Chapter 223

Just when Wang An was in doubt, the bathroom door opened, and it was his wife who came in.

However, what made Wang An feel even worse was that when his wife saw him, she suddenly covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes widened, as if she saw a strange thing, and she was frightened for a while. speechless.

"What's wrong? Honey, is there something wrong with me?"

Wang An anxiously asked his wife.

As for the matter of his own black urine, he was even more afraid to tell her, for fear that she would be frightened.

"No, honey, haven't you noticed that your hair has turned black overnight?"

Madam regained her breath and pointed at Wang An's hair.

"Dark? Really?"

Wang An himself didn't notice it, because he didn't look in the mirror when he got up early in the morning, so he hurried to look in the mirror after being told by his wife.

ah?Don't tell me I don't know, at first glance, the hair is really all black.

The white hair on the sideburns and other places that Dr. Lin mentioned yesterday has turned into the black and oily hair of a young man.

Wang An pulled out one and put it in front of his eyes. Yes, it was indeed black hair, the same as when he was young, thick and powerful...

"Honey, that miracle doctor's medicine has a miraculous effect! You also have to introduce her to me, otherwise, you are getting younger and younger, what should I do?"

When Wang An's wife came to her senses, the first thing she considered was this practical issue.

Which woman does not love beauty?Which woman does not want to stay young forever?
It's just that there is no such condition.

But now, this previously impossible condition is placed in front of him. Can Wang An's wife not be excited?

"That's right, it's a magic medicine, indeed it's a magic medicine."

When Wang An was heard by his wife, he suddenly realized that the black urine must be detoxifying. The toxins in the body were discharged, and the body naturally became better.

"We blamed the genius doctor by mistake." Wang An's wife said.

"Yeah, I blamed her wrongly. Fortunately, I didn't call her last night to ask her, or showed distrust, otherwise it would be miserable."

At this time, Wang An was so convinced by Su Lin that he touched the black hair on his head, and couldn't help grinning, and suddenly felt that his body was much lighter, as if he had regained the vitality of his youth.

"Honey, can I make an appointment with a miracle doctor today? I want to ask her to see, is there any medicine to treat it? Look, I have white hair and wrinkles..."

Wang An's wife was rambling on, wishing she could pull Su Lin in front of her.

"Hehe, okay, I'll call her after nine o'clock. I don't know what time she gets up. If she disturbs her rest, she might be angry."

When Wang An calls others, it is always others who consider his rest time. How can he consider other people's rest time?
A super rich man like him is not short of money at all. Calling others is a good thing to give money. Therefore, his calls are always unimpeded, and no matter what time he calls, he is definitely welcomed by the other party.

It is really an exception for him to consider whether others should rest like this.

After freshening up, Wang An, his wife and mother invited Ann, and the family had a peaceful breakfast. After finally staying up until nine o'clock, Wang An immediately called Su Lin.

"Doctor Lin, I'm Wang An! Oh, did I disturb your rest?"

Wang An was very humble in the conversation on the phone, and it would be even more glass-hearted if Secretary Liu heard it.

In fact, the more powerful you are, the more difficult it is to ask for help. However, once they ask for help, they will definitely be as affectionate as a bad friend or best friend you grew up with.

And this kind of tone can only get this kind of kindness on an equal footing with someone they really value.

"No, I got up early and I'm reading. How is it? Did the medicine last night work?"

Su Lin asked.

"Oh, I just want to report this to you! It's amazing. After waking up one night, I found that my hair has turned black."

"Hehe, this is a normal effect, there should be some other symptoms of detoxification, right?"

Su Lin asked.

"Yes, there are indeed. You are really good at predicting things! By the way, Dr. Lin, my wife also wants you to recuperate. I wonder if you are free today?"

Wang An asked eagerly.

"Okay, how about I go to your office?"

Su Lin didn't want to reveal where she lived now. She and her younger brother lived very comfortably. If Wang An and the others found out, they would bother them when they had something to do, that would be really troublesome.

"Okay, do you want me to send a car to pick you up?"

Wang An's service is really considerate and thoughtful.

"No, I'll drive there by myself, see you in an hour!"

This time, Su Lin brought Su Bing over there, and after the matter was settled, she naturally brought her younger brother to show up.

However, Su Bing still made up to look like her brother. With a big beard on his face, he looked much older than Su Lin. It was really true to be her brother.

As soon as Su Lin entered the area of ​​Anqi Foods, all the security guards raised their hands to salute her when they saw her.

The lady at the front desk was no longer the one from yesterday. A new girl saw Su Lin, but she seemed to know her.

"Sister, how many people have you 'offended', and you want to work hard for everyone to treat you like this?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Bing couldn't help making fun of his sister.

