A wealthy abandoned woman can't afford to hurt

Chapter 234 Killer in the industry

Chapter 234 Killer in the industry

At night, Su Lin sneaked into Guangming Hospital.

From the big logo sprayed on the ambulance that came to see the doctor at that time, she knew that Chief Lu, the man in uniform, was sent to Guangming Hospital, so she remembered him in her heart.

Although Fang Xiaomei didn't say a word when she was taken away by the police, it doesn't mean that Su Lin would ignore this matter.

Fang Xiaomei acted for her, Su Lin knew this clearly.Moreover, before leaving, Xiaomei told her that she had to take care of this matter by herself, and told Su Lin to leave it alone. Su Lin's heart, which was not easy to be moved by others, felt the sincerity and warmth from the outside world.

In any case, it is impossible for Su Lin to sit idly by and ignore Fang Xiaomei's matter.

However, because things have become serious at this time, she still has a company and a lot of employees need to support her. Su Lin is not a lone ranger now, so she puts it down for the time being.

"Is it forensic identification? Hmph, you can't identify it!"

Su Lin wore a loose robe and changed into an ordinary face. With the frequent use of the disguise technique, she can now grasp the direction and changes of muscles more delicately. Therefore, the face-changing in Sichuan opera, She got the most magical expression on her face.

However, in addition to the changes in the face, there are some things that are inherent and cannot be changed, such as my DNA, etc., physical evidence that can be identified by modern forensic medicine.

Therefore, Su Lin acted carefully every time, and tried not to leave hair and other personal belongings that could be extracted for DNA verification at the scene.

It is 02:30 at night, and the doctors and nurses are on night shift. As long as the patient does not call, they can also relax temporarily.

Chief Lu really enjoys it, he has opened an intensive care ward, and he lives in it alone, which is just convenient for Su Lin to do things.

There are not many intensive care patients in the orthopedics department, so Su Lin found Chief Lu easily.Wearing a thick bandage, he salivated and let out a "hoo hoo" sound.

As soon as Su Lin took his hand, she found that the doctor had connected his broken wrist, and now he was in a plaster cast and was in the recovery period.

With such a serious injury, almost all the bones in the wrist were broken. Although Su Lin didn't study orthopedics, she also knew that this kind of injury needed surgical treatment. She closed her eyes and felt a score in her heart...

On the second day in the detention center, Fang Xiaomei was taken to the interrogation room.The company hired a senior lawyer for her, surnamed Yan, about forty years old, very experienced in criminal litigation.

Fang Xiaomei was slightly disappointed when she saw that only lawyer Yan and his assistant came in the interrogation room, and no one else from the company came.

She couldn't tell what emotion it was.

However, she was the one who hurt the person, and the company hired such a lawyer for her. Judging from the business card, she is a partner of a very famous law firm in the city, and the chief lawyer must be very expensive.

Among other things, from the famous lawsuits he has fought listed on his business card, it can be known that lawyer Yan in front of him has won ten out of ten lawsuits that have been reported by the most famous media in China.

It was the best of benevolence for the company to ask Lawyer Yan to help her.

Lawyer Yan asked Fang Xiaomei about the whole process of the case, and he could only frown, because the facts were clear and the evidence was solid. It was really difficult to turn this case over. Basically, Fang Xiaomei was convicted of the crime of intentional injury.

It can only be defended from the perspective of mitigating the sentence, because the chief Lu was provocative at the time, and at the same time he was acting non-officially, because the other party can't produce law enforcement documents now.

In this way, Fang Xiaomei's charges of violently resisting the law and assaulting public officials were completely acquitted.

However, the crime of intentional injury was confirmed, and Fang Xiaomei would definitely go to jail, because Lawyer Yan also knew the other party's background very well.

Given the opponent's strong police background, if Fang Xiaomei goes to prison, whether she can get out of the prison intact is definitely a big question.

Now the employer asks himself to defend Fang Xiaomei's innocence...

However, as a senior lawyer, Attorney Yan did not show his anxiety on his face. He comforted Fang Xiaomei and asked her:

"How were you at the detention center last night?"

Lawyer Yan knew the inside story of the detention center and prison, so he asked with concern, so as to reply to the employer.

This time, Dongfang Shencao Company hired him, but paid three times the usual price, which made Lawyer Yan feel a heavy responsibility.

If it didn't pay attention to this girl, which company would be so stupid and spend so much money to hire him?

"It's okay, I slept well. It's just that the daily necessities are a little lacking."

Fang Xiaomei yawned. After all, the life in this prison is no better than at home. The company rented a duplex suite for middle-level employees like them. the stench of...

"No problem, I brought all of these, and I will send them in for you after inspection. Are there any other requirements?"

Lawyer Yan asked.

"No more. By the way, is the company okay?"

