Chapter 244 Purgatory
"Hey, big man, quickly move all the bricks into the kiln, otherwise, the kiln will be closed in half an hour. If you miss the closing of the kiln, you will be sealed inside."

The sixth child who deceived Zhao Zhenye could not find his ID card, but found a wallet worth more than 1000 yuan, so he embezzled the money. Seeing that Zhao Zhenye was tall, he called him a big man from then on.

On this day, it was getting dark, and Lao Liu saw that other kiln workers were going back to eat one after another. Only Zhao Zhenye walked slowly behind, so he yelled at him and moved the last remaining 100 yuan of mud bricks into the kiln. Waiting to be fired.

Since those who were deceived were all stupid people, and some were cowardly and young people who had just left society, so no accidents had ever occurred in this black brick kiln.

Relying on the free labor, the bricks it produces are not only cheaper than the market price, but also better in quality than others, so the market is very promising. In recent years, the kiln owners of black brick kilns have made a lot of money. Bowl full.

Zhao Zhenye heard Lao Liu yelling for a while, but he stopped in cooperation.For other kiln workers, those steamed buns that are as delicious as they are longed for, but Zhao Zhenye always feels unable to swallow them.

He couldn't remember where he came from, and even though he lived among the lowest class of people, he felt faintly that he didn't belong here.

It's just that whenever he thinks about the past, he feels a sudden headache and can't think about it anymore.

"Big man, let me help you!"

Yang Zizai was walking in front of Zhao Zhenye, and when he heard Lao Liu yelling, he stopped and turned around to help Zhao Zhenye move the bricks.

"Go and eat quickly, it will be gone if it is late."

Although Zhao Zhenye doesn't remember who he is, his innate personality is still deeply imprinted in his soul.

At this time, Zhao Zhenye had an unshaven beard, and his hair was tied in knots without washing for a few days. At this moment, even if Su Lin came to him, she might not be able to recognize him at a glance.

"It's okay, I ate pantothenic acid for those sour steamed buns."

After Yang Zizai was tricked into this black brick kiln, he planned to escape more than once, but in the end he was frightened by the four Tibetan mastiffs raised by the kiln.

At night, the four Tibetan mastiffs were loosened from their chains and patrolled around the barbed wire fence of the kiln. Those who wanted to escape would be bitten by the Tibetan mastiffs as soon as they got out of the barbed wire fence.

In addition, even if he was lucky enough to escape the mouth of these four vicious dogs, the boundless mountains around him made it impossible for him to choose his way.

However, Yang Zizai's desire to escape never stopped. He was deceived by the sixth child on the way to apply for the civil service examination.

Lao Liu lied to him that he knew the chief examiner of the civil service examination, so he might be able to leak some questions to him.This made Yang Zizai excitedly follow Yang Laoliu to find the examiner, and even withdrew [-] yuan from the bank for his mother's life-saving pension. In the end, the money was stolen without mentioning it, and he was forcibly brought here.

Yang Zizai grew up in a single-parent family. His mother was widowed when he was eight years old, and she raised him with painstaking efforts. Now that he is in hell, and no news can be spread, his mother will definitely cry with red eyes and panic. .

The new big man gave Yang Zizai a different feeling. He began to think about him consciously, and found that the big man was powerful in his work. Organized and clear thinking.

When Yang Zizai realized this, he couldn't help but think: If he invites a tall man to run with him, the chances of winning should be better.

Therefore, Yang Zizai is very enthusiastic about Zhao Zhenye's matter. To plan things together, of course, the first step is to establish a friendship.

Seeing that Yang Zizai volunteered to help Zhao Zhenye, the sixth child pouted, but didn't say anything.Somebody has to do the job anyway, and the sooner it gets done the better.

In his eyes, these kiln workers are nothing more than walking corpses. They can't do it any longer. They can only go in and out without venting their breath. They are directly dragged into the ravine and buried in a hole.

Lao Liu has done such a thing more than once, and now he even finds it very interesting to do this.

Living in such a perverted and lawless small world for a long time, Lao Liu's heart has long been perverted.

With the help of Yang Zizai, Zhao Zhenye quickly moved the 100 yuan bricks into the kiln.On the last trip, the two met in the kiln. Yang Zizai called Zhao Zhenye to stop, looked out, and saw the sixth child holding a whip 30 meters away from them, so he whispered to Zhao Zhenye:

"Big man, do you want to escape from this place where you eat sour and smelly steamed buns every day?"

"Of course, I don't stay in this kind of place."

Zhao Zhenye thought for a while, and slowly said to Yang Zizai.

As for where he should have stayed, Zhao Zhenye didn't dare to think deeply about it, because thinking about it would give him a headache.

"Okay, big man, if I have a chance to escape, will you run with me?"

Yang Zizai asked Zhao Zhenye.