Indeed, half a day yesterday, what happened?Can this company, which I have never heard of before, and I can be sure that my sister never knew about it, suddenly change its attitude towards my sister and show the respect it treats the company's top leaders?
Su Lin smiled without answering, and pressed the elevator on the 21st floor.

When the elevator stopped on the 21st floor and the elevator door opened, Su Bing realized that Su Lin's "hate" had really grown, because the CEO Wang An and his wife were already waiting for them at the elevator door.

"Doctor Lin, hello, who is this?"

"Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, hello. We don't have to be so polite when we come and go frequently. This is my brother. You can call him Dalin."

After Su Lin gave a brief introduction, she was welcomed into the CEO's office by Wang An and his wife.

After Wang An's hair turned black overnight, his mental outlook changed accordingly, and he looked much younger.

In contrast, Wang An's wife, Hong Yaju, seemed to be quite a good match for him, but now that Wang An has become younger, she is older than her, which makes people feel like a brother and sister.

Hong Yaju also clearly felt this, so she personally served coffee for Su Lin and her brother, and served them attentively.

"Well, Mr. Wang, it seems that this medicine has a good effect on you. From now on, you can just take one pill a month. You can't be greedy for too much, and you can't rush into it.

The lifespan itself has limitations. We use drugs to regulate it, just to slow down the aging process of the body, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging lifespan.

Therefore, the conditioning of the medicine should not be radical, just like our video camera with a lifespan of only [-] hours, if we cherish and use it reasonably, and maintain it from time to time, we can prolong its use as much as possible number of years. "

After Su Lin explained, Wang An and his wife nodded frequently, not daring to say otherwise.

"If Mrs. Wang wants to recuperate her body, let me check your pulse for you!"

As soon as Su Lin touched Hong Yaju's pulse, she immediately knew all the symptoms of her body.

"Doctor Lin, I don't know what kind of conditioning I need?"

"Mrs. Wang, your symptoms are shortness of breath. Sometimes when you wake up in the morning, your eyes will occasionally be swollen, isn't it?"

"That's right, it's true, what kind of disease is this?"

"Your disease is also very common among women, and it is a symptom of palace cold. Maybe it's because when you were young, you didn't pay much attention to maintaining your body during your menstrual period, you ate raw and cold food, or you were exposed to too much cold water during your menstrual period in winter?" Su Lynn guessed so.

"Hey, Dr. Su, you hit the nail on the head. Speaking of which, this disease is still caused by our family."

Hearing what Su Lin said, Wang An couldn't help but think of the past. In those hard and poor young years, his wife gave up her studies in order to support her as a graduate student. Earn a meager salary to support the family.

It seems that the root cause of the disease that Dr. Lin mentioned fell at that time.

Hearing Wang An's apologetic talk about the past, Su Lin and Su Bing were also moved. They didn't expect this super rich couple to have such a down-and-out youth.

However, as soon as Hong Yaju saw the tenderness and guilt in her husband's eyes, she immediately felt that all the hard work had been compensated.

"It's nothing, don't feel sorry, at that time, only then can we move towards a better life, right?"

Instead, Hong Yaju turned to comfort her husband.

"It doesn't matter, I'll prescribe a prescription, combined with Nuangong Pills, after Madam Wang takes it, it will also be effective."

Su Lin smiled lightly, looking confident.

"Thank you so much!"

Hong Yaju was overjoyed, seeing her husband suddenly become younger, with white hair turning black, Hong Yaju no longer dared to have the slightest doubt about Su Lin.

"Doctor Lin, don't blame me for being eager, yesterday you said that you would use this to cooperate with me for a business, now that my curative effect has come out, I have personally experienced it, it is absolutely reliable.

So, can Dr. Lin solve the mystery of the cooperative business for me now? "

Seeing that his wife's medicine was also prescribed, Wang An asked Su Lin.

"I want to quantitatively produce a product similar to Yishen Pill and put it on the market. If it is a company, you will pay for it, and we will pay for the technology. How about two of you and eight of us?"

Su Lin's [-]% to [-]% shareholding seems extremely unreasonable, because Wang An only paid for [-]% of the company's establishment, while she and Su Bing unceremoniously asked for [-]%. , definitely rejected the proposal.

Although Wang An is not an ordinary businessman, the investment of pharmaceutical companies is huge and the procedures are cumbersome. Some pharmaceutical companies are not unprofitable, but fell on the way to go through cumbersome procedures.

Now that Su Lin only invests in technology, she proposes to take [-]% of the shares. Wang An is worried about Gordon, and said:
"This is inappropriate!"

(End of this chapter)

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