives.

Because the Nanyun Provincial Public Security Bureau responded positively, their dereliction of duty: the fact that they have not been able to eradicate this existing cancer for a long time has been somewhat ignored by people.

After all, Yang Zizai was saved. When he received treatment in Nanyun Provincial Hospital and recovered [-]% to [-]% mentally and physically, Zhao Zhenye had already become a friend with him in times of need.

Yang Zizai now knows that if Zhao Zhenye hadn't led the police to take over this den, he would have turned into a pile of ashes in the kiln long ago.

Yang Zizai's mother rushed over from her hometown as soon as she received his call.This old lady in her 50s, because she has not had any information about her son's whereabouts for more than half a year, her hair has all turned white.

When mother and son meet each other, it is naturally a lot of tears and touching.Zhao Zhenye quietly left a wad of money and left the hospital.

In Zhao Zhenye's heart, he had mixed feelings: Yang Zizai's mother and son met each other. Although he was rescued, he lost most of the memories of the previous decades, and he couldn't even remember his family.

Song Gang told him not to try hard to recall these past events, but to let nature take its course, and told Zhao Zhenye about his illness.

Zhao Zhenye gradually calmed down after listening to Song Gang's confession of the truth.It seems that my illness is caused by external factors, as long as I persist in taking medicine, sooner or later, my past memory will be revived.

It's just that now, on the way to find memories, it seems that I shouldn't be so leisurely. As a man, I have to start a business, right?

In his heart, Zhao Zhenye began to plan a new blueprint for his life after amnesia.

In order to familiarize himself with the city again, Zhao Zhenye would follow the city's subway to shuttle between various stations in his free time.

This approach is undoubtedly beneficial to his recovery. Zhao Zhenye slowly began to have a loose memory of the past, including in his sleep, he often dreamed of a pure and lovely woman. With a trace of shyness between his brows and eyes, he smiled faintly at him.

Such a beautiful face is exactly what he wants to have for a lifetime!
However, every time Zhao Zhenye wanted to hold her hand, he would suddenly wake up in that scene and return to reality.

who is she?

Zhao Zhenye couldn't figure it out.

"I don't want to live anymore, you all bully me, and the whole society owes me."

On this day, when Zhao Zhenye was in a daze in the subway, suddenly, a very piercing voice sounded five or six meters away from him.

As the sound sounded crazily, suddenly, a woman in the crowd let out a sharp scream.

The woman's screams seemed to be just the beginning, and then, the young boy standing beside the woman also let out a sharp cry:

"Help, he stabbed someone with a knife!"

In the densely populated subway, upon hearing such a sound, the crowd suddenly dispersed in all directions, like the ebb tide. After the crowd dispersed, Zhao Zhenye saw a not tall figure with a dagger in his hand, He was frantically slashing and stabbing at the people around him, and the people around him also ran away screaming in fright, and the entire subway car was suddenly in chaos.

I don't know if it was because of the fear of the knife in that man's hand, or because he was frightened by the horrible appearance of the two people who stabbed blood before. Although the murderer was not tall and thin, no one in the crowd had the courage to go up stop his behavior.


Seeing this, Zhao Zhenye roared, stepped forward a few steps, and immediately stood in front of the murderer.

"Get out of the way, I kill one to close the position, and kill one more to make money. Don't block my way."

The assailant's eyes were bloodshot. Seeing the tall Zhao Zhenye blocking his way, he thought about the comparison between his own figure and Zhao Zhenye's figure, and then softened his tone and yelled at Zhao Zhenye.

"With me here, it's impossible!"

Zhao Zhenye stood in front of this thin man. While speaking, he propped up the handrail in the subway with one hand, took a flying step in the air, and kicked the dagger in the man's hand with one kick.

Inspired by Zhao Zhenye, coupled with the fact that the murder weapon in the man's hand dropped, three or four men jumped out next to him and rushed forward to catch the assailant.

"Is there a doctor? She's dying, she's bleeding a lot!"

At this time, seeing that the murderer had been subdued, some passengers in the subway finally stepped forward to care for the stabbed victim.

"Let me see!"

Zhao Zhenye's heart moved, and for some unknown reason, he said this sentence, separated from the crowd, squatted directly beside the injured, and began to inspect the woman's injury.

The injured woman was also considered unlucky. She had a big gash in her stomach, and it seemed that the internal organs could still be seen.At this time, the woman's face had become as thin as a piece of white paper, her spirit was like a thread, and she looked like she was in danger.

As if there was a hint, Zhao Zhenye's hand unconsciously pressed the woman's stomach, and then he seemed to be able to see that the woman's wound was growing new granulation at a certain speed...

(End of this chapter)

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