"of course."

Zhao Zhenye has long been bored with the boring work of moving bricks and bricks all day long.Moreover, in the bottom of his heart, there was always a voice telling him: Get out of here, get out of here.

In his mind, the figure of a young and beautiful woman often appears, this person seems to have a very close relationship with him.

However, Zhao Zhenye could only vaguely see her attire, but could not see her face.

"can you drive?"

Yang Zizai asked Zhao Zhenye.

"Yes!" Zhao Zhenye gestured, as if holding the steering wheel, "Well, it should be no problem."

"Okay, then I'll wait for the opportunity to call you, and you must respond immediately. If you can't get out, we will both die here."

Yang Zizai said, and looked nervously at the entrance of the cellar, seeing that the sixth child was still walking up and down there and would not hear the conversation between himself and Zhao Zhenye, so he felt relieved.

"Hey, then wait for my order!"

The thin Yang Zizai pushed the glasses with a broken leg on the bridge of his nose, which he had tied up with wire, and walked out of the brothel.

Seeing that they finished moving the bricks, Lao Liu didn't say anything, but waved them to go back to eat.

It is said to be eating, but it is not as good as feeding pigs in ordinary farmers nowadays. The steamed buns or steamed buns distributed all have a smell of swill, and I always feel very uncomfortable when I eat them, like falling a big stone. .

Today was very lucky. Although the last two came to eat, there were still some steamed buns left. Yang Zizai took both his share and Zhao Zhenye's share, and handed them to Zhao Zhenye. I had a bowl of vegetable soup without oil stars, and started to eat steamed buns with the vegetable soup.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

Just when the two were reluctantly eating the sour food, they suddenly heard the sound of something being poured. This sound was in a temporarily built kitchen next to the open-air cafeteria.

Normally, they would leave this place after eating early, but tonight they ate here after dark because they worked overtime, and the people in the kitchen probably didn't see them, so they were operating recklessly.

"Go, take a look!"

Since Yang Zizai was determined to escape, he would not let go of a suspicious point. He asked Zhao Zhenye to get up, and the two of them tiptoed to the kitchen door with steamed buns in their hands.

It turned out that there were three brick kiln thugs in the house, and they were pouring buckets of swill into a pit on the ground, and the pit was covered with a leaky cover made of thin wire.

The swill passed through the filter-like cover and was poured into the pit. After a while, a pile of white things piled up on the cover. After a closer look, those white things turned out to be the steamed buns they were holding now.

It turned out that the owner of the brick kiln bought the swill at a low price from the city. After filtering the swill, he filtered out the steamed buns and other food inside, dried it in the sun, steamed it, and distributed it to the workers in the brick kiln factory. eat.

Seeing the situation in front of them, Yang Zizai and Zhao Zhenye immediately understood where the food they ate came from, and why there was a strange smell all the time. It turned out that what they had been eating was soaked in the swill bucket food.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhenye couldn't help retching.

Yang Zizai couldn't eat anymore, he quickly pulled Zhao Zhenye, and the two left the kitchen door lightly.

"It's disgusting, we have to escape this place just to get normal food."

Zhao Zhenye said to Yang Zizai.

"My mother still doesn't know that I am living here, and she must be crying every day."

Yang Zizai said bitterly.

"Don't worry, we will be able to escape. By the way, can you tell me about your escape plan? I feel like you have a plan in mind."

Stimulated by the swill food, Zhao Zhenye seemed to have slowly regained his former insight.

"There is a plan. It's very simple. After the bricks are fired in this kiln, there will inevitably be a brick truck to load the bricks tomorrow night. My plan is: either mix it with the truck and hide it behind the pile of bricks, hoping to mix it with the bricks." Get out; or just grab the car and let's run with it."

"That makes sense, but why didn't you and Jair do this before?"

Zhao Zhenye asked.

"Brother, I don't have a driver's license, I can't drive!"

Yang Zizai said with a wry smile, he didn't realize how correct the saying that skills should not overwhelm him was until here.

If he knew how to drive, he would have snatched the car and run away, so why would he suffer here forever.In this vast mountain, only by driving and running wildly along the mountain road can we avoid the pursuit of the thugs and the Tibetan mastiff. If a person runs with his feet wide open, he will be overtaken by the Tibetan mastiff for at most one or two kilometers.

"Okay, let's do this. Tomorrow night, let's find a chance to escape together. When will the car come to transport the bricks?"

"A brick kiln is fired for 24 hours, and the car will arrive before it gets dark tomorrow, and the camera will act."

Yang Zizai had been observing for several months, and he had some points in his mind about the situation of the bricks being transported by the truck, so he answered Zhao Zhenye's question very simply.

However, Zhao Zhenye did not expect that Yang Zizai could not wait to run away, but Yang Zizai still kept some things from him.

(End of this chapter)

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