Fang Xiaomei was afraid that the other party would also vent her anger on the company.

"It's okay. I heard that your company has also hired an economic lawyer to carry out legal protection. Let them handle it."

Lawyer Yan thought to himself, this is really a loyal employee of the company, and he started to think about the company's affairs before his lawsuit was resolved.

"That's good, by the way, tell the company, don't let my family know about me first."

Fang Xiaomei was worried that if she came in, her father would be worried again. Now that she was the main breadwinner of the family, after being sentenced and without income, her father wondered if she was going to pull coal again...

"Don't worry about this, your company has explained it before I came here, and I have already told your father that you are on a business trip.

And during this period, you will be paid the same treatment as you should, and it will be directly transferred to your bank card. "

Lawyer Yan replied.

Fang Xiaomei felt relieved when she heard the words.But she didn't expect that the company would still pay her the same salary after she caused so much trouble for the company.

"You can rest assured, although the environment here is not very good, it should be a relaxation in a busy life, hehe. As a lawyer, I don't have time to find a chance to relax!

Your company has already confessed, defending you with all your strength, taking care of yourself inside, and you don't have to think about other things. "

Lawyer Yan said, and gave Fang Xiaomei a meaningful look.

Fang Xiaomei didn't understand the meaning of the twinkle in Lawyer Yan's eyes for a while, but when she returned to the cell and saw Ah Si wearing glasses, she suddenly flattered herself, and when everyone was not paying attention, she still attached to her ear road:
"Someone told me to protect you!"

Only then did Fang Xiaomei understand the meaning in Lawyer Yan's eyes.

Xiaofeng was promised favors before she came, but the person who confessed to her was after all within the system, and the hand was extended quickly and long.But Lawyer Yan probably couldn't react as quickly as the other party, but he was well connected if he could respond early the next morning.

However, Fang Xiaomei couldn't laugh or cry when she heard Ah Si say so flatteringly, who is protecting whom?
After yesterday's battle, Miss Xiaofeng was completely honest. When she saw Fang Xiaomei coming in with a big bag of things in her hand, she didn't even dare to look at it.

Fang Xiaomei didn't have the habit of eating alone, she picked two of them, threw them on the bed of one of them and said:
"Take it and eat it!"

"Hey, thank you Miss Xiaomei!"

It seems that whoever has the biggest fist in this prison is the elder sister.

Sister Xiaofeng didn't dare to call herself sister anymore, so she restored Xiaofeng's name, and when she saw Fang Xiaomei handing out the things to everyone, she also cheekily stepped forward to take a portion, seeing that it was beef jerky, she immediately smiled.

The entire judicial level was moving very fast. Three days later, Fang Xiaomei was prosecuted for the intentional injury case and went to court.

When Fang Xiaomei was escorted to the court by the bailiffs, she saw that she was surrounded by enemies. The bailiffs surrounded her, not to mention, even outside, she could faintly see blue and white police cars, as if she was guarding something.

Chief Lu had gauze and plaster on his hands, but he was obviously in good spirits. After staying in the ward for three days, his entire face turned pale.

The medical skills of Guangming Hospital are still good. I don’t know if it’s because of the analgesic pump or because the medical skills are really good. Chief Lu doesn’t feel the pain at the severed wrist. On the contrary, he eats and sleeps well in the hospital. From time to time, people came to visit, but he lived a more nourishing life.

Moreover, in order to compensate for his losses, that Xiaoqiang from Shengtian Group also transferred 10 yuan to his account as compensation for various losses.

Chief Lu, who owns 25 properties under his father's hand in Yanjing City, naturally doesn't care about this mere 10 yuan, but it's also a wish of his company. Besides, Shengtian Group also promised that it will pay for it separately at the end of the year. Give him a share of dry stock as a dividend. The income is obviously better than [-]. I don't know how much.

Therefore, Chief Lu finally swiped and felt that although he suffered some physical pain this time, it was still worth it.

When Section Chief Lu saw Fang Xiaomei being escorted in by the bailiff, he suddenly felt that he was on the side of justice and victory, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

Bitch, have you had a good meal in prison these days?

I am enjoying daily special care in the hospital, and there are beautiful nurses giving me massages!

Chief Lu was secretly refreshed, and there was a hint of joy on his face!
Lawyer Yan came in with his assistant. The public prosecutor of the procuratorate is also very strong this time. It is Zheng Yongshuang, the senior chief of the public prosecution department.

Zheng Yongshuang is called the "killer" of the public prosecution circle by insiders. Every case he handles is an iron case and cannot be turned over.

Seeing Zheng Yongshuang arrived as promised, Chief Lu's face became more playful.That little white-collar worker on the opposite side must die this time!

Yes, must die!
As long as she is sentenced and sent to prison, someone will play with her to death...

(End of this chapter)